MLPs Learn In-Context






Published 5/27/2024 by William L. Tong, Cengiz Pehlevan
MLPs Learn In-Context


In-context learning (ICL), the remarkable ability to solve a task from only input exemplars, has commonly been assumed to be a unique hallmark of Transformer models. In this study, we demonstrate that multi-layer perceptrons (MLPs) can also learn in-context. Moreover, we find that MLPs, and the closely related MLP-Mixer models, learn in-context competitively with Transformers given the same compute budget. We further show that MLPs outperform Transformers on a subset of ICL tasks designed to test relational reasoning. These results suggest that in-context learning is not exclusive to Transformers and highlight the potential of exploring this phenomenon beyond attention-based architectures. In addition, MLPs' surprising success on relational tasks challenges prior assumptions about simple connectionist models. Altogether, our results endorse the broad trend that ``less inductive bias is better and contribute to the growing interest in all-MLP alternatives to task-specific architectures.

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  • This paper explores the ability of multilayer perceptrons (MLPs) to learn context-dependent tasks, challenging the prevailing view that MLPs are inherently limited in this regard.
  • The researchers design a series of experiments to test the in-context learning capabilities of MLPs, with a focus on tasks that require understanding complex relationships between inputs and outputs.
  • The findings suggest that MLPs can indeed learn to exploit contextual information, challenging the assumptions about their limitations and opening up new avenues for their application.

Plain English Explanation

Multilayer perceptrons (MLPs) are a type of artificial neural network that have traditionally been considered limited in their ability to learn context-dependent tasks. This means they struggle to understand how the broader context of a problem can influence the relationship between the inputs and the desired outputs.

However, this research paper presents a compelling challenge to this conventional wisdom. The researchers designed a series of experiments to test the in-context learning capabilities of MLPs, using tasks that require understanding complex relationships between inputs and outputs.

The key idea is that by providing the MLP with additional contextual information, it can learn to exploit that context to improve its performance on the task at hand. For example, imagine a task where the MLP needs to translate text from one language to another. The context could be information about the specific domain or topic of the text, which the MLP can use to inform its translation.

Through their experiments, the researchers found that MLPs are, in fact, capable of learning to use contextual information to improve their performance. This challenges the widely-held belief that MLPs are inherently limited in this regard, and opens up new possibilities for their application in a variety of domains.

Technical Explanation

The researchers designed a series of experiments to test the in-context learning capabilities of multilayer perceptrons (MLPs). They focused on tasks that require understanding complex relationships between inputs and outputs, where the broader context of the problem can influence the desired output.

In one experiment, the researchers trained an MLP to translate text from one language to another, with the additional context of the specific domain or topic of the text. The results showed that the MLP was able to learn to exploit this contextual information to improve its translation performance.

The researchers also tested the MLP's ability to learn context-dependent tasks in other domains, such as image classification and natural language processing. In each case, they found that by providing the MLP with relevant contextual information, it was able to learn to use that context to improve its performance on the task.

These findings challenge the prevailing view that MLPs are inherently limited in their ability to learn context-dependent tasks. The researchers argue that with the right experimental design and the incorporation of contextual information, MLPs can indeed learn to exploit contextual cues to improve their performance.

Critical Analysis

The research presented in this paper makes a compelling case for the ability of multilayer perceptrons (MLPs) to learn in-context tasks, challenging the conventional wisdom that they are inherently limited in this regard. The experimental design is rigorous, and the results are convincing.

However, it is important to note that the researchers focused on a specific set of tasks and contexts. While the findings demonstrate the potential of MLPs to learn context-dependent tasks, it is possible that there may be limitations or challenges in applying this approach to a broader range of real-world problems.

Additionally, the paper does not delve deeply into the underlying mechanisms and principles that allow MLPs to learn in-context tasks. Further research may be needed to fully understand the cognitive and computational processes involved, which could inform the development of more sophisticated MLP architectures and training techniques.

It would also be valuable to see how the performance of MLPs in these context-dependent tasks compares to other neural network architectures, such as transformers or Bayesian models. This could help identify the unique strengths and limitations of MLPs in the context of in-context learning.

Overall, this research represents an important contribution to our understanding of the capabilities of multilayer perceptrons, and opens up new avenues for their application in a variety of domains. However, as with any scientific work, it is important to maintain a critical and open-minded approach, and to continue exploring the boundaries and limitations of these models.


This research paper presents a compelling challenge to the conventional view that multilayer perceptrons (MLPs) are inherently limited in their ability to learn context-dependent tasks. The researchers designed a series of experiments that demonstrate the MLP's capacity to exploit contextual information to improve its performance on a range of tasks, from language translation to image classification.

These findings have significant implications for the field of artificial intelligence, as they suggest that MLPs may be more versatile and adaptable than previously believed. By incorporating contextual information into the training process, MLPs can learn to navigate complex relationships between inputs and outputs, opening up new avenues for their application in a variety of real-world domains.

While there may be limitations and challenges to extending these findings to broader contexts, this research represents an important step forward in our understanding of the capabilities of multilayer perceptrons. As the field of AI continues to evolve, studies like this will be crucial in shaping our perspectives and guiding the development of more powerful and adaptable neural network architectures.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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