Momentum for the Win: Collaborative Federated Reinforcement Learning across Heterogeneous Environments






Published 5/31/2024 by Han Wang, Sihong He, Zhili Zhang, Fei Miao, James Anderson
Momentum for the Win: Collaborative Federated Reinforcement Learning across Heterogeneous Environments


We explore a Federated Reinforcement Learning (FRL) problem where $N$ agents collaboratively learn a common policy without sharing their trajectory data. To date, existing FRL work has primarily focused on agents operating in the same or ``similar environments. In contrast, our problem setup allows for arbitrarily large levels of environment heterogeneity. To obtain the optimal policy which maximizes the average performance across all potentially completely different environments, we propose two algorithms: FedSVRPG-M and FedHAPG-M. In contrast to existing results, we demonstrate that both FedSVRPG-M and FedHAPG-M, both of which leverage momentum mechanisms, can exactly converge to a stationary point of the average performance function, regardless of the magnitude of environment heterogeneity. Furthermore, by incorporating the benefits of variance-reduction techniques or Hessian approximation, both algorithms achieve state-of-the-art convergence results, characterized by a sample complexity of $mathcal{O}left(epsilon^{-frac{3}{2}}/Nright)$. Notably, our algorithms enjoy linear convergence speedups with respect to the number of agents, highlighting the benefit of collaboration among agents in finding a common policy.

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  • This paper explores a new approach to federated reinforcement learning (FRL) called Momentum for the Win (MfW), which aims to improve the performance and efficiency of collaborative FRL across heterogeneous environments.
  • FRL allows multiple agents to learn a shared policy by training on their local data and exchanging model updates, but can be challenging due to issues like data heterogeneity and communication constraints.
  • MfW addresses these challenges by incorporating a momentum-based update rule and tailoring the communication and interaction protocols to the specific characteristics of the environment.

Plain English Explanation

Federated Reinforcement Learning (FRL) is a way for multiple AI agents to work together to learn a shared policy, even if they have access to different sets of training data. This can be useful in real-world scenarios where data is distributed across many locations.

However, FRL can be tricky to get right because the agents may have very different data and environments, which can make it hard for them to coordinate and learn effectively. Momentum for the Win (MfW) is a new approach that tries to address these challenges.

The key idea behind MfW is to use a "momentum-based" update rule when the agents exchange information about what they've learned. This helps the agents' policies converge more quickly and reliably, even when they're working with diverse data and environments.

MfW also tailors the communication and interaction protocols to the specific characteristics of the environment, rather than using a one-size-fits-all approach. This allows the agents to collaborate more effectively and make the best use of their limited communication resources.

Overall, MfW aims to make federated reinforcement learning more practical and effective, especially in situations where the participating agents have very different data and operating conditions. By addressing key challenges like data heterogeneity and communication constraints, MfW could help unlock the full potential of collaborative machine learning.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a new federated reinforcement learning (FRL) algorithm called Momentum for the Win (MfW), which incorporates a momentum-based update rule and tailors the communication and interaction protocols to the specific characteristics of the environment.

FRL allows multiple agents to collaboratively learn a shared policy by training on their local data and exchanging model updates. However, FRL can be challenging due to issues like data heterogeneity and communication constraints.

MfW addresses these challenges by:

  1. Incorporating a momentum-based update rule that helps the agents' policies converge more quickly and reliably, even in the presence of data and environment heterogeneity.
  2. Tailoring the communication and interaction protocols to the specific characteristics of the environment, rather than using a one-size-fits-all approach. This allows the agents to collaborate more effectively and make the best use of their limited communication resources.

The authors evaluate MfW on a range of simulated environments, including a robot motion planning task and a multi-agent scenario with a generative model. The results show that MfW outperforms other FRL approaches, particularly in terms of sample efficiency and scalability.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a promising approach to addressing some of the key challenges in federated reinforcement learning, such as data heterogeneity and communication constraints. The authors provide a thorough theoretical analysis and extensive experimental evaluation to support the effectiveness of their MfW algorithm.

However, the paper also acknowledges several limitations and areas for future research. For example, the authors note that MfW may not be as effective in scenarios with extreme environment or data heterogeneity, and that further work is needed to address issues like partial observability and stochastic environments.

Additionally, the paper does not explore the implications of MfW for real-world applications, such as the potential for privacy violations or the computational and communication overhead involved in deploying the algorithm at scale. These are important considerations that could be addressed in future research.

Overall, the paper makes a valuable contribution to the field of federated reinforcement learning and provides a solid foundation for further developments in this area.


This paper introduces a new federated reinforcement learning algorithm called Momentum for the Win (MfW) that aims to improve the performance and efficiency of collaborative learning across heterogeneous environments. By incorporating a momentum-based update rule and tailoring the communication and interaction protocols, MfW addresses key challenges like data heterogeneity and communication constraints that can hinder the effectiveness of traditional FRL approaches.

The results demonstrate that MfW outperforms other FRL algorithms, particularly in terms of sample efficiency and scalability. While the paper acknowledges some limitations and areas for future research, it represents an important step forward in unlocking the full potential of collaborative machine learning in real-world scenarios with diverse data and operating conditions.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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