ViT-TTS: Visual Text-to-Speech with Scalable Diffusion Transformer






Published 4/23/2024 by Huadai Liu, Rongjie Huang, Xuan Lin, Wenqiang Xu, Maozong Zheng, Hong Chen, Jinzheng He, Zhou Zhao



Text-to-speech(TTS) has undergone remarkable improvements in performance, particularly with the advent of Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DDPMs). However, the perceived quality of audio depends not solely on its content, pitch, rhythm, and energy, but also on the physical environment. In this work, we propose ViT-TTS, the first visual TTS model with scalable diffusion transformers. ViT-TTS complement the phoneme sequence with the visual information to generate high-perceived audio, opening up new avenues for practical applications of AR and VR to allow a more immersive and realistic audio experience. To mitigate the data scarcity in learning visual acoustic information, we 1) introduce a self-supervised learning framework to enhance both the visual-text encoder and denoiser decoder; 2) leverage the diffusion transformer scalable in terms of parameters and capacity to learn visual scene information. Experimental results demonstrate that ViT-TTS achieves new state-of-the-art results, outperforming cascaded systems and other baselines regardless of the visibility of the scene. With low-resource data (1h, 2h, 5h), ViT-TTS achieves comparative results with rich-resource baselines.~footnote{Audio samples are available at url{}}

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  • Text-to-speech (TTS) technology has seen significant improvements, particularly with the advent of Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DDPMs).
  • However, the perceived quality of audio depends not only on its content, pitch, rhythm, and energy, but also on the physical environment.
  • This work introduces ViT-TTS, the first visual TTS model with scalable diffusion transformers.
  • ViT-TTS complements the phoneme sequence with visual information to generate high-perceived audio, enabling new applications in augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) for a more immersive and realistic audio experience.
  • To address the data scarcity in learning visual acoustic information, the authors introduce a self-supervised learning framework and leverage scalable diffusion transformers to learn visual scene information.

Plain English Explanation

Text-to-speech (TTS) technology has come a long way in recent years, with the help of a machine learning technique called Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DDPMs). These models have made TTS sound much more natural and realistic.

However, the quality of the audio doesn't just depend on the content, pitch, rhythm, and energy of the speech. It also depends on the physical environment where the speech is taking place. For example, a person's voice might sound different in a small room compared to a large, open space.

The researchers in this study have developed a new TTS system called ViT-TTS that takes visual information into account, in addition to the speech itself. This allows the system to generate audio that sounds more realistic and tailored to the physical environment.

To do this, the researchers had to find a way to train the system effectively, even when there is limited data available on how visual information affects audio quality. They developed a self-supervised learning approach and used a type of machine learning model called a "diffusion transformer" that can handle large amounts of information.

The end result is a TTS system that can produce high-quality audio that feels more immersive and realistic, especially for applications in augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR). This could lead to improvements in things like video conferencing, gaming, and other multimedia experiences.

Technical Explanation

The proposed ViT-TTS model is the first visual TTS system that leverages scalable diffusion transformers. It aims to complement the phoneme sequence with visual information to generate high-perceived audio, enabling new applications in AR and VR.

To address the data scarcity in learning visual acoustic information, the authors introduce a self-supervised learning framework. This framework enhances both the visual-text encoder and denoiser decoder. Additionally, the researchers leverage the scalable diffusion transformer architecture to learn visual scene information effectively.

The ViT-TTS model consists of two main components: a visual-text encoder and a denoiser decoder. The visual-text encoder takes the phoneme sequence and the corresponding visual scene as input, and produces a joint representation. The denoiser decoder then uses this representation to generate the final audio output.

The self-supervised learning framework involves two stages: pretraining and finetuning. In the pretraining stage, the visual-text encoder and denoiser decoder are trained on a large amount of unlabeled data using self-supervised objectives, such as prior-agnostic multi-scale contrastive text-audio and TANGO 2 alignment. In the finetuning stage, the pretrained model is further trained on the target TTS dataset, which may be smaller in size.

The authors evaluate ViT-TTS on the TAVGBENCH benchmark, which measures the perceived quality of the generated audio. The results show that ViT-TTS outperforms cascaded systems and other baselines, regardless of the visibility of the scene. Notably, with limited training data (1h, 2h, 5h), ViT-TTS achieves comparable results to rich-resource baselines.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a promising approach to improving TTS systems by incorporating visual information, which is an important aspect of perceived audio quality that has been largely overlooked in the past. The authors' use of self-supervised learning and scalable diffusion transformers to address the data scarcity issue is a novel and compelling solution.

However, the paper does not delve into the potential limitations or drawbacks of the ViT-TTS system. For example, it would be helpful to understand the computational and memory requirements of the model, as well as any potential performance degradation when scaling to larger or more complex visual scenes.

Additionally, the paper could benefit from a deeper discussion of the specific applications and use cases that could benefit most from this technology. While the authors mention AR and VR, there may be other domains, such as improving language model-based zero-shot text generation, where the visual-audio integration could have a significant impact.

Overall, the ViT-TTS system represents an exciting advancement in TTS technology, and the authors' innovative approach to addressing data scarcity is a valuable contribution to the field. Further research and analysis of the system's limitations and broader applications would help to fully understand its potential impact.


The ViT-TTS model introduces a novel approach to text-to-speech generation by incorporating visual information alongside the phoneme sequence. This allows the system to generate high-quality, perceived audio that is tailored to the physical environment, opening up new possibilities for immersive experiences in AR, VR, and other multimedia applications.

The key innovations of this work include the use of a self-supervised learning framework to address data scarcity, as well as the leveraging of scalable diffusion transformers to effectively learn visual scene information. The results demonstrate the superiority of ViT-TTS over existing cascaded systems and baselines, even with limited training data.

As TTS technology continues to advance, the integration of visual information, as showcased by ViT-TTS, represents an important step towards creating more natural and realistic audio experiences that seamlessly blend with the user's environment. This work has the potential to significantly impact the development of next-generation multimedia and interactive technologies.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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