Multimodal foundation world models for generalist embodied agents






Published 6/27/2024 by Pietro Mazzaglia, Tim Verbelen, Bart Dhoedt, Aaron Courville, Sai Rajeswar
Multimodal foundation world models for generalist embodied agents


Learning generalist embodied agents, able to solve multitudes of tasks in different domains is a long-standing problem. Reinforcement learning (RL) is hard to scale up as it requires a complex reward design for each task. In contrast, language can specify tasks in a more natural way. Current foundation vision-language models (VLMs) generally require fine-tuning or other adaptations to be functional, due to the significant domain gap. However, the lack of multimodal data in such domains represents an obstacle toward developing foundation models for embodied applications. In this work, we overcome these problems by presenting multimodal foundation world models, able to connect and align the representation of foundation VLMs with the latent space of generative world models for RL, without any language annotations. The resulting agent learning framework, GenRL, allows one to specify tasks through vision and/or language prompts, ground them in the embodied domain's dynamics, and learns the corresponding behaviors in imagination. As assessed through large-scale multi-task benchmarking, GenRL exhibits strong multi-task generalization performance in several locomotion and manipulation domains. Furthermore, by introducing a data-free RL strategy, it lays the groundwork for foundation model-based RL for generalist embodied agents.

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  • This paper proposes a multimodal foundation world model for generalist embodied agents, which aims to enable versatile and capable agents that can perform a wide range of tasks in complex 3D environments.
  • The model integrates vision, language, and action capabilities, drawing on recent advances in large language models, vision-language models, and interactive agent learning.
  • The goal is to create an agent that can understand and interact with the world in human-like ways, using a combination of perceptual, reasoning, and motor skills.

Plain English Explanation

The researchers in this paper are trying to create a new kind of AI agent that can operate in 3D virtual environments and perform a wide variety of tasks, similar to how humans can. They're calling this a "multimodal foundation world model," which means it integrates different types of skills like vision, language, and action.

The key idea is to build on recent breakthroughs in large language models, vision-language models, and interactive agent learning. Large language models as generalizable policies for embodied agents and Interactive agent foundation models have shown promising results in this direction.

The goal is to create an agent that can perceive the world, reason about it using language, and take appropriate actions - just like a human would. This could enable the agent to be a generalist that can handle a diverse range of tasks and environments, rather than being specialized for a narrow set of activities.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes an architecture that combines several key components:

  1. Vision-Language Model: This module takes in visual inputs (e.g. images, videos) and learns to associate them with language descriptions, leveraging techniques from Vision-language models that provide promptable representations for reinforcement learning.
  2. Action Model: This component learns to map language instructions and visual inputs to appropriate actions that can be executed in the 3D environment, building on work in Survey of vision-language-action models for embodied AI.
  3. World Model: This module maintains an internal representation of the 3D environment, allowing the agent to reason about and plan in the world, similar to the approach in Large language models as generalizable policies for embodied agents.

The authors propose training this multimodal foundation model on large-scale datasets covering a diverse range of visual, linguistic, and interactive experiences. The goal is to create an agent that can flexibly apply its skills to new tasks and environments, rather than being specialized for a narrow set of activities.

Critical Analysis

The authors acknowledge several limitations and challenges in their approach:

  • Data Efficiency: Training such a broad and capable model requires vast amounts of diverse data, which may be difficult to acquire and curate.
  • Task Generalization: Ensuring that the model can truly generalize to novel tasks and environments, beyond just recombining its learned skills, is an open challenge.
  • Safety and Alignment: As the model becomes more capable and versatile, ensuring that it behaves in alignment with human values and intentions will be crucial.

Additionally, the proposed architecture is highly complex, and the authors do not provide a detailed implementation or empirical evaluation. Further research is needed to demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of this multimodal foundation world model in practice.


This paper presents an ambitious vision for creating a generalist embodied agent that can perceive, reason about, and interact with the world in human-like ways. By integrating advances in large language models, vision-language models, and interactive agent learning, the authors aim to develop a versatile foundation model that can be applied to a wide range of tasks and environments.

While the technical challenges are significant, the potential benefits of such a capable and flexible agent are substantial. If successful, this line of research could lead to breakthroughs in areas like robotic assistants, intelligent tutoring systems, and general-purpose problem-solving agents that can operate in the real world.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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