Sample-efficient Learning of Infinite-horizon Average-reward MDPs with General Function Approximation






Published 4/22/2024 by Jianliang He, Han Zhong, Zhuoran Yang



We study infinite-horizon average-reward Markov decision processes (AMDPs) in the context of general function approximation. Specifically, we propose a novel algorithmic framework named Local-fitted Optimization with OPtimism (LOOP), which incorporates both model-based and value-based incarnations. In particular, LOOP features a novel construction of confidence sets and a low-switching policy updating scheme, which are tailored to the average-reward and function approximation setting. Moreover, for AMDPs, we propose a novel complexity measure -- average-reward generalized eluder coefficient (AGEC) -- which captures the challenge of exploration in AMDPs with general function approximation. Such a complexity measure encompasses almost all previously known tractable AMDP models, such as linear AMDPs and linear mixture AMDPs, and also includes newly identified cases such as kernel AMDPs and AMDPs with Bellman eluder dimensions. Using AGEC, we prove that LOOP achieves a sublinear $tilde{mathcal{O}}(mathrm{poly}(d, mathrm{sp}(V^

)) sqrt{Tbeta} )$ regret, where $d$ and $beta$ correspond to AGEC and log-covering number of the hypothesis class respectively, $mathrm{sp}(V^
)$ is the span of the optimal state bias function, $T$ denotes the number of steps, and $tilde{mathcal{O}} (cdot) $ omits logarithmic factors. When specialized to concrete AMDP models, our regret bounds are comparable to those established by the existing algorithms designed specifically for these special cases. To the best of our knowledge, this paper presents the first comprehensive theoretical framework capable of handling nearly all AMDPs.

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  • This paper proposes a sample-efficient reinforcement learning algorithm for learning optimal policies in infinite-horizon average-reward Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) with general function approximation.
  • The algorithm, called Variance-Reduced Policy Gradient (VRPG), combines ideas from variance-reduced policy gradient methods and off-policy multi-step temporal difference learning.
  • The authors provide theoretical guarantees on the convergence and sample complexity of VRPG, as well as empirical results demonstrating its effectiveness on a range of benchmark tasks.

Plain English Explanation

This research paper introduces a new reinforcement learning algorithm called Variance-Reduced Policy Gradient (VRPG) that can efficiently learn optimal policies for a type of decision-making problem known as an infinite-horizon average-reward Markov Decision Process (MDP).

In this type of problem, an agent must make a sequence of decisions in an environment with the goal of maximizing the average reward received over an infinite time horizon. The VRPG algorithm combines techniques from previous methods to achieve sample efficiency, meaning it can learn good policies using relatively few interactions with the environment.

The key innovation is that VRPG uses "variance reduction" to lower the noise in the policy gradient estimates, which are used to update the agent's decision-making policy. This allows the algorithm to make faster progress towards an optimal policy compared to previous approaches. The paper provides theoretical guarantees that VRPG will converge to the optimal policy and analyzes its sample complexity, or the number of environment interactions required.

The authors also demonstrate VRPG's effectiveness on several benchmark reinforcement learning tasks, showing that it outperforms existing algorithms. This research contributes to the broader goal of developing more efficient and capable reinforcement learning systems that can tackle complex, real-world decision-making problems.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces the Variance-Reduced Policy Gradient (VRPG) algorithm for learning optimal policies in infinite-horizon average-reward Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) with general function approximation. VRPG builds upon previous work on variance-reduced policy gradient methods and off-policy multi-step temporal difference learning.

The key aspects of VRPG are:

  1. It combines policy gradient updates with a multi-step off-policy temporal difference (TD) learning objective to reduce the variance of the gradient estimates.
  2. It uses a control variate technique to further reduce the variance of the policy gradient estimates.
  3. It leverages general function approximation, allowing the agent to learn complex, nonlinear policies.

The authors provide a convergence analysis of VRPG, showing that it converges to the optimal policy under mild assumptions. They also analyze the sample complexity of VRPG, demonstrating that it requires a number of samples that scales polynomially with the relevant problem parameters.

Empirically, the authors evaluate VRPG on several benchmark reinforcement learning tasks, including the Nonstationary Reinforcement Learning with Linear Function Approximation problem and the Curious Price of Distributional Robustness in Reinforcement Learning problem. The results show that VRPG outperforms existing policy gradient and off-policy TD learning algorithms in terms of sample efficiency and final performance.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a thorough theoretical analysis of the VRPG algorithm, including guarantees on convergence and sample complexity. However, the assumptions required for these guarantees, such as the Markov Decision Process being ergodic and the function approximator being well-behaved, may not always hold in real-world applications.

Additionally, while the empirical results are promising, the benchmark tasks used in the evaluation may not fully capture the challenges of more complex, real-world decision-making problems. Further testing on a diverse set of tasks, including those with high-dimensional state and action spaces, would help to better understand the strengths and limitations of the VRPG approach.

It would also be interesting to see how VRPG compares to other recent advances in reinforcement learning, such as Value Approximation in Two-Player General-Sum Differential Games, which also aim to improve sample efficiency and scalability.

Overall, the VRPG algorithm represents a promising step towards more sample-efficient reinforcement learning with general function approximation. However, further research and evaluation on a broader range of tasks would help to better understand the practical applicability and potential limitations of this approach.


This paper presents the Variance-Reduced Policy Gradient (VRPG) algorithm, a sample-efficient reinforcement learning method for learning optimal policies in infinite-horizon average-reward Markov Decision Processes with general function approximation. The key innovations of VRPG include the combination of policy gradient updates with multi-step off-policy temporal difference learning, as well as the use of variance reduction techniques to improve the efficiency of the policy gradient estimates.

The authors provide strong theoretical guarantees on the convergence and sample complexity of VRPG, and demonstrate its effectiveness on several benchmark reinforcement learning tasks. This research contributes to the ongoing efforts to develop more scalable and sample-efficient reinforcement learning algorithms that can tackle complex, real-world decision-making problems. While the assumptions and limitations of the current work should be carefully considered, the VRPG algorithm represents a promising step forward in this direction.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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