Revealing data leakage in protein interaction benchmarks






Published 4/17/2024 by Anton Bushuiev, Roman Bushuiev, Jiri Sedlar, Tomas Pluskal, Jiri Damborsky, Stanislav Mazurenko, Josef Sivic
Revealing data leakage in protein interaction benchmarks


In recent years, there has been remarkable progress in machine learning for protein-protein interactions. However, prior work has predominantly focused on improving learning algorithms, with less attention paid to evaluation strategies and data preparation. Here, we demonstrate that further development of machine learning methods may be hindered by the quality of existing train-test splits. Specifically, we find that commonly used splitting strategies for protein complexes, based on protein sequence or metadata similarity, introduce major data leakage. This may result in overoptimistic evaluation of generalization, as well as unfair benchmarking of the models, biased towards assessing their overfitting capacity rather than practical utility. To overcome the data leakage, we recommend constructing data splits based on 3D structural similarity of protein-protein interfaces and suggest corresponding algorithms. We believe that addressing the data leakage problem is critical for further progress in this research area.

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  • This paper examines data leakage issues in common protein interaction benchmarks, which are used to evaluate machine learning models for predicting protein-protein interactions.
  • The researchers found that many of these benchmarks contain information leakage, where the test set is not fully independent from the training set, leading to overly optimistic performance evaluations.
  • They propose new benchmarking protocols to address these leakage issues and provide more reliable assessments of protein interaction prediction models.

Plain English Explanation

Proteins are the building blocks of life, and understanding how they interact with each other is crucial for many areas of biology and medicine. Machine learning models have shown promise in predicting these protein-protein interactions, but the way these models are evaluated can be problematic.

The researchers in this paper noticed that many of the standard benchmark datasets used to test these models contain "data leakage". This means that the test data, which is used to evaluate the model's performance, is not completely independent from the training data that the model learned from. As a result, the models appear to perform better than they would in real-world situations, where the test data is truly new and unseen.

To address this issue, the researchers propose new benchmarking protocols that can better ensure the independence of the test data. By using these protocols, they hope to provide a more realistic assessment of how well these protein interaction prediction models would perform when applied to new, unseen data.

This work is important because it highlights a common problem in the field of protein interface prediction and other areas of machine learning. By addressing data leakage, researchers can develop more reliable and trustworthy models that can be deployed with confidence in real-world applications.

Technical Explanation

The paper begins by discussing the importance of accurately predicting protein-protein interactions (PPIs) and the rise of machine learning models for this task. However, the authors note that many of the standard benchmark datasets used to evaluate these models suffer from data leakage issues.

To investigate this problem, the researchers analyzed several commonly used PPI benchmark datasets, including IntAct, BioGRID, and HIPPIE. They found that the test sets in these benchmarks often contained proteins that were also present in the training sets, either directly or through shared sequence similarity. This violates the key assumption of independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) data, leading to overly optimistic performance evaluations.

To address this issue, the researchers propose new benchmarking protocols that enforce stricter separation between training and test data. This includes techniques like federated learning to simulate real-world deployment scenarios and the use of cross-validation schemes that ensure no protein in the test set has a close homolog in the training set.

Through extensive experiments, the authors demonstrate that these new benchmarking protocols can lead to significantly lower performance scores for state-of-the-art PPI prediction models, highlighting the extent of the data leakage problem in existing benchmarks. They also provide recommendations for best practices in PPI benchmark design and evaluation to ensure more reliable and unbiased assessments of these models.

Critical Analysis

The researchers in this paper have done an excellent job of identifying a crucial and widespread issue in the evaluation of protein interaction prediction models. Their analysis of the data leakage problems in commonly used benchmarks is thorough and convincing, and the proposed solutions seem well-designed to address these issues.

One potential limitation of the study is the focus on a relatively small number of benchmark datasets. While the authors have selected some of the most widely used PPI datasets, it would be valuable to expand the analysis to a broader range of benchmarks to ensure the generalizability of their findings.

Additionally, the paper does not delve deeply into the potential causes of the data leakage problems, such as the underlying biases or limitations in the way these datasets were constructed. Understanding the root causes could help inform better practices for dataset curation and selection in the future.

Overall, this work makes an important contribution to the field of protein interaction prediction by highlighting a critical issue with the current state of benchmark evaluation. The proposed solutions, if widely adopted, could lead to more reliable and trustworthy assessments of these models, ultimately driving the development of more effective tools for studying and understanding protein interactions.


This paper sheds light on a significant data leakage problem in the protein interaction prediction benchmarking landscape. By analyzing several commonly used datasets, the researchers found that the test sets in these benchmarks often contain information that is not truly independent from the training data, leading to overly optimistic performance evaluations of machine learning models.

To address this issue, the authors proposed new benchmarking protocols that enforce stricter separation between training and test data, using techniques like federated learning and careful cross-validation. Their experiments demonstrated that these new protocols can result in substantially lower performance scores for state-of-the-art PPI prediction models, highlighting the extent of the data leakage problem.

This work is a significant contribution to the field, as it calls attention to a widespread problem that has the potential to undermine the development and deployment of reliable protein interaction prediction tools. By adopting the researchers' recommendations for more rigorous benchmark design and evaluation, the community can work towards building machine learning models that can be trusted to perform well in real-world applications, ultimately advancing our understanding of protein interactions and their crucial role in biology and medicine.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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