MLCM: Multistep Consistency Distillation of Latent Diffusion Model






Published 6/13/2024 by Qingsong Xie, Zhenyi Liao, Chen chen, Zhijie Deng, Shixiang Tang, Haonan Lu
MLCM: Multistep Consistency Distillation of Latent Diffusion Model


Distilling large latent diffusion models (LDMs) into ones that are fast to sample from is attracting growing research interest. However, the majority of existing methods face a dilemma where they either (i) depend on multiple individual distilled models for different sampling budgets, or (ii) sacrifice generation quality with limited (e.g., 2-4) and/or moderate (e.g., 5-8) sampling steps. To address these, we extend the recent multistep consistency distillation (MCD) strategy to representative LDMs, establishing the Multistep Latent Consistency Models (MLCMs) approach for low-cost high-quality image synthesis. MLCM serves as a unified model for various sampling steps due to the promise of MCD. We further augment MCD with a progressive training strategy to strengthen inter-segment consistency to boost the quality of few-step generations. We take the states from the sampling trajectories of the teacher model as training data for MLCMs to lift the requirements for high-quality training datasets and to bridge the gap between the training and inference of the distilled model. MLCM is compatible with preference learning strategies for further improvement of visual quality and aesthetic appeal. Empirically, MLCM can generate high-quality, delightful images with only 2-8 sampling steps. On the MSCOCO-2017 5K benchmark, MLCM distilled from SDXL gets a CLIP Score of 33.30, Aesthetic Score of 6.19, and Image Reward of 1.20 with only 4 steps, substantially surpassing 4-step LCM [23], 8-step SDXL-Lightning [17], and 8-step HyperSD [33]. We also demonstrate the versatility of MLCMs in applications including controllable generation, image style transfer, and Chinese-to-image generation.

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  • Introduces a new approach called Multistep Latent Consistency Model (MLCM) for improving the performance of latent diffusion models
  • Builds on prior work on consistency distillation techniques like Accelerating Diffusion Models with Stochastic Consistency Distillation, Phased Consistency Model, and AudioLCM: Text-to-Audio Generation with Latent Consistency
  • Aims to enhance the latent consistency of diffusion models through a multistep training process

Plain English Explanation

The paper presents a new technique called the Multistep Latent Consistency Model (MLCM) that can improve the performance of latent diffusion models. Latent diffusion models are a type of AI system that can generate images, text, and other media by learning the patterns in a large dataset.

The key insight of MLCM is that by training the model in multiple steps, it can learn to produce more consistent and high-quality outputs. The first step trains the model to produce a rough initial output. Then, in subsequent steps, the model refines and improves the output, making it more coherent and realistic.

This "multistep" training process is inspired by prior research on consistency distillation, which has shown that encouraging a model to produce consistent outputs can lead to better performance. By applying this idea to latent diffusion models specifically, the authors aim to unlock even greater capabilities in these powerful AI systems.

The paper provides a technical explanation of how MLCM works and demonstrates its effectiveness through experiments on various image and text generation tasks. The results show that MLCM can outperform standard latent diffusion models, producing more visually appealing and semantically coherent outputs.

Overall, the MLCM technique represents an important advance in the field of generative AI, offering a way to make latent diffusion models even more capable and reliable. By focusing on the consistency of the generated outputs, the researchers have found a promising path to further improving the state-of-the-art in this rapidly evolving area of AI technology.

Technical Explanation

The Multistep Latent Consistency Model (MLCM) builds upon the concept of Accelerating Diffusion Models with Stochastic Consistency Distillation, which showed that encouraging a diffusion model to produce consistent outputs can lead to performance improvements. The authors extend this idea to the context of latent diffusion models, which operate in a lower-dimensional latent space.

The key innovation of MLCM is a multistep training process that involves sequential refinement of the model's outputs. In the first step, the model is trained to produce an initial latent representation of the desired output. In subsequent steps, the model is trained to refine this latent representation, gradually improving its consistency and quality.

This multistep approach is inspired by techniques like Phased Consistency Model and AudioLCM: Text-to-Audio Generation with Latent Consistency, which have demonstrated the benefits of a stepwise learning process for improving the coherence and realism of generated outputs.

The authors evaluate MLCM on a range of image and text generation tasks, comparing its performance to standard latent diffusion models. The results show that MLCM consistently outperforms the baseline, producing more visually appealing and semantically coherent outputs. The authors attribute this improvement to the model's enhanced ability to maintain latent consistency throughout the generation process.

Critical Analysis

The MLCM paper presents a promising approach for improving the performance of latent diffusion models, and the experimental results are quite compelling. However, the authors do acknowledge some potential limitations and areas for further research.

One limitation is that the multistep training process can be computationally intensive, as it requires multiple rounds of optimization. The authors suggest that techniques like gradient checkpointing or model parallelism could help mitigate the computational burden, but this remains an area for future exploration.

Additionally, the paper does not provide a deep analysis of the specific mechanisms by which MLCM achieves its performance gains. While the authors hypothesize that the enhanced latent consistency is the key driver, a more detailed investigation of the model's internal workings could yield additional insights.

Further research could also explore the generalization of MLCM to other types of generative models, beyond just latent diffusion. Applying the multistep consistency distillation approach to other architectures or domains could uncover its broader applicability and potential for even greater impact.

Overall, the MLCM paper represents a significant contribution to the field of generative AI, offering a novel and effective technique for improving the consistency and quality of latent diffusion models. As the research in this area continues to evolve, the insights and methods presented in this work are likely to have a lasting influence on the development of increasingly capable and reliable generative AI systems.


The Multistep Latent Consistency Model (MLCM) introduced in this paper offers a promising new approach for enhancing the performance of latent diffusion models, a powerful class of generative AI systems. By incorporating a multistep training process that focuses on improving the consistency of the model's latent representations, MLCM is able to produce more visually appealing and semantically coherent outputs compared to standard latent diffusion models.

This work builds on prior research in consistency distillation techniques, such as Accelerating Diffusion Models with Stochastic Consistency Distillation, Phased Consistency Model, and AudioLCM: Text-to-Audio Generation with Latent Consistency, and represents an important advancement in the field.

As the capabilities of generative AI continue to evolve, techniques like MLCM will play a vital role in unlocking even greater potential in these systems. By focusing on the consistency and coherence of the generated outputs, researchers can create models that are more reliable, versatile, and impactful across a wide range of applications, from creative content generation to scientific discovery and beyond.

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