Masked Language Modeling Becomes Conditional Density Estimation for Tabular Data Synthesis






Published 6/3/2024 by Seunghwan An, Gyeongdong Woo, Jaesung Lim, ChangHyun Kim, Sungchul Hong, Jong-June Jeon
Masked Language Modeling Becomes Conditional Density Estimation for Tabular Data Synthesis


In this paper, our goal is to generate synthetic data for heterogeneous (mixed-type) tabular datasets with high machine learning utility (MLu). Given that the MLu performance relies on accurately approximating the conditional distributions, we focus on devising a synthetic data generation method based on conditional distribution estimation. We propose a novel synthetic data generation method, MaCoDE, by redefining the multi-class classification task of Masked Language Modeling (MLM) as histogram-based non-parametric conditional density estimation. Our proposed method enables estimating conditional densities across arbitrary combinations of target and conditional variables. Furthermore, we demonstrate that our proposed method bridges the theoretical gap between distributional learning and MLM. To validate the effectiveness of our proposed model, we conduct synthetic data generation experiments on 10 real-world datasets. Given the analogy between predicting masked input tokens in MLM and missing data imputation, we also evaluate the performance of multiple imputations on incomplete datasets with various missing data mechanisms. Moreover, our proposed model offers the advantage of enabling adjustments to data privacy levels without requiring re-training.

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  • This paper explores a new approach to tabular data synthesis using masked language modeling techniques.
  • The proposed method, called Conditional Density Estimation for Tabular Data Synthesis, treats the tabular data generation task as a conditional density estimation problem.
  • The model learns to estimate the conditional distributions of each column given the values of the other columns, allowing it to generate new, realistic-looking tabular samples.
  • This is a significant departure from previous approaches, which often relied on generative adversarial networks (Multi-Objective Evolutionary GAN for Tabular Data Synthesis) or other complex architectures.

Plain English Explanation

The paper presents a new way to generate synthetic tabular data that looks and behaves like real data. Instead of using complicated machine learning models, the researchers treat the problem as one of "conditional density estimation." This means the model learns to predict the value of each column in the table, based on the values of the other columns.

Imagine you have a table of data with information about people, like their age, income, and education level. The model would learn how these different factors are related - for example, how age affects income or how education level is connected to income. Then, it can use this learned knowledge to generate new, realistic-looking rows of data that follow the same patterns as the original table.

This approach is simpler and more interpretable than some previous methods, like Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), which can be harder to understand and tune. By framing the problem as conditional density estimation, the researchers have found a way to generate high-quality synthetic data while keeping the model relatively straightforward.

Technical Explanation

The key innovation of this paper is to cast the tabular data synthesis task as a conditional density estimation problem. Rather than trying to learn the full joint distribution of all the columns in the table, the model learns to estimate the conditional distribution of each column given the values of the other columns.

This is achieved by adapting the Masked Language Modeling (MLM) technique from the field of natural language processing. In MLM, a language model is trained to predict the missing words in a partially masked sentence. The authors apply a similar principle to tabular data, masking out the values of one column and training the model to predict those missing values based on the other columns.

By treating each column as a "token" to be predicted, the model can learn the complex relationships and dependencies within the tabular data. This allows it to generate new, realistic-looking rows that preserve the statistical properties and patterns of the original data.

The authors experiment with different model architectures, including Transformer-based models and autoregressive models, and find that the Transformer-based approach generally performs best. They also explore ways to handle different data types (e.g., categorical, continuous) and missing values within the tabular data.

Critical Analysis

The proposed approach represents a significant advancement in the field of tabular data synthesis, offering a more principled and interpretable alternative to previous methods like GANs. By framing the problem as conditional density estimation, the authors have developed a flexible and scalable framework that can handle a wide variety of tabular data characteristics.

One potential limitation of the method is that it may struggle with capturing long-range dependencies or complex, non-linear relationships within the data. The authors acknowledge this and suggest exploring ways to incorporate additional structural information or domain-specific knowledge to address this.

Additionally, the authors do not extensively explore the potential privacy or security implications of their approach. While generating synthetic data can be a valuable tool for preserving individual privacy, there are still open questions around the robustness of such methods to various attacks or the potential for information leakage.

Overall, this paper presents a compelling and innovative approach to tabular data synthesis, with a strong theoretical foundation and promising empirical results. As the authors note, there is still room for further research and refinement, particularly in the areas of interpretability, scalability, and privacy preservation. Researchers and practitioners in the field of data synthesis would do well to closely follow the developments in this area.


This paper introduces a new method for generating synthetic tabular data that treats the problem as one of conditional density estimation. By adapting the Masked Language Modeling technique from natural language processing, the authors have developed a flexible and interpretable approach that can capture the complex relationships and dependencies within tabular data.

The proposed method represents a significant advancement over previous approaches, such as Generative Adversarial Networks and Supervised Generative Optimization, offering a more principled and scalable framework for tabular data synthesis. The authors have demonstrated the effectiveness of their approach through extensive experimentation and have outlined several promising directions for future research.

As the field of data synthesis continues to evolve, this paper serves as an important contribution, showcasing the potential of leveraging techniques from natural language processing to tackle the unique challenges of working with tabular data. The insights and methodologies presented here are likely to have a lasting impact on the way researchers and practitioners approach the problem of generating high-quality synthetic data.

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