In-Context Learning through the Bayesian Prism






Published 4/16/2024 by Madhur Panwar, Kabir Ahuja, Navin Goyal



In-context learning (ICL) is one of the surprising and useful features of large language models and subject of intense research. Recently, stylized meta-learning-like ICL setups have been devised that train transformers on sequences of input-output pairs $(x, f(x))$. The function $f$ comes from a function class and generalization is checked by evaluating on sequences generated from unseen functions from the same class. One of the main discoveries in this line of research has been that for several function classes, such as linear regression, transformers successfully generalize to new functions in the class. However, the inductive biases of these models resulting in this behavior are not clearly understood. A model with unlimited training data and compute is a Bayesian predictor: it learns the pretraining distribution. In this paper we empirically examine how far this Bayesian perspective can help us understand ICL. To this end, we generalize the previous meta-ICL setup to hierarchical meta-ICL setup which involve unions of multiple task families. We instantiate this setup on a diverse range of linear and nonlinear function families and find that transformers can do ICL in this setting as well. Where Bayesian inference is tractable, we find evidence that high-capacity transformers mimic the Bayesian predictor. The Bayesian perspective provides insights into the inductive bias of ICL and how transformers perform a particular task when they are trained on multiple tasks. We also find that transformers can learn to generalize to new function classes that were not seen during pretraining. This involves deviation from the Bayesian predictor. We examine these deviations in more depth offering new insights and hypotheses.

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  • This paper examines how large language models, like transformers, can learn new tasks through "in-context learning" (ICL) - a process of learning from a sequence of input-output examples provided during inference.
  • The researchers explore the inductive biases and generalization capabilities of transformers in ICL settings, including cases where the model is trained on a diverse set of related tasks.
  • They find that transformers can often mimic Bayesian predictors, which learn the underlying distribution of the training data, but can also exhibit behaviors that deviate from this Bayesian perspective.

Plain English Explanation

Large language models, like transformers, have a surprising ability to learn new tasks "on the fly" by observing just a few examples. This process, known as in-context learning (ICL), is the subject of intense research.

In this study, the researchers set up stylized ICL experiments, where the model is trained on a sequence of input-output pairs, with the goal of generalizing to new examples from the same underlying function or task. For example, the model might be trained on a series of linear regression problems, and then tested on its ability to solve new linear regression tasks it hasn't seen before.

The key finding is that transformers can often succeed at this type of ICL, even for complex non-linear functions. The researchers explore why this is the case, drawing insights from Bayesian statistics. They find that high-capacity transformers tend to mimic the behavior of an "ideal" Bayesian predictor, which learns the underlying distribution of the training data.

However, the researchers also identify cases where transformers deviate from this Bayesian perspective, exhibiting behaviors that cannot be fully explained by this theoretical framework. This suggests that transformers develop their own unique inductive biases through the ICL process, beyond what a traditional Bayesian model would learn.

Overall, this work provides new insights into the limitations and potential of ICL, and highlights the need for further research to fully understand the reasoning capabilities of these powerful language models.

Technical Explanation

The researchers set up a "hierarchical meta-ICL" experiment, where transformers are trained on sequences of input-output pairs drawn from a diverse set of related function classes, such as linear and non-linear regression problems. The goal is to evaluate the models' ability to generalize to new functions within and across these task families.

Where the Bayesian perspective is tractable, the authors find that high-capacity transformers closely approximate the behavior of an optimal Bayesian predictor, which learns the underlying distribution of the training data. This suggests that the inductive biases of transformers in ICL settings are closely aligned with Bayesian inference.

However, the researchers also identify cases where transformers exhibit behaviors that diverge from the Bayesian predictor. This includes the ability to generalize to new function classes that were not seen during pretraining. The authors examine these deviations in more depth, offering new hypotheses and insights.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a thorough empirical investigation of transformer behavior in ICL settings, grounded in the Bayesian statistical framework. This offers valuable insights into the inductive biases and generalization capabilities of these models.

However, the authors acknowledge that the Bayesian perspective has limitations in fully explaining transformer behavior, particularly in cases where the models exhibit "non-Bayesian" generalization. More research is needed to fully understand the reasoning mechanisms underlying ICL in transformers.

Additionally, the paper focuses on a stylized experimental setup, which may not capture the full complexity of real-world ICL scenarios. Further work is needed to explore the robustness and practical implications of these findings.


This research offers important insights into the remarkable in-context learning abilities of large language models like transformers. By connecting these capabilities to Bayesian inference, the authors provide a valuable theoretical framework for understanding transformer inductive biases and generalization.

However, the work also highlights the need for continued investigation to fully unpack the reasoning mechanisms underlying ICL and assess the real-world implications of these findings. As transformers become increasingly ubiquitous, such research will be crucial for ensuring the responsible and ethical development of these powerful AI systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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