Bias of AI-Generated Content: An Examination of News Produced by Large Language Models






Published 4/5/2024 by Xiao Fang, Shangkun Che, Minjia Mao, Hongzhe Zhang, Ming Zhao, Xiaohang Zhao



Large language models (LLMs) have the potential to transform our lives and work through the content they generate, known as AI-Generated Content (AIGC). To harness this transformation, we need to understand the limitations of LLMs. Here, we investigate the bias of AIGC produced by seven representative LLMs, including ChatGPT and LLaMA. We collect news articles from The New York Times and Reuters, both known for their dedication to provide unbiased news. We then apply each examined LLM to generate news content with headlines of these news articles as prompts, and evaluate the gender and racial biases of the AIGC produced by the LLM by comparing the AIGC and the original news articles. We further analyze the gender bias of each LLM under biased prompts by adding gender-biased messages to prompts constructed from these news headlines. Our study reveals that the AIGC produced by each examined LLM demonstrates substantial gender and racial biases. Moreover, the AIGC generated by each LLM exhibits notable discrimination against females and individuals of the Black race. Among the LLMs, the AIGC generated by ChatGPT demonstrates the lowest level of bias, and ChatGPT is the sole model capable of declining content generation when provided with biased prompts.

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  • Large language models (LLMs) have the potential to transform our lives and work through the content they generate, known as AI-Generated Content (AIGC).
  • To harness this transformation, we need to understand the limitations of LLMs, particularly their biases.
  • This study investigates the gender and racial biases in AIGC produced by seven representative LLMs, including ChatGPT and LLaMA.

Plain English Explanation

Large language models (LLMs) are a type of artificial intelligence that can generate human-like text, images, and other content. As these models become more advanced, they have the potential to greatly impact our daily lives and work. However, to use this technology responsibly, we need to understand its limitations, such as the biases present in the content it produces.

This study looked at the gender and racial biases in the news articles generated by seven popular LLMs, including the well-known ChatGPT. The researchers took news headlines from reputable sources like The New York Times and Reuters, and then asked the LLMs to generate new articles based on those headlines. They then compared the biases in the generated articles to the original news stories.

The study found that the content generated by all the LLMs showed significant biases against women and people of color. For example, the LLMs tended to portray women in more passive roles and use fewer positive adjectives to describe them. The researchers also found that when they intentionally added biased language to the prompts given to the LLMs, the generated content became even more discriminatory.

Interestingly, the study found that ChatGPT was the only model that was able to recognize and decline generating content when given a biased prompt. This suggests that ChatGPT may have some built-in safeguards against producing overly biased content.

Overall, this research highlights the importance of carefully examining the biases present in the content generated by powerful AI models like LLMs. As these technologies become more widely used, it will be crucial to address these biases to ensure that the information and narratives they produce are fair and inclusive.

Technical Explanation

The researchers collected news articles from The New York Times and Reuters, two news sources known for their commitment to unbiased reporting. They then used seven representative LLMs, including ChatGPT and LLaMA, to generate new articles based on the original news headlines.

The team evaluated the gender and racial biases present in the generated content by comparing it to the original news articles. They used various metrics to measure bias, such as the frequency of gendered language and the use of positive or negative adjectives to describe individuals of different races.

Furthermore, the researchers analyzed the gender bias of each LLM under intentionally biased prompts. They constructed prompts from the news headlines and added gender-biased messages, then observed how the LLMs' generated content responded to these biased inputs.

The study revealed that the AIGC produced by all the examined LLMs demonstrated substantial gender and racial biases. The generated content exhibited notable discrimination against females and individuals of the Black race. Among the LLMs, ChatGPT demonstrated the lowest level of bias, and was the only model capable of declining content generation when provided with biased prompts.

Critical Analysis

The researchers acknowledge that their study is limited by the specific news articles and LLMs they examined. It's possible that different datasets or models could produce different results. Additionally, the study does not delve into the underlying causes of the biases observed, such as the training data or model architectures used.

While the findings highlight concerning biases in LLM-generated content, the researchers do not provide a comprehensive solution to address these issues. Further research is needed to understand how to mitigate biases in large language models and ensure that the content they produce is fair and inclusive.

It's also worth noting that bias in AI systems is a complex and multifaceted problem, with challenges that go beyond just the language models themselves. Factors such as dataset selection, model training, and real-world deployment can all contribute to the propagation of biases.

Overall, this study serves as an important reminder that the transformative potential of LLMs must be balanced with a thorough understanding of their limitations and biases. As these technologies become more prevalent, it will be crucial for researchers, developers, and users to critically evaluate the content they generate and work to address the underlying issues.


This study provides valuable insights into the gender and racial biases present in the AI-generated content produced by large language models. The findings highlight the need for a deeper understanding of the limitations and potential harms of these powerful technologies, as well as the importance of developing strategies to mitigate biases and ensure fair and inclusive machine-generated content.

As LLMs continue to advance and become more widely adopted, it will be crucial for researchers, policymakers, and the public to remain vigilant and work collaboratively to address the complex challenges posed by algorithmic bias. Only then can we harness the transformative potential of these technologies while upholding the core values of equity and justice.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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