Multicalibration for Confidence Scoring in LLMs






Published 4/9/2024 by Gianluca Detommaso, Martin Bertran, Riccardo Fogliato, Aaron Roth
Multicalibration for Confidence Scoring in LLMs


This paper proposes the use of multicalibration to yield interpretable and reliable confidence scores for outputs generated by large language models (LLMs). Multicalibration asks for calibration not just marginally, but simultaneously across various intersecting groupings of the data. We show how to form groupings for prompt/completion pairs that are correlated with the probability of correctness via two techniques: clustering within an embedding space, and self-annotation - querying the LLM by asking it various yes-or-no questions about the prompt. We also develop novel variants of multicalibration algorithms that offer performance improvements by reducing their tendency to overfit. Through systematic benchmarking across various question answering datasets and LLMs, we show how our techniques can yield confidence scores that provide substantial improvements in fine-grained measures of both calibration and accuracy compared to existing methods.

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  • This paper introduces a new approach called "multicalibration" to improve the confidence scoring of large language models (LLMs).
  • Multicalibration aims to ensure that an LLM's confidence scores accurately reflect the true likelihood of the model's predictions being correct.
  • The authors propose techniques to train LLMs to be multicalibrated, and demonstrate their methods on several benchmark tasks.

Plain English Explanation

The paper discusses a technique called "multicalibration" to help make large language models (LLMs) more reliable and trustworthy. LLMs are AI systems that can generate human-like text, but they don't always know how confident they should be in their own outputs.

Multicalibration is a way to train LLMs to provide accurate confidence scores that match the true likelihood of their predictions being correct. For example, if an LLM says it's 90% confident about something, that should mean it's right 90% of the time.

The authors propose new methods to train LLMs to be multicalibrated, and they test these techniques on various benchmarks to show they work. This is important because it can help us trust and rely on LLM outputs more, especially in critical applications.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a new approach called "multicalibration" to improve the confidence scoring of large language models (LLMs). Multicalibration aims to ensure that an LLM's confidence scores accurately reflect the true likelihood of the model's predictions being correct.

The authors propose techniques to train LLMs to be multicalibrated, including a novel loss function and algorithmic approaches. They demonstrate the effectiveness of their methods on several benchmark tasks, showing that multicalibrated LLMs provide more reliable and trustworthy confidence scores.

Critical Analysis

The paper introduces an important and practical approach to improving the reliability of LLMs through multicalibration. The authors provide a strong technical foundation and comprehensive experimental evaluation of their methods.

However, the paper does not address potential limitations or caveats of the multicalibration approach. For example, it's unclear how the techniques would scale to extremely large LLMs or how they would perform on more open-ended and diverse datasets beyond the benchmarks used.

Additionally, the paper does not discuss potential societal impacts or ethical considerations around deploying more reliable and trustworthy LLMs. Further research is needed to understand how multicalibration could be applied responsibly and equitably.


This paper presents a novel approach called "multicalibration" to improve the confidence scoring of large language models (LLMs). By training LLMs to provide accurate and well-calibrated confidence scores, the authors demonstrate a path towards more reliable and trustworthy LLM outputs.

The multicalibration techniques introduced in this work have the potential to significantly enhance the practical applications of LLMs, particularly in high-stakes domains where model confidence is critical. As LLMs continue to advance and become more widely deployed, further research and development in this area will be an important priority.

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