Primal Dual Alternating Proximal Gradient Algorithms for Nonsmooth Nonconvex Minimax Problems with Coupled Linear Constraints






Published 4/30/2024 by Huiling Zhang, Junlin Wang, Zi Xu, Yu-Hong Dai



Nonconvex minimax problems have attracted wide attention in machine learning, signal processing and many other fields in recent years. In this paper, we propose a primal-dual alternating proximal gradient (PDAPG) algorithm for solving nonsmooth nonconvex-(strongly) concave minimax problems with coupled linear constraints, respectively. The iteration complexity of the two algorithms are proved to be $mathcal{O}left( varepsilon ^{-2} right)$ (resp. $mathcal{O}left( varepsilon ^{-4} right)$) under nonconvex-strongly concave (resp. nonconvex-concave) setting to reach an $varepsilon$-stationary point. To our knowledge, it is the first algorithm with iteration complexity guarantees for solving the nonconvex minimax problems with coupled linear constraints.

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  • This paper introduces a new algorithm called Primal-Dual Alternating Proximal Gradient (PDAPG) for solving a class of nonconvex minimax problems.
  • Nonconvex minimax problems have important applications in machine learning, signal processing, and other fields.
  • The authors prove that their PDAPG algorithm can find an ε-stationary point with an iteration complexity of O(ε^-2) in the nonconvex-strongly concave setting and O(ε^-4) in the nonconvex-concave setting.
  • This is the first algorithm with provable iteration complexity guarantees for solving nonconvex minimax problems with coupled linear constraints.

Plain English Explanation

Nonconvex minimax problems are a type of optimization challenge that has become increasingly important in fields like machine learning and signal processing. These problems involve finding a solution that minimizes the maximum value of some function.

The PDAPG algorithm introduced in this paper provides a new way to solve these nonconvex minimax problems, even when there are additional linear constraints coupling the variables. The key idea is to alternate between updating the "primal" and "dual" variables in a principled way using proximal gradient methods.

The authors show that their PDAPG algorithm can reliably find a solution that is close to optimal (within ε) using a relatively small number of iterations. Specifically, they prove that the number of iterations required scales inversely with the desired accuracy ε - O(ε^-2) in the nonconvex-strongly concave case, and O(ε^-4) in the more general nonconvex-concave case.

This is an important result, as prior algorithms for nonconvex optimization problems did not have such strong guarantees, especially in the presence of linear constraints. The PDAPG algorithm represents a significant advance in our ability to efficiently solve these challenging optimization problems.

Technical Explanation

The authors consider a nonconvex-(strongly) concave minimax optimization problem with coupled linear constraints. Formally, the problem is:

min_x max_y f(x,y) s.t. Ax + By ≤ c

where f is nonconvex in x and (strongly) concave in y, and A, B, c define the coupled linear constraints.

To solve this problem, the authors propose a Primal-Dual Alternating Proximal Gradient (PDAPG) algorithm. The key steps are:

  1. Alternate between updating the primal variable x and the dual variable y using proximal gradient steps.
  2. For the x-update, use a proximal operator to handle the nonconvexity.
  3. For the y-update, use a dual proximal operator to handle the concavity.

The authors prove that under suitable assumptions, the PDAPG algorithm can find an ε-stationary point with an iteration complexity of O(ε^-2) in the nonconvex-strongly concave case, and O(ε^-4) in the nonconvex-concave case.

This is achieved by carefully analyzing the progress made in each primal and dual update, and leveraging recent results on the linear convergence of forward-backward algorithms.

Critical Analysis

The main strength of this paper is the provable iteration complexity guarantees for the PDAPG algorithm, which represent a significant advance in the field of nonconvex optimization.

However, the analysis assumes relatively strong conditions, such as Lipschitz continuity and restricted strong convexity/concavity of the objective function. It remains an open question whether these assumptions can be relaxed while maintaining the same performance guarantees.

Additionally, the paper does not provide extensive numerical experiments or comparisons to other state-of-the-art algorithms for nonconvex minimax problems. More empirical validation would help demonstrate the practical utility of the PDAPG method.

Finally, the authors note that extending the PDAPG algorithm to the stochastic setting, where only noisy function evaluations are available, is an important direction for future research. Such an extension would significantly broaden the applicability of the method.


This paper introduces a new Primal-Dual Alternating Proximal Gradient (PDAPG) algorithm for solving a class of nonconvex minimax optimization problems with coupled linear constraints. The authors prove that their algorithm can find an ε-stationary point with strong iteration complexity guarantees, outperforming prior methods.

While the analysis relies on some restrictive assumptions, the PDAPG algorithm represents an important advancement in our ability to efficiently solve these challenging optimization problems, which have many real-world applications in machine learning, signal processing, and beyond. Further research is needed to relax the assumptions, improve the empirical performance, and extend the algorithm to the stochastic setting.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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