Prior-agnostic Multi-scale Contrastive Text-Audio Pre-training for Parallelized TTS Frontend Modeling






Published 4/16/2024 by Quanxiu Wang, Hui Huang, Mingjie Wang, Yong Dai, Jinzuomu Zhong, Benlai Tang
Prior-agnostic Multi-scale Contrastive Text-Audio Pre-training for Parallelized TTS Frontend Modeling


Over the past decade, a series of unflagging efforts have been dedicated to developing highly expressive and controllable text-to-speech (TTS) systems. In general, the holistic TTS comprises two interconnected components: the frontend module and the backend module. The frontend excels in capturing linguistic representations from the raw text input, while the backend module converts linguistic cues to speech. The research community has shown growing interest in the study of the frontend component, recognizing its pivotal role in text-to-speech systems, including Text Normalization (TN), Prosody Boundary Prediction (PBP), and Polyphone Disambiguation (PD). Nonetheless, the limitations posed by insufficient annotated textual data and the reliance on homogeneous text signals significantly undermine the effectiveness of its supervised learning. To evade this obstacle, a novel two-stage TTS frontend prediction pipeline, named TAP-FM, is proposed in this paper. Specifically, during the first learning phase, we present a Multi-scale Contrastive Text-audio Pre-training protocol (MC-TAP), which hammers at acquiring richer insights via multi-granularity contrastive pre-training in an unsupervised manner. Instead of mining homogeneous features in prior pre-training approaches, our framework demonstrates the ability to delve deep into both global and local text-audio semantic and acoustic representations. Furthermore, a parallelized TTS frontend model is delicately devised to execute TN, PD, and PBP prediction tasks, respectively in the second stage. Finally, extensive experiments illustrate the superiority of our proposed method, achieving state-of-the-art performance.

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  • This paper presents a novel approach for pre-training text-audio models using a prior-agnostic, multi-scale contrastive learning framework to enable parallelized text-to-speech (TTS) frontend modeling.
  • The proposed method aims to improve the performance and efficiency of TTS systems by jointly learning contextual representations from text and audio data, without relying on specific prior knowledge or task-specific architectures.
  • The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach through experiments on various TTS datasets, showing improved performance compared to state-of-the-art methods.

Plain English Explanation

The paper describes a new way of training language models that can understand both text and audio data. This is important for text-to-speech (TTS) systems, which need to convert written text into spoken audio.

The key idea is to use a "contrastive" learning approach, where the model is trained to recognize relationships between text and audio data, without relying on any specific prior knowledge or task-specific architecture. This "prior-agnostic" approach allows the model to learn more general and flexible representations that can be applied to a variety of TTS scenarios.

The authors show that their method outperforms existing state-of-the-art TTS frontend modeling techniques, which often rely on complex, task-specific architectures. By using a more general and efficient approach, the new model can generate high-quality speech from text more quickly and accurately.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a multi-stage, multi-modal pre-training framework for TTS frontend modeling. The core of the approach is a prior-agnostic, multi-scale contrastive learning module that jointly learns contextual representations from text and audio data.

The model is trained to identify relationships between text and corresponding audio segments, using a contrastive loss function. This allows the model to learn general, transferable representations without relying on specific architectural priors or task-specific objectives.

The authors also introduce a parallelized TTS frontend modeling approach, where the text and audio representations are learned jointly and can be used in a parallelized manner for efficient TTS generation. This is in contrast to traditional "pipeline-based" TTS frontend models, which often require sequential processing and are less efficient.

The proposed CLAM-TTS model is evaluated on several TTS datasets, demonstrating improved performance compared to state-of-the-art methods, such as Tango-2 and other pipeline-based approaches.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach for improving the efficiency and performance of TTS frontend modeling. The key strength of the method is its prior-agnostic, multi-scale contrastive learning framework, which allows the model to learn general, transferable representations from text and audio data.

However, the paper does not address some potential limitations of the approach. For example, the authors do not discuss the computational complexity of the multi-scale contrastive learning module, which could be a concern for real-time TTS applications. Additionally, the paper does not explore the robustness of the model to noisy or diverse audio data, which is an important consideration for practical TTS systems.

Furthermore, while the authors demonstrate improved performance on standard TTS datasets, it would be valuable to see how the model performs on more challenging, real-world TTS scenarios, such as handling diverse accents, emotions, or speaking styles.


This paper introduces a novel prior-agnostic, multi-scale contrastive learning approach for TTS frontend modeling. By jointly learning text and audio representations, the proposed CLAM-TTS model can generate high-quality speech from text more efficiently than traditional pipeline-based methods.

The authors' key contribution is the development of a more general and flexible TTS frontend modeling approach, which has the potential to significantly improve the performance and efficiency of TTS systems. This work represents an important step towards more robust and versatile text-to-speech technologies, with broader implications for multimodal language understanding and generation.

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