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Robust performance metrics for imbalanced classification problems






Published 4/12/2024 by Hajo Holzmann, Bernhard Klar



We show that established performance metrics in binary classification, such as the F-score, the Jaccard similarity coefficient or Matthews' correlation coefficient (MCC), are not robust to class imbalance in the sense that if the proportion of the minority class tends to $0$, the true positive rate (TPR) of the Bayes classifier under these metrics tends to $0$ as well. Thus, in imbalanced classification problems, these metrics favour classifiers which ignore the minority class. To alleviate this issue we introduce robust modifications of the F-score and the MCC for which, even in strongly imbalanced settings, the TPR is bounded away from $0$. We numerically illustrate the behaviour of the various performance metrics in simulations as well as on a credit default data set. We also discuss connections to the ROC and precision-recall curves and give recommendations on how to combine their usage with performance metrics.

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  • Established performance metrics like F-score, Jaccard similarity, and Matthews' correlation coefficient (MCC) are not robust to class imbalance
  • These metrics favor classifiers that ignore the minority class, even if the Bayes classifier has a high true positive rate (TPR)
  • Researchers introduce robust modifications of the F-score and MCC that maintain a high TPR even in strongly imbalanced settings

Plain English Explanation

When working with binary classification problems, there are standard ways to measure how well a model performs. These include the F-score, Jaccard similarity, and Matthews' correlation coefficient (MCC).

The problem: The researchers found that these common performance metrics are not reliable when the classes are severely imbalanced - that is, when one class is much rarer than the other. In these cases, the metrics will favor classifiers that simply ignore the minority class, even if a more sophisticated "Bayes classifier" could actually identify the minority class with high accuracy.

The solution: To address this issue, the researchers developed new versions of the F-score and MCC that are more robust to class imbalance. Even when one class is very rare, these modified metrics will still reward classifiers that can accurately identify the minority class.

Technical Explanation

The researchers show mathematically that as the proportion of the minority class approaches 0, the true positive rate (TPR) of the Bayes classifier under standard performance metrics like F-score and MCC also approaches 0. This means these metrics will favor simple classifiers that ignore the minority class entirely, rather than more complex models that can accurately identify the rare cases.

To fix this, the researchers introduce new "robust" versions of the F-score and MCC. These modified metrics ensure the TPR remains bounded away from 0, even in highly imbalanced settings. The researchers validate these improvements through numerical simulations as well as experiments on a real-world credit default dataset.

They also discuss connections between these performance metrics and other tools like ROC and precision-recall curves. The paper provides guidance on how to effectively combine these different evaluation techniques to get a more complete picture of model performance.

Critical Analysis

The researchers acknowledge that their robust metrics still have limitations - for example, they may not fully capture the "difficulty" of a classification task in the way that measures like classification difficulty can. There may also be other factors beyond just class imbalance that impact the reliability of standard performance metrics.

Additionally, the paper does not explore how these issues around class imbalance may play out in more complex, multi-class classification scenarios. Further research would be needed to understand the implications in those settings.

Overall, though, this work highlights an important and under-appreciated problem with common model evaluation techniques. The new robust metrics proposed provide a useful tool for researchers and practitioners working on imbalanced classification problems.


This paper demonstrates that standard performance metrics like F-score and MCC can be misleading when dealing with highly imbalanced datasets. The researchers introduce improved versions of these metrics that remain reliable even when one class is extremely rare. These robust metrics can help ensure that machine learning models are properly evaluated and optimized, especially in real-world applications where class imbalance is a common challenge.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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