FRACTAL: Fine-Grained Scoring from Aggregate Text Labels






Published 4/9/2024 by Yukti Makhija, Priyanka Agrawal, Rishi Saket, Aravindan Raghuveer
FRACTAL: Fine-Grained Scoring from Aggregate Text Labels


Large language models (LLMs) are being increasingly tuned to power complex generation tasks such as writing, fact-seeking, querying and reasoning. Traditionally, human or model feedback for evaluating and further tuning LLM performance has been provided at the response level, enabling faster and more cost-effective assessments. However, recent works (Amplayo et al. [2022], Wu et al. [2023]) indicate that sentence-level labels may provide more accurate and interpretable feedback for LLM optimization. In this work, we introduce methods to disaggregate response-level labels into sentence-level (pseudo-)labels. Our approach leverages multiple instance learning (MIL) and learning from label proportions (LLP) techniques in conjunction with prior information (e.g., document-sentence cosine similarity) to train a specialized model for sentence-level scoring. We also employ techniques which use model predictions to pseudo-label the train-set at the sentence-level for model training to further improve performance. We conduct extensive evaluations of our methods across six datasets and four tasks: retrieval, question answering, summarization, and math reasoning. Our results demonstrate improved performance compared to multiple baselines across most of these tasks. Our work is the first to develop response-level feedback to sentence-level scoring techniques, leveraging sentence-level prior information, along with comprehensive evaluations on multiple tasks as well as end-to-end finetuning evaluation showing performance comparable to a model trained on fine-grained human annotated labels.

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  • This paper introduces FRACTAL, a new method for generating fine-grained scoring from aggregate text labels.
  • FRACTAL leverages large language models to predict scoring distributions from text, enabling more granular assessment of various attributes.
  • The approach is evaluated on a range of tasks, including text classification, confidence scoring, and text regression, demonstrating its versatility.

Plain English Explanation

FRACTAL is a new technique that allows us to get more detailed scores from text data. Normally, when we have text labels like "good" or "bad", we can only get a coarse score. But FRACTAL uses large language models to predict a whole distribution of scores, giving us much more fine-grained and nuanced information.

For example, imagine you have reviews of a product, and the reviews just say "good" or "bad". With FRACTAL, you could get a score distribution that shows the product is mostly good, with a small chance of being mediocre. This is much more useful than a simple binary "good" or "bad" label.

FRACTAL has been tested on all kinds of text-based tasks, like classifying text, estimating confidence scores, and predicting numeric values from text. The key is that it can extract much richer information from text compared to traditional methods.

Technical Explanation

FRACTAL is a novel approach that leverages large language models to generate fine-grained scoring distributions from aggregate text labels. Rather than simply predicting a single score or label, FRACTAL outputs a probability distribution over a range of possible scores.

The core of the FRACTAL method is a neural network architecture that takes in text data and outputs a parameterized scoring distribution. This distribution can then be used to make more nuanced assessments than traditional binary or ordinal labels.

The authors evaluate FRACTAL on a diverse set of text-based tasks, including text classification, confidence scoring, and text regression. In each case, FRACTAL demonstrates improved performance over baseline approaches that rely on coarse-grained labels.

The authors also show that FRACTAL can be applied to spoken language understanding tasks and few-shot learning scenarios, highlighting its versatility.

Critical Analysis

The FRACTAL approach represents an important advance in extracting more granular information from text data. By moving beyond simple binary or ordinal labels, the method enables a richer understanding of the underlying attributes being assessed.

However, the authors acknowledge that FRACTAL requires access to large language models, which can be computationally expensive and may not be available in all settings. Additionally, the method relies on the quality and coverage of the training data, which could introduce biases or limit its applicability to certain domains.

Further research could explore ways to make FRACTAL more efficient and accessible, as well as investigate its robustness to noisy or incomplete data. Evaluating FRACTAL's performance on real-world applications with high-stakes decision-making would also be valuable to understand its practical implications.


FRACTAL is a promising new technique that allows us to extract much more detailed information from text data. By leveraging large language models, it can produce fine-grained scoring distributions instead of coarse labels, enabling more nuanced assessments across a variety of text-based tasks.

While FRACTAL has some limitations in terms of computational requirements and data quality, it represents an important step forward in natural language processing. As large language models continue to advance, techniques like FRACTAL may become increasingly valuable for applications that require a deeper understanding of textual content.

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