Mind the Gap Between Synthetic and Real: Utilizing Transfer Learning to Probe the Boundaries of Stable Diffusion Generated Data






Published 5/7/2024 by Leonhard Hennicke, Christian Medeiros Adriano, Holger Giese, Jan Mathias Koehler, Lukas Schott



Generative foundation models like Stable Diffusion comprise a diverse spectrum of knowledge in computer vision with the potential for transfer learning, e.g., via generating data to train student models for downstream tasks. This could circumvent the necessity of collecting labeled real-world data, thereby presenting a form of data-free knowledge distillation. However, the resultant student models show a significant drop in accuracy compared to models trained on real data. We investigate possible causes for this drop and focus on the role of the different layers of the student model. By training these layers using either real or synthetic data, we reveal that the drop mainly stems from the model's final layers. Further, we briefly investigate other factors, such as differences in data-normalization between synthetic and real, the impact of data augmentations, texture vs. shape learning, and assuming oracle prompts. While we find that some of those factors can have an impact, they are not sufficient to close the gap towards real data. Building upon our insights that mainly later layers are responsible for the drop, we investigate the data-efficiency of fine-tuning a synthetically trained model with real data applied to only those last layers. Our results suggest an improved trade-off between the amount of real training data used and the model's accuracy. Our findings contribute to the understanding of the gap between synthetic and real data and indicate solutions to mitigate the scarcity of labeled real data.

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  • Researchers investigate the use of generative foundation models like Stable Diffusion to generate synthetic data for training student models on downstream tasks.
  • While this approach could circumvent the need for collecting labeled real-world data, the resulting student models show a significant drop in accuracy compared to those trained on real data.
  • The paper explores potential causes for this performance gap and focuses on the role of different layers within the student model.

Plain English Explanation

Generative models like Stable Diffusion are powerful AI systems that can create synthetic images. The researchers wanted to see if they could use these synthetic images to train other AI models (called "student" models) for specific tasks, like recognizing objects in images.

The idea is that generating synthetic data could be more efficient than collecting labeled real-world data, which can be time-consuming and expensive. However, the researchers found that the student models trained on synthetic data performed significantly worse than those trained on real data.

To understand why this performance gap exists, the researchers looked closely at the different parts or "layers" of the student models. They discovered that the problem mainly comes from the final layers of the models, which struggle to learn from the synthetic data.

The researchers also explored other factors, like differences in how the synthetic and real data are normalized, the impact of data augmentation (adding noise or transformations to the data), and the model's focus on texture vs. shape. While these factors can play a role, they aren't enough on their own to fully close the gap between synthetic and real data performance.

Building on their insights, the researchers investigated a technique called "fine-tuning," where they took a model trained on synthetic data and further trained just the final layers on a smaller amount of real data. This approach helped improve the trade-off between the amount of real data used and the model's accuracy, suggesting a potential solution to the challenge of scarce labeled real-world data.

Technical Explanation

The researchers investigated the use of generative foundation models, such as Stable Diffusion, to generate synthetic data for training student models on downstream tasks. This approach could potentially circumvent the need for collecting labeled real-world data, a process that can be time-consuming and expensive.

However, the resulting student models showed a significant drop in accuracy compared to those trained on real data. To understand the reasons for this performance gap, the researchers focused on the role of the different layers within the student model.

By training these layers using either real or synthetic data, the researchers revealed that the drop in accuracy mainly stems from the model's final layers. They also briefly investigated other factors, such as differences in data normalization between synthetic and real data, the impact of data augmentations, texture vs. shape learning, and the use of "oracle" prompts (highly curated synthetic data).

While some of these factors were found to have an impact, they were not sufficient to close the gap towards real data performance. Building on the insight that the final layers are primarily responsible for the drop, the researchers investigated the data-efficiency of fine-tuning a synthetically trained model with real data, applying this fine-tuning only to the last layers. Their results suggest an improved trade-off between the amount of real training data used and the model's accuracy.

These findings contribute to the understanding of the gap between synthetic and real data and indicate potential solutions to mitigate the scarcity of labeled real-world data, such as the use of data-free knowledge distillation and iterative retraining of generative models.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides valuable insights into the challenges of using synthetic data generated by foundation models like Stable Diffusion for training student models. The researchers' focus on the role of different model layers is a thoughtful approach to understanding the root causes of the performance gap between synthetic and real data.

While the researchers explored several factors that may contribute to this gap, they acknowledge that these factors alone are not sufficient to fully close the gap. Additional research is needed to further investigate other potential causes, such as the fidelity of the synthetic data generation process or the inherent differences between synthetic and real-world data distributions.

Another limitation of the study is the relatively narrow scope of the experiments, which focused on a single downstream task and a specific student model architecture. It would be interesting to see if the findings hold true across a wider range of tasks and model architectures, as well as to explore the generalizability of the fine-tuning approach to other domains.

Furthermore, the researchers briefly mention the impact of "oracle" prompts, but do not delve deeply into the role of prompt engineering in synthetic data generation. As research on diffusion-based deepfakes has shown, the quality of prompts can significantly affect the fidelity of the generated data. Exploring this aspect more thoroughly could provide additional insights into the challenges of using synthetic data for training.

Overall, the paper makes a valuable contribution to the understanding of the trade-offs between synthetic and real data for transfer learning and highlights the need for continued research in this area to unlock the full potential of foundation models for data-efficient learning.


This research investigates the use of generative foundation models, such as Stable Diffusion, to generate synthetic data for training student models on downstream tasks. While this approach could circumvent the need for collecting labeled real-world data, the resulting student models show a significant drop in accuracy compared to those trained on real data.

The paper's key finding is that the performance gap mainly stems from the student model's final layers, which struggle to learn effectively from the synthetic data. The researchers also explored other factors, such as data normalization, data augmentation, and texture vs. shape learning, but found that these factors alone are not sufficient to close the gap.

Building on these insights, the researchers investigated a fine-tuning approach that applies real data training only to the final layers of a synthetically trained model. This technique showed an improved trade-off between the amount of real training data used and the model's accuracy, suggesting a potential solution to the challenge of scarce labeled real-world data.

These findings contribute to the understanding of the limitations and opportunities in using synthetic data for transfer learning and highlight the need for continued research to unlock the full potential of foundation models for data-efficient learning across a wide range of applications.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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