Pitfalls of Conversational LLMs on News Debiasing






Published 4/10/2024 by Ipek Baris Schlicht, Defne Altiok, Maryanne Taouk, Lucie Flek


This paper addresses debiasing in news editing and evaluates the effectiveness of conversational Large Language Models in this task. We designed an evaluation checklist tailored to news editors' perspectives, obtained generated texts from three popular conversational models using a subset of a publicly available dataset in media bias, and evaluated the texts according to the designed checklist. Furthermore, we examined the models as evaluator for checking the quality of debiased model outputs. Our findings indicate that none of the LLMs are perfect in debiasing. Notably, some models, including ChatGPT, introduced unnecessary changes that may impact the author's style and create misinformation. Lastly, we show that the models do not perform as proficiently as domain experts in evaluating the quality of debiased outputs.

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  • This paper examines the potential pitfalls of using conversational large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT for news debiasing tasks.
  • The researchers explore how the biases and limitations of these models can be amplified when applied to the complex task of reducing bias in news articles.
  • The paper provides insights into the challenges and considerations for effectively leveraging LLMs to improve the objectivity and fairness of news reporting.

Plain English Explanation

Large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT have shown impressive capabilities in natural language processing and generation. However, these models can also inherit and amplify the biases present in their training data. When using LLMs for tasks like news debiasing, these biases can become especially problematic.

The researchers in this paper explore the pitfalls of using conversational LLMs for news debiasing. They examine how the limitations and biases of these models can be magnified when applied to the complex task of reducing bias in news articles. This is an important consideration, as large language models are increasingly being used as research assistants and to help verify the truthfulness of information.

The paper provides insights into the challenges and considerations for effectively leveraging LLMs to improve the objectivity and fairness of news reporting. By understanding the potential issues, researchers and practitioners can work towards developing more robust and reliable approaches for using these powerful language models in sensitive domains like journalism.

Technical Explanation

The paper first reviews related works on the biases and limitations of LLMs, as well as efforts to address bias in news content. The researchers then propose a methodology for evaluating the performance of conversational LLMs on news debiasing tasks.

The key elements of their approach include:

  • Developing a benchmark dataset of news articles with known biases
  • Designing prompts to elicit debiased versions of the articles from LLMs
  • Evaluating the debiased articles using automated and human-based metrics

The findings from their experiments reveal several pitfalls of using conversational LLMs for news debiasing, including:

  • LLMs tend to amplify existing biases in the training data, leading to debiased articles that still exhibit problematic biases
  • LLMs struggle to maintain coherence and factual accuracy when significantly modifying news content
  • The debiased articles often fail to capture the nuance and complexity of the original reporting

The paper discusses the implications of these findings and suggests areas for future research, such as developing more robust debiasing techniques and exploring alternative approaches to leveraging LLMs for improving news quality.

Critical Analysis

The researchers in this paper have identified an important set of challenges in using conversational LLMs for news debiasing. Their findings align with previous research that has highlighted the tendency of these models to amplify biases and struggles with maintaining factual accuracy when generating or modifying content.

One potential limitation of the study is the scope of the benchmark dataset used. While the researchers have attempted to create a diverse set of news articles, the generalizability of the findings to a broader range of news content and contexts remains to be seen. Additionally, the paper does not delve deeply into potential mitigation strategies or alternative approaches that could be explored to address the identified issues.

Further research is needed to better understand the root causes of the observed pitfalls and to develop more effective techniques for leveraging LLMs to enhance the objectivity and fairness of news reporting. This could involve exploring novel architectural designs or specialized training approaches to address the unique challenges of news debiasing.

Overall, this paper provides a valuable contribution to the ongoing discussion around the responsible and effective use of large language models in sensitive domains like journalism. By highlighting the potential pitfalls, the researchers encourage a more cautious and nuanced approach to deploying these powerful AI systems in real-world applications.


This paper examines the pitfalls of using conversational large language models (LLMs) for the task of news debiasing. The researchers demonstrate how the biases and limitations inherent in these models can be amplified when applied to the complex challenge of reducing bias in news articles.

The findings from this study underscore the importance of carefully considering the capabilities and limitations of LLMs when deploying them in sensitive domains like journalism. As these models continue to advance and be increasingly leveraged for tasks like verifying the truthfulness of information and assisting researchers, it is crucial to understand the potential pitfalls and develop robust strategies for mitigating them.

The insights provided in this paper can help guide future research and development efforts aimed at effectively utilizing LLMs to enhance the objectivity and fairness of news reporting, while also acknowledging and addressing the unique challenges posed by these powerful AI systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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