Vision-Language Models for Medical Report Generation and Visual Question Answering: A Review






Published 4/16/2024 by Iryna Hartsock, Ghulam Rasool
Vision-Language Models for Medical Report Generation and Visual Question Answering: A Review


Medical vision-language models (VLMs) combine computer vision (CV) and natural language processing (NLP) to analyze visual and textual medical data. Our paper reviews recent advancements in developing VLMs specialized for healthcare, focusing on models designed for medical report generation and visual question answering (VQA). We provide background on NLP and CV, explaining how techniques from both fields are integrated into VLMs to enable learning from multimodal data. Key areas we address include the exploration of medical vision-language datasets, in-depth analyses of architectures and pre-training strategies employed in recent noteworthy medical VLMs, and comprehensive discussion on evaluation metrics for assessing VLMs' performance in medical report generation and VQA. We also highlight current challenges and propose future directions, including enhancing clinical validity and addressing patient privacy concerns. Overall, our review summarizes recent progress in developing VLMs to harness multimodal medical data for improved healthcare applications.

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  • This paper provides a comprehensive review of vision-language models for medical report generation and visual question answering (VQA) tasks.
  • It covers the recent advancements in these models, including their architectures, training approaches, and applications in the medical domain.
  • The review also discusses the challenges and limitations of current vision-language models in the medical context, and identifies potential areas for future research.

Plain English Explanation

Vision-language models are a type of artificial intelligence (AI) system that can understand and process both visual and textual information. These models have shown impressive capabilities in tasks like generating medical reports and answering questions about medical images.

In this paper, the researchers review the latest developments in vision-language models for the medical field. They explain how these models are designed, how they are trained to learn from both images and text, and how they are being used to assist healthcare professionals. For example, a vision-language model could be used to automatically generate a detailed report describing the findings in a medical image, or to answer specific questions about the content of an image.

The review also discusses the challenges and limitations of current vision-language models, such as their tendency to generate biased or inaccurate information in the medical context. The researchers identify areas where further research and development are needed to improve the reliability and performance of these models for medical applications.

Technical Explanation

The paper begins by providing an overview of the recent advancements in vision-language models, which combine computer vision and natural language processing techniques to understand and generate text based on visual inputs. The authors then focus on the application of these models in the medical domain, specifically for tasks like medical report generation and visual question answering (VQA).

The review covers the key architectural components and training approaches used in state-of-the-art vision-language models for medical applications. This includes the use of transformer-based models, such as BERT and ViT, as well as the integration of domain-specific knowledge and pre-training techniques to improve the models' performance on medical tasks.

The paper also discusses the various datasets and benchmarks used to evaluate the performance of these vision-language models in the medical context, such as the Hallucination Benchmark for Medical VQA and the Concept-based Analysis of Neural Networks framework. The authors highlight the challenges and limitations of current approaches, such as the tendency of these models to generate biased or hallucinated responses in medical settings.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a comprehensive and up-to-date review of the state of the art in vision-language models for medical applications. The authors have done a thorough job of covering the key architectural and training advancements, as well as the various datasets and benchmarks used to evaluate these models.

One potential limitation of the review is that it does not delve deeply into the specific clinical applications and use cases of these vision-language models in the medical field. While the paper touches on tasks like medical report generation and visual question answering, it could have provided more detailed examples and case studies to illustrate the real-world impact and potential of these technologies.

Additionally, the review could have explored the ethical and privacy considerations associated with the use of vision-language models in healthcare, such as the need for robust data privacy and bias mitigation strategies. These are important factors to consider as these models become more widely adopted in the medical domain.


This paper provides a comprehensive review of the recent advancements in vision-language models for medical report generation and visual question answering tasks. The authors have done a thorough job of covering the key architectural and training approaches, as well as the challenges and limitations of current models in the medical context.

The review highlights the significant potential of these technologies to assist healthcare professionals and improve patient outcomes, but also underscores the need for further research and development to address the reliability and bias issues that currently exist. As vision-language models continue to evolve, it will be crucial for researchers and practitioners to work closely with medical experts to ensure these technologies are developed and deployed responsibly and ethically in the healthcare domain.

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