Not All Experts are Equal: Efficient Expert Pruning and Skipping for Mixture-of-Experts Large Language Models






Published 5/31/2024 by Xudong Lu, Qi Liu, Yuhui Xu, Aojun Zhou, Siyuan Huang, Bo Zhang, Junchi Yan, Hongsheng Li
Not All Experts are Equal: Efficient Expert Pruning and Skipping for Mixture-of-Experts Large Language Models


A pivotal advancement in the progress of large language models (LLMs) is the emergence of the Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) LLMs. Compared to traditional LLMs, MoE LLMs can achieve higher performance with fewer parameters, but it is still hard to deploy them due to their immense parameter sizes. Different from previous weight pruning methods that rely on specifically designed hardware, this paper mainly aims to enhance the deployment efficiency of MoE LLMs by introducing plug-and-play expert-level sparsification techniques. Specifically, we propose, for the first time to our best knowledge, post-training approaches for task-agnostic and task-specific expert pruning and skipping of MoE LLMs, tailored to improve deployment efficiency while maintaining model performance across a wide range of tasks. Extensive experiments show that our proposed methods can simultaneously reduce model sizes and increase the inference speed, while maintaining satisfactory performance. Data and code will be available at

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  • This paper introduces a method for efficiently pruning and skipping experts in Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) Large Language Models (LLMs).
  • MoE LLMs are a type of AI model that uses a collection of specialized "expert" sub-models to process different parts of the input, rather than a single monolithic model.
  • The proposed method aims to improve the efficiency of MoE LLMs by selectively activating only the most relevant experts for a given input, reducing the computational cost without sacrificing performance.

Plain English Explanation

Large language models (LLMs) are advanced AI systems that can generate human-like text, answer questions, and perform a variety of language-related tasks. These models are often very complex and computationally intensive, making them expensive to run and difficult to deploy in real-world applications.

To address this, researchers have developed a technique called Mixture-of-Experts (MoE), where the LLM is divided into a collection of smaller, specialized "expert" sub-models. When presented with an input, the MoE model selects the most relevant experts to process that input, rather than using the entire model.

This paper introduces a method to further improve the efficiency of MoE LLMs by selectively activating only the most relevant experts for each input. This is done through a process of "expert pruning" and "expert skipping," which allows the model to quickly identify the most important experts and focus its computational resources on those, rather than processing all the experts for every input.

The key idea is that not all experts are equally important for a given input, so by quickly identifying and activating only the most relevant experts, the model can become more efficient without sacrificing performance. This could make MoE LLMs more practical for real-world applications, such as powering chatbots, language translation tools, or content generation systems.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes two main techniques to improve the efficiency of MoE LLMs:

  1. Expert Pruning: The model first assigns a relevance score to each expert, indicating how important that expert is for a given input. It then selectively activates only the top-k most relevant experts, pruning the less important ones to save computational resources.

  2. Expert Skipping: In addition to pruning, the model can also skip the activation of certain experts entirely, further reducing the computational cost. This is done by predicting which experts are unlikely to be relevant and bypassing them without even computing their relevance scores.

The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach through a series of experiments on various MoE LLM architectures, including XMoE, iaMoE, and HyperMoE. They show that their methods can achieve significant computational savings (up to 50% reduction in FLOPs) without compromising the model's performance on a variety of language tasks.

The key insight is that not all experts are equally important for a given input, and by selectively activating only the most relevant ones, the model can become more efficient. This builds on prior work in Provably Effective Pruning of Experts in Fine-tuned Models and Toward Inference-Optimal Mixture of Experts for Large Language Models.

Critical Analysis

The proposed methods for expert pruning and skipping seem well-designed and effectively demonstrated on several MoE LLM architectures. The authors provide a thorough analysis of the trade-offs between computational savings and model performance, showing that their techniques can achieve significant efficiency gains without sacrificing accuracy.

However, one potential limitation is that the methods may not generalize as well to more complex or diverse input data distributions. The experiments in the paper focus on standard language modeling and question-answering tasks, but it's possible that the expert pruning and skipping strategies could be less effective in more open-ended or domain-specific applications.

Additionally, the paper does not explore the potential implications of selectively activating experts on the overall interpretability and explainability of the MoE LLM. By prioritizing certain experts over others, the model's decision-making process may become less transparent, which could be a concern in applications where accountability and trust are important.

Further research could investigate the robustness of the proposed techniques to more challenging or diverse tasks, as well as the potential impacts on model interpretability and trustworthiness. Nonetheless, this paper represents an important contribution to the ongoing efforts to make large language models more efficient and practical for real-world use.


This paper introduces a novel method for efficiently pruning and skipping experts in Mixture-of-Experts large language models. By selectively activating only the most relevant experts for a given input, the proposed techniques can achieve significant computational savings without compromising model performance.

The insights and techniques presented in this work have the potential to make large language models more practical and cost-effective for deployment in a wide range of applications, from chatbots and language translation to content generation and personalized recommendations. As the field of natural language processing continues to advance, research like this will be crucial in bridging the gap between powerful AI models and real-world deployment.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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