Open-ended VQA benchmarking of Vision-Language models by exploiting Classification datasets and their semantic hierarchy






Published 5/7/2024 by Simon Ging, Mar'ia A. Bravo, Thomas Brox



The evaluation of text-generative vision-language models is a challenging yet crucial endeavor. By addressing the limitations of existing Visual Question Answering (VQA) benchmarks and proposing innovative evaluation methodologies, our research seeks to advance our understanding of these models' capabilities. We propose a novel VQA benchmark based on well-known visual classification datasets which allows a granular evaluation of text-generative vision-language models and their comparison with discriminative vision-language models. To improve the assessment of coarse answers on fine-grained classification tasks, we suggest using the semantic hierarchy of the label space to ask automatically generated follow-up questions about the ground-truth category. Finally, we compare traditional NLP and LLM-based metrics for the problem of evaluating model predictions given ground-truth answers. We perform a human evaluation study upon which we base our decision on the final metric. We apply our benchmark to a suite of vision-language models and show a detailed comparison of their abilities on object, action, and attribute classification. Our contributions aim to lay the foundation for more precise and meaningful assessments, facilitating targeted progress in the exciting field of vision-language modeling.

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  • This research paper explores the challenges and importance of evaluating text-generative vision-language models.
  • The researchers propose a novel Visual Question Answering (VQA) benchmark based on existing visual classification datasets to assess these models' capabilities.
  • They introduce techniques to improve the evaluation of coarse answers on fine-grained classification tasks and compare traditional NLP and large language model (LLM) metrics for evaluating model predictions.
  • The researchers apply their benchmark to a suite of vision-language models and provide a detailed comparison of their performance on object, action, and attribute classification.

Plain English Explanation

The paper focuses on evaluating text-generative vision-language models, which are AI systems that can generate text descriptions based on visual inputs. Evaluating these models is challenging, but crucial for understanding their capabilities.

The researchers propose a new VQA benchmark that uses well-known visual classification datasets. This allows them to assess text-generative models in a more granular way and compare them to discriminative models (which just classify inputs, rather than generating text).

To improve the evaluation of coarse answers on fine-grained tasks, the researchers suggest using the semantic hierarchy of the label space to automatically generate follow-up questions about the ground-truth category. This helps provide a more nuanced assessment.

They also compare traditional NLP metrics and LLM-based metrics for evaluating the model predictions against ground-truth answers. After a human evaluation study, they decide on the final metric to use.

Finally, the researchers apply their benchmark to a variety of vision-language models and provide a detailed comparison of the models' abilities to classify objects, actions, and attributes.

The goal of this work is to lay the foundation for more precise and meaningful assessments of vision-language models, which will facilitate targeted progress in this exciting field.

Technical Explanation

The researchers first address the limitations of existing VQA benchmarks, which they find insufficient for evaluating text-generative vision-language models. To overcome this, they propose a novel VQA benchmark based on well-known visual classification datasets such as ImageNet, COCO, and Visual Genome.

This new benchmark allows for a granular evaluation of text-generative models and their comparison with discriminative vision-language models. To improve the assessment of coarse answers on fine-grained classification tasks, the researchers suggest leveraging the semantic hierarchy of the label space. They automatically generate follow-up questions about the ground-truth category, which helps provide a more nuanced evaluation.

Additionally, the paper compares traditional NLP metrics (e.g., BLEU, METEOR, ROUGE) and LLM-based metrics (e.g., BERTScore, BLEURT) for evaluating model predictions against ground-truth answers. The researchers perform a human evaluation study to determine the most appropriate metric to use.

The researchers then apply their benchmark to a suite of vision-language models, including text-to-image models, and provide a detailed comparison of the models' abilities to classify objects, actions, and attributes.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a comprehensive and innovative approach to evaluating text-generative vision-language models, addressing the limitations of existing VQA benchmarks. The proposed benchmark offers a more granular and nuanced assessment of these models' capabilities, which is crucial for driving progress in the field.

However, the paper does not explore the potential biases or limitations of the datasets used to construct the benchmark. There may be inherent biases in the visual classification datasets that could influence the evaluation results.

Additionally, the human evaluation study for selecting the final metric could be improved by involving a larger and more diverse group of participants to ensure the metric is truly representative of human judgments.

The researchers also do not address the potential ethical implications of developing more advanced text-generative vision-language models, such as the risk of generating biased or harmful content. This is an important consideration that should be addressed in future research.


This research paper presents a significant contribution to the field of vision-language modeling by proposing a novel VQA benchmark and advanced evaluation methodologies. The benchmark and techniques introduced in this work lay the foundation for more precise and meaningful assessments of text-generative vision-language models, which will facilitate targeted progress in this exciting and rapidly evolving field of AI.

The findings and insights from this study can inform the development of more effective and reliable vision-language models that can be deployed in a wide range of applications, from image captioning to visual question answering. The researchers' work highlights the importance of rigorous evaluation in advancing the capabilities of these transformative AI technologies.

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