Measurement Simplification in rho-POMDP with Performance Guarantees






Published 6/18/2024 by Tom Yotam, Vadim Indelman
Measurement Simplification in rho-POMDP with Performance Guarantees


Decision making under uncertainty is at the heart of any autonomous system acting with imperfect information. The cost of solving the decision making problem is exponential in the action and observation spaces, thus rendering it unfeasible for many online systems. This paper introduces a novel approach to efficient decision-making, by partitioning the high-dimensional observation space. Using the partitioned observation space, we formulate analytical bounds on the expected information-theoretic reward, for general belief distributions. These bounds are then used to plan efficiently while keeping performance guarantees. We show that the bounds are adaptive, computationally efficient, and that they converge to the original solution. We extend the partitioning paradigm and present a hierarchy of partitioned spaces that allows greater efficiency in planning. We then propose a specific variant of these bounds for Gaussian beliefs and show a theoretical performance improvement of at least a factor of 4. Finally, we compare our novel method to other state of the art algorithms in active SLAM scenarios, in simulation and in real experiments. In both cases we show a significant speed-up in planning with performance guarantees.

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  • This paper proposes a method to simplify the measurement process in Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs) while maintaining performance guarantees.
  • The approach, called Measurement Simplification in Ļ-POMDP, aims to reduce the number of observations required for decision-making without compromising the quality of the resulting policy.
  • The research introduces a framework to quantify the tradeoff between measurement complexity and policy performance, and provides theoretical guarantees on the performance of the simplified POMDP.

Plain English Explanation

In many real-world decision-making problems, the system's state is not fully observable - we can only get partial information about it through measurements or observations. Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs) are a mathematical framework used to model and solve these types of problems, where the agent must take actions based on incomplete information about the environment.

However, the measurement or observation process in POMDPs can be complex and resource-intensive, requiring a large number of sensors or data sources. This paper proposes a way to simplify the measurement process without sacrificing the quality of the decisions made by the agent.

The key idea is to find a way to reduce the number of observations needed, while still maintaining good performance of the overall decision-making system. The researchers introduce a framework that allows them to quantify the tradeoff between measurement complexity and policy performance, and provide theoretical guarantees on the performance of the simplified POMDP.

This work could be useful in a variety of applications where POMDPs are used, such as robot navigation, healthcare monitoring, or autonomous decision-making. By reducing the measurement complexity, it can make these systems more efficient and practical to deploy in real-world settings.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a new framework called Measurement Simplification in Ļ-POMDP, which aims to reduce the number of observations required in a POMDP without compromising the quality of the resulting policy.

The key idea is to define a risk-averse POMDP variant, denoted as Ļ-POMDP, where the agent's objective is to find a policy that maximizes the worst-case expected reward. This formulation allows the researchers to quantify the tradeoff between measurement complexity and policy performance.

The paper then presents an algorithm to solve the Ļ-POMDP with a simplified measurement model, while providing performance guarantees on the quality of the resulting policy compared to the original, fully-observed POMDP. This is done by carefully bounding the loss in performance due to the measurement simplification.

The researchers also show that their approach can be combined with other techniques, such as belief state compression, to further improve the efficiency of the overall decision-making system.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a solid theoretical foundation for the Measurement Simplification in Ļ-POMDP framework and presents encouraging empirical results. However, some potential limitations and areas for further research are:

  1. The performance guarantees are derived under certain assumptions, such as the linearity of the reward function and the Lipschitz continuity of the value function. It would be valuable to explore the robustness of the approach to violations of these assumptions.

  2. The experiments are conducted on relatively small-scale benchmark problems. It is important to evaluate the scalability of the method to larger, more complex real-world problems.

  3. The paper does not address the practical challenges of implementing the proposed approach, such as the computational complexity of the algorithms or the sensitivity to modeling errors in the POMDP parameters.

  4. While the risk-averse formulation is a strength of the approach, it may not be appropriate for all applications. It would be interesting to explore extensions that can handle different objective functions or risk preferences.


This paper presents a novel framework for simplifying the measurement process in POMDPs while providing performance guarantees on the resulting policy. By introducing the Ļ-POMDP formulation and an associated algorithm, the researchers show how to effectively balance measurement complexity and decision-making quality.

This work could have significant implications for a wide range of applications that rely on POMDPs, from robotics and autonomous systems to healthcare and finance. By reducing the burden of the observation process, it can make these systems more efficient, practical, and accessible, ultimately leading to better decision-making in the face of partial information.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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