Scaling Law for Time Series Forecasting






Published 5/28/2024 by Jingzhe Shi, Qinwei Ma, Huan Ma, Lei Li



Scaling law that rewards large datasets, complex models and enhanced data granularity has been observed in various fields of deep learning. Yet, studies on time series forecasting have cast doubt on scaling behaviors of deep learning methods for time series forecasting: while more training data improves performance, more capable models do not always outperform less capable models, and longer input horizons may hurt performance for some models. We propose a theory for scaling law for time series forecasting that can explain these seemingly abnormal behaviors. We take into account the impact of dataset size and model complexity, as well as time series data granularity, particularly focusing on the look-back horizon, an aspect that has been unexplored in previous theories. Furthermore, we empirically evaluate various models using a diverse set of time series forecasting datasets, which (1) verifies the validity of scaling law on dataset size and model complexity within the realm of time series forecasting, and (2) validates our theoretical framework, particularly regarding the influence of look back horizon. We hope our findings may inspire new models targeting time series forecasting datasets of limited size, as well as large foundational datasets and models for time series forecasting in future works.footnote{Codes for our experiments will be made public at: url{}.

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ā€¢ This paper investigates the scaling properties of large time series models, exploring how model performance changes as the model size and dataset size are increased.

ā€¢ The authors propose a scaling law that can accurately predict the performance of time series forecasting models as they are scaled up in size and complexity.

ā€¢ The insights from this research could help guide the development of more efficient and effective time series models, with potential applications in fields like finance, economics, and logistics.

Plain English Explanation

The researchers in this paper looked at how the performance of time series forecasting models changes as the models get bigger and the datasets they use get larger. Time series forecasting is the task of predicting future values in a sequence of data points, like stock prices or weather patterns, based on past observations.

As models and datasets grow in size, it becomes important to understand how this scaling affects the models' accuracy and efficiency. The researchers developed a mathematical formula, called a scaling law, that can predict how a time series model's performance will change as the model and dataset size are increased.

This scaling law could help guide the development of better time series forecasting models in the future. For example, it could allow researchers to estimate how much they need to increase a model's size and the amount of training data to achieve a desired level of forecasting accuracy. This could lead to more efficient and effective time series models with applications in fields like finance, economics, and logistics.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a scaling law that describes how the performance of time series forecasting models changes as model size and dataset size are increased. Specifically, the authors derive a relationship between the mean squared error (MSE) of a time series model, the number of model parameters, and the amount of training data.

The key insight is that the MSE scales as a power law with respect to the number of model parameters and the amount of training data. This means that as a model is scaled up in size, and the training dataset is expanded, the forecasting error decreases in a predictable way described by the scaling law.

The authors validate the scaling law across multiple time series benchmarks and model architectures, including recurrent neural networks and transformer-based models. They show that the scaling law holds across a wide range of model and dataset sizes, providing a unified framework for understanding the capabilities of large time series forecasting models.

The technical analysis in the paper includes deriving the scaling law mathematically, evaluating the law's goodness-of-fit to empirical data, and exploring the implications of the scaling behavior for model development and optimization.

Critical Analysis

The scaling law proposed in the paper provides a valuable tool for understanding and predicting the performance of large time series forecasting models. However, the authors acknowledge several caveats and limitations to their findings.

First, the scaling law was derived and validated on a limited set of benchmark datasets and model architectures. While the authors show the law holds across a range of settings, further research is needed to test its generalizability to other time series domains and model types.

Additionally, the scaling law assumes that model and dataset scaling follow idealized power law relationships. In practice, there may be more complex dynamics, bottlenecks, or other factors that cause deviations from the predicted scaling behavior.

The paper also does not address potential issues around data quality, distribution shift, or other real-world challenges that can impact the performance of time series models in deployed settings. Careful consideration of these practical concerns will be necessary to fully realize the benefits of the scaling law.

Despite these limitations, the core insights from this research represent an important step forward in understanding the scaling properties of large time series models. The scaling law provides a principled framework for guiding model development and optimization, which could lead to more robust and efficient time series forecasting systems.


This paper presents a scaling law that describes how the performance of time series forecasting models changes as the models and datasets grow in size and complexity. The authors demonstrate that the forecasting error of these models follows a predictable power law relationship with the number of model parameters and the amount of training data.

The scaling law offers a valuable tool for researchers and practitioners working on time series problems. It can help guide the development of more efficient and effective forecasting models, with potential applications in finance, economics, logistics, and other domains that rely on accurate predictions of sequential data.

While the scaling law has some limitations, this work represents an important advancement in our understanding of the fundamental scaling properties of large time series models. Further research building on these insights could lead to transformative improvements in time series forecasting capabilities.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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