Scaling-laws for Large Time-series Models






Published 5/24/2024 by Thomas D. P. Edwards, James Alvey, Justin Alsing, Nam H. Nguyen, Benjamin D. Wandelt



Scaling laws for large language models (LLMs) have provided useful guidance on how to train ever larger models for predictable performance gains. Time series forecasting shares a similar sequential structure to language, and is amenable to large-scale transformer architectures. Here we show that foundational decoder-only time series transformer models exhibit analogous scaling-behavior to LLMs, while architectural details (aspect ratio and number of heads) have a minimal effect over broad ranges. We assemble a large corpus of heterogenous time series data on which to train, and establish, for the first time, power-law scaling relations with respect to parameter count, dataset size, and training compute, spanning five orders of magnitude.

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  • This paper explores the scaling behavior of large transformer-based models for time series forecasting, similar to the scaling laws observed in large language models (LLMs).
  • The researchers assembled a large and diverse dataset of time series data to train their models, and found that these foundational time series transformer models exhibit power-law scaling with respect to parameters, dataset size, and training compute.
  • This suggests that the same principles governing the scaling of LLMs may apply to transformer-based models for time series tasks, opening up new possibilities for rapid performance improvements as model and dataset sizes increase.

Plain English Explanation

The paper looks at how the size and complexity of transformer-based models used for time series forecasting relate to their performance. Similar to what researchers have found with large language models (LLMs), the authors show that as you increase the number of parameters in the model, the size of the training dataset, and the amount of computing power used to train the model, the performance of the time series forecasting model also improves in a predictable way.

This is important because it suggests that the same principles that have allowed LLMs to become increasingly capable as they've scaled up in size can also be applied to transformer-based models for other sequential data tasks like time series forecasting. By understanding these scaling laws, researchers and engineers can more effectively design and train models for time series applications, potentially leading to rapid performance gains as model and dataset sizes continue to grow.

Technical Explanation

The researchers in this paper trained large transformer-based models on a diverse corpus of time series data, spanning over five orders of magnitude in terms of the number of parameters, dataset size, and training compute. They found that these foundational time series transformer models exhibit power-law scaling behavior, similar to what has been observed with LLMs.

Specifically, the team found that model performance (as measured by various forecasting metrics) scaled predictably with the number of model parameters, the size of the training dataset, and the amount of compute used for training. This held true even as they varied architectural details like the aspect ratio and number of attention heads, which had relatively minimal impact on the scaling trends.

By assembling this large and heterogeneous time series dataset, the researchers were able to establish these scaling law relationships for time series transformers for the first time. This suggests that the same principles governing the scaling of language models may extend to other sequential data domains, opening up new avenues for rapid performance improvements as model and dataset sizes continue to grow.

Critical Analysis

The researchers acknowledge several limitations and caveats to their work. First, while the time series dataset they compiled is large and diverse, it may not fully capture the breadth of real-world time series applications. Further research is needed to validate whether the observed scaling laws hold for other time series datasets and tasks.

Additionally, the paper focuses solely on decoder-only transformer architectures, leaving open the question of whether encoder-decoder transformer models, which are commonly used for sequence-to-sequence tasks, would exhibit similar scaling behavior. Exploring the scaling properties of other transformer variants could provide a more comprehensive understanding of the principles underlying these models.

The researchers also note that their analysis is limited to forecasting metrics, and do not examine how scaling impacts other relevant time series characteristics, such as uncertainty quantification or anomaly detection. Expanding the performance evaluation criteria could yield additional insights into the scaling properties of time series transformers.

Despite these limitations, this work represents an important step towards unraveling the mysteries of scaling laws in the context of time series modeling. By establishing these foundational scaling relationships, the researchers have laid the groundwork for future investigations into the broader applicability and implications of these principles.


This paper demonstrates that transformer-based models for time series forecasting exhibit analogous scaling behavior to large language models, with predictable performance improvements as model size, dataset size, and training compute increase. These findings suggest that the principles governing the scaling of LLMs may extend to other sequential data domains, opening up new opportunities for rapid advancements in time series applications as model and dataset sizes continue to grow.

The researchers' assembly of a large, diverse time series dataset and their rigorous analysis of the scaling properties of these transformer models represent an important contribution to the field. While further research is needed to validate the broader applicability of these scaling laws, this work lays the foundation for developing more effective and efficient transformer-based solutions for a wide range of time series forecasting and analysis tasks.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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