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A Reinforcement Learning based Reset Policy for CDCL SAT Solvers






Published 4/23/2024 by Chunxiao Li, Charlie Liu, Jonathan Chung, Zhengyang Lu, Piyush Jha, Vijay Ganesh
A Reinforcement Learning based Reset Policy for CDCL SAT Solvers


Restart policy is an important technique used in modern Conflict-Driven Clause Learning (CDCL) solvers, wherein some parts of the solver state are erased at certain intervals during the run of the solver. In most solvers, variable activities are preserved across restart boundaries, resulting in solvers continuing to search parts of the assignment tree that are not far from the one immediately prior to a restart. To enable the solver to search possibly distant parts of the assignment tree, we study the effect of resets, a variant of restarts which not only erases the assignment trail, but also randomizes the activity scores of the variables of the input formula after reset, thus potentially enabling a better global exploration of the search space. In this paper, we model the problem of whether to trigger reset as a multi-armed bandit (MAB) problem, and propose two reinforcement learning (RL) based adaptive reset policies using the Upper Confidence Bound (UCB) and Thompson sampling algorithms. These two algorithms balance the exploration-exploitation tradeoff by adaptively choosing arms (reset vs. no reset) based on their estimated rewards during the solver's run. We implement our reset policies in four baseline SOTA CDCL solvers and compare the baselines against the reset versions on Satcoin benchmarks and SAT Competition instances. Our results show that RL-based reset versions outperform the corresponding baseline solvers on both Satcoin and the SAT competition instances, suggesting that our RL policy helps to dynamically and profitably adapt the reset frequency for any given input instance. We also introduce the concept of a partial reset, where at least a constant number of variable activities are retained across reset boundaries. Building on previous results, we show that there is an exponential separation between O(1) vs. $Omega(n)$-length partial resets.

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  • This paper presents a reinforcement learning-based reset policy for CDCL (Conflict-Driven Clause Learning) SAT solvers, which are algorithms used to solve the Boolean Satisfiability (SAT) problem.
  • The goal is to improve the performance of CDCL SAT solvers by intelligently determining when to reset the solver's internal state, rather than using a fixed reset strategy.
  • The proposed approach uses reinforcement learning to learn an optimal reset policy that can adapt to the characteristics of the specific SAT problem instance being solved.

Plain English Explanation

The paper discusses a way to make CDCL SAT solvers more efficient. CDCL SAT solvers are algorithms that are used to solve a type of math problem called the Boolean Satisfiability (SAT) problem.

The key idea is to use reinforcement learning to teach the CDCL SAT solver when it should reset its internal state. Resetting the internal state can help the solver get unstuck when it's not making progress. But if you reset too often, it can slow down the solver. The researchers wanted to find the right balance, so they trained an AI system to learn the optimal reset strategy for each SAT problem.

The benefit of this approach is that the reset policy can adapt to the specific characteristics of the SAT problem being solved, rather than using a one-size-fits-all reset strategy. This allows the solver to be more efficient and solve problems faster.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a reinforcement learning-based approach to learn an optimal reset policy for CDCL SAT solvers. CDCL SAT solvers work by repeatedly making decisions about which variables to assign values to in order to satisfy a Boolean formula. When the solver gets stuck in a dead end, it can reset its internal state to try a different approach.

The key contribution of this work is to use reinforcement learning to automatically learn a reset policy that can adapt to the characteristics of the specific SAT problem being solved. The learnt policy determines when the solver should reset its state based on features like the number of conflicts, the age of learned clauses, and the current depth in the search tree.

The authors train the reset policy using a reward function that encourages faster solving times. They evaluate the approach on a suite of SAT benchmarks and show that it can outperform existing fixed reset strategies.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a novel and promising approach to improving the performance of CDCL SAT solvers. The use of reinforcement learning to learn an adaptive reset policy is an interesting idea that could have broader applications beyond just SAT solving.

That said, the evaluation is limited to a relatively small set of benchmark instances, and it's not clear how well the approach would generalize to more diverse or complex SAT problems. Additionally, the paper does not provide much insight into the interpretability of the learned reset policy - it would be helpful to understand the specific features and decision-making process used by the policy.

Further research could explore ways to make the reset policy more robust and generalizable, as well as investigate potential applications of this approach to other combinatorial optimization problems beyond SAT.


This paper presents a reinforcement learning-based approach to learning an adaptive reset policy for CDCL SAT solvers. By automatically determining the optimal times to reset the solver's internal state, this method can outperform existing fixed reset strategies and solve SAT problems more efficiently.

The key innovation is the use of reinforcement learning to learn a reset policy tailored to the characteristics of the specific SAT problem being solved. This allows the solver to dynamically adjust its behavior rather than relying on a one-size-fits-all approach.

While the evaluation is limited, the paper demonstrates the potential of reinforcement learning techniques to enhance the performance of complex combinatorial optimization algorithms like CDCL SAT solvers. Further research in this direction could lead to significant advances in the field of SAT solving and beyond.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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