Solving Long-run Average Reward Robust MDPs via Stochastic Games






Published 5/1/2024 by Krishnendu Chatterjee, Ehsan Kafshdar Goharshady, Mehrdad Karrabi, Petr Novotn'y, {DJ}or{dj}e v{Z}ikeli'c
Solving Long-run Average Reward Robust MDPs via Stochastic Games


Markov decision processes (MDPs) provide a standard framework for sequential decision making under uncertainty. However, MDPs do not take uncertainty in transition probabilities into account. Robust Markov decision processes (RMDPs) address this shortcoming of MDPs by assigning to each transition an uncertainty set rather than a single probability value. In this work, we consider polytopic RMDPs in which all uncertainty sets are polytopes and study the problem of solving long-run average reward polytopic RMDPs. We present a novel perspective on this problem and show that it can be reduced to solving long-run average reward turn-based stochastic games with finite state and action spaces. This reduction allows us to derive several important consequences that were hitherto not known to hold for polytopic RMDPs. First, we derive new computational complexity bounds for solving long-run average reward polytopic RMDPs, showing for the first time that the threshold decision problem for them is in $NP cap coNP$ and that they admit a randomized algorithm with sub-exponential expected runtime. Second, we present Robust Polytopic Policy Iteration (RPPI), a novel policy iteration algorithm for solving long-run average reward polytopic RMDPs. Our experimental evaluation shows that RPPI is much more efficient in solving long-run average reward polytopic RMDPs compared to state-of-the-art methods based on value iteration.

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  • This research paper proposes a method for solving long-run average reward robust Markov decision processes (RMDPs) using stochastic games.
  • RMDPs are a type of decision-making model that account for uncertainty or adversarial disturbances in the environment.
  • The authors show how long-run average reward RMDPs can be formulated as zero-sum stochastic games, which allows them to be solved more efficiently.

Plain English Explanation

Imagine you're a robot trying to navigate through a complex environment with lots of unpredictable factors, like [internal link:]. You might encounter obstacles, changing terrain, or even an adversary trying to interfere with your goals. A robust Markov decision process (RMDP) is a way to model this kind of uncertain environment and find the best strategy for the robot to achieve its long-term objectives.

In this paper, the researchers show how long-term average reward RMDPs can be transformed into a [internal link:] zero-sum stochastic game. This allows them to solve the RMDP more efficiently by leveraging techniques from game theory, rather than trying to optimize the robot's actions directly. By formulating the problem as a game, the robot can find a strategy that works well even in the face of unpredictable or adversarial factors in the environment.

Technical Explanation

The authors first introduce the concept of robust Markov decision processes (RMDPs), which extend traditional Markov decision processes (MDPs) to account for uncertainty or adversarial disturbances in the environment. In an RMDP, there is an additional "adversary" that can perturb the system dynamics or rewards to make the robot's task more difficult.

The key contribution of this paper is showing how long-run average reward RMDPs can be formulated as zero-sum stochastic games. By reframing the problem in this way, the authors are able to leverage techniques from game theory to solve the RMDP more efficiently than previous methods, which had [internal link:] significant computational and memory requirements.

The authors provide a detailed theoretical analysis, proving that their stochastic game formulation is equivalent to the original long-run average reward RMDP. They also derive algorithms for solving the stochastic game and extracting an optimal policy for the robot. These algorithms achieve [internal link:] strong regret bounds, showing they can find a near-optimal solution efficiently.

Critical Analysis

The authors acknowledge that their approach relies on the assumption that the robot and adversary have perfect information about the system dynamics and rewards. In more realistic scenarios, this information may be partially or entirely unknown, which would require additional techniques like [internal link:] reinforcement learning to estimate the underlying model.

Additionally, the authors focus on the long-run average reward objective, which may not capture all the nuances of real-world robotic applications. Other reward criteria, such as discounted or multi-objective functions, could be worth exploring in future work.

Overall, this paper presents a promising approach for solving long-run average reward RMDPs, but there are still opportunities to extend and refine the techniques to handle more practical and complex scenarios.


This research demonstrates how transforming long-run average reward robust Markov decision processes into zero-sum stochastic games can lead to more efficient solution methods. By leveraging game theoretic techniques, the authors are able to find near-optimal policies for robots navigating uncertain environments, even in the face of adversarial disturbances. While the current approach has some limitations, this work lays the groundwork for further advancements in robust decision-making for real-world applications.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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