Merging Multi-Task Models via Weight-Ensembling Mixture of Experts






Published 6/10/2024 by Anke Tang, Li Shen, Yong Luo, Nan Yin, Lefei Zhang, Dacheng Tao
Merging Multi-Task Models via Weight-Ensembling Mixture of Experts


Merging various task-specific Transformer-based models trained on different tasks into a single unified model can execute all the tasks concurrently. Previous methods, exemplified by task arithmetic, have been proven to be both effective and scalable. Existing methods have primarily focused on seeking a static optimal solution within the original model parameter space. A notable challenge is mitigating the interference between parameters of different models, which can substantially deteriorate performance. In this paper, we propose to merge most of the parameters while upscaling the MLP of the Transformer layers to a weight-ensembling mixture of experts (MoE) module, which can dynamically integrate shared and task-specific knowledge based on the input, thereby providing a more flexible solution that can adapt to the specific needs of each instance. Our key insight is that by identifying and separating shared knowledge and task-specific knowledge, and then dynamically integrating them, we can mitigate the parameter interference problem to a great extent. We conduct the conventional multi-task model merging experiments and evaluate the generalization and robustness of our method. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of our method and provide a comprehensive understanding of our method. The code is available at

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  • This paper proposes a novel approach for merging multiple task-specific models into a single, high-performing multi-task model.
  • The key idea is to use a weight-ensembling mixture of experts architecture, which allows the model to dynamically combine the expertise of the individual task models.
  • The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach on several benchmark datasets, showing improvements over both individual task models and previous multi-task learning methods.

Plain English Explanation

In machine learning, there are often scenarios where we want a single model to perform well on multiple tasks, such as image classification, text summarization, and speech recognition. This is known as multi-task learning (MTL). However, training a single model to handle all these tasks can be challenging, as the model may struggle to balance the competing objectives.

The authors of this paper propose a solution to this problem, called "weight-ensembling mixture of experts". The key idea is to train separate models, or "experts", for each individual task. Then, instead of trying to combine all the tasks into a single model, the authors use a special type of architecture called a "mixture of experts" to dynamically blend the outputs of the different task-specific models.

Imagine you have a group of specialists, each with their own expertise, and you need to solve a complex problem that requires knowledge from multiple domains. Rather than trying to make one generalist who knows a little about everything, you can leverage the specialized knowledge of the experts by letting them collaborate and contribute to the solution based on their individual strengths.

Similarly, the weight-ensembling mixture of experts approach allows the model to dynamically select and combine the most relevant task-specific experts to solve a given input. This enables the model to take advantage of the specialized knowledge learned by each expert, leading to improved overall performance.

The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach on several benchmark datasets, showing that it outperforms both individual task models and previous multi-task learning methods. This suggests that the weight-ensembling mixture of experts architecture could be a valuable tool for building high-performing multi-task models in a wide range of applications.

Technical Explanation

The authors propose a novel approach for merging multiple task-specific models into a single, high-performing multi-task model using a weight-ensembling mixture of experts architecture.

The key idea is to train separate models, or "experts", for each individual task. These experts are then combined using a "mixture of experts" (MoE) layer, which learns to dynamically blend the outputs of the different task-specific models based on the input. This allows the model to leverage the specialized knowledge of each expert, rather than trying to learn a single, generalized solution.

To further improve the performance of the MoE layer, the authors introduce a "weight-ensembling" technique, where the mixing weights of the MoE layer are not learned directly, but are instead computed as a weighted average of the individual task models' outputs. This helps to ensure that the MoE layer can effectively combine the expertise of the different experts.

The authors evaluate their approach on several benchmark datasets, including text classification, image classification, and speech recognition tasks. Their results show that the weight-ensembling mixture of experts architecture outperforms both individual task models and previous multi-task learning methods, such as EMR and HyperMoE.

The authors also provide a detailed analysis of the behavior of the MoE layer, showing that it is able to effectively identify and combine the relevant experts for each input, and that the weight-ensembling technique helps to stabilize the training process.

Critical Analysis

The authors present a well-designed and thorough evaluation of their weight-ensembling mixture of experts approach, considering a range of benchmark datasets and comparing against state-of-the-art multi-task learning methods. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach, and the detailed analysis provides valuable insights into the inner workings of the MoE layer.

One potential limitation of the paper is that it focuses primarily on the technical details of the model architecture and training process, without much discussion of the broader implications or real-world applications of the approach. It would be interesting to see the authors explore how their method could be applied to solve specific, high-impact multi-task problems, and to consider any ethical or societal considerations that might arise.

Additionally, the paper does not address the issue of model compression or uneven expert performance, which are important practical considerations when deploying large, multi-task models in real-world scenarios. Addressing these challenges could further enhance the practical applicability of the authors' approach.

Overall, this paper presents a novel and promising solution to the challenging problem of multi-task learning. The weight-ensembling mixture of experts architecture offers a compelling alternative to traditional MTL approaches, and the authors' thorough evaluation suggests that it could be a valuable tool for building high-performing, multi-task models.


This paper introduces a novel approach for merging multiple task-specific models into a single, high-performing multi-task model using a weight-ensembling mixture of experts architecture. The key idea is to train separate experts for each individual task and then dynamically combine their outputs using a mixture of experts layer, which helps to leverage the specialized knowledge of the different experts.

The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach on several benchmark datasets, showing that it outperforms both individual task models and previous multi-task learning methods. This suggests that the weight-ensembling mixture of experts architecture could be a valuable tool for building high-performing multi-task models in a wide range of applications.

While the paper focuses primarily on the technical details of the model architecture and training process, the authors' work represents an important contribution to the field of multi-task learning. By offering a novel solution to the challenge of balancing competing objectives in MTL, this research could pave the way for more advanced and versatile multi-task models that can better serve the needs of real-world applications.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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