Scenarios and Approaches for Situated Natural Language Explanations






Published 6/10/2024 by Pengshuo Qiu, Frank Rudzicz, Zining Zhu
Scenarios and Approaches for Situated Natural Language Explanations


Large language models (LLMs) can be used to generate natural language explanations (NLE) that are adapted to different users' situations. However, there is yet to be a quantitative evaluation of the extent of such adaptation. To bridge this gap, we collect a benchmarking dataset, Situation-Based Explanation. This dataset contains 100 explanandums. Each explanandum is paired with explanations targeted at three distinct audience types-such as educators, students, and professionals-enabling us to assess how well the explanations meet the specific informational needs and contexts of these diverse groups e.g. students, teachers, and parents. For each explanandum paired with an audience situation, we include a human-written explanation. These allow us to compute scores that quantify how the LLMs adapt the explanations to the situations. On an array of pretrained language models with varying sizes, we examine three categories of prompting methods: rule-based prompting, meta-prompting, and in-context learning prompting. We find that 1) language models can generate prompts that result in explanations more precisely aligned with the target situations, 2) explicitly modeling an assistant persona by prompting You are a helpful assistant... is not a necessary prompt technique for situated NLE tasks, and 3) the in-context learning prompts only can help LLMs learn the demonstration template but can't improve their inference performance. SBE and our analysis facilitate future research towards generating situated natural language explanations.

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  • This paper explores different scenarios and approaches for situated natural language explanations, which involve providing explanations of AI systems' behaviors in the context of specific situations or environments.
  • The authors discuss the potential benefits of situated explanations, such as improved user understanding and trust, as well as the technical challenges involved in generating such explanations.
  • The paper reviews related work in areas like explainable AI, situated dialogue, and language model-based explanations.
  • The authors propose several scenarios and approaches for situated natural language explanations, and discuss the potential advantages and limitations of each.

Plain English Explanation

This paper looks at different ways that AI systems could provide explanations of their behaviors in the context of specific situations or environments. The researchers believe that these "situated" explanations could help users better understand and trust the AI systems they interact with.

For example, imagine an AI assistant that's helping you cook a recipe. Instead of just giving you step-by-step instructions, the AI could also explain why it's recommending certain ingredients or cooking techniques based on the current state of your kitchen and the recipes you've used before. This could make the AI's actions more transparent and give you more confidence in following its guidance.

The paper reviews some related work in areas like explainable AI, which looks at ways to make AI systems more interpretable, and situated dialogue, which involves AI systems having more contextual conversations. The authors then propose several specific scenarios and approaches for providing situated natural language explanations.

Overall, the goal is to make AI systems' decision-making and behavior more understandable to the people using them, which could lead to increased trust and better collaboration between humans and machines.

Technical Explanation

The paper explores different scenarios and approaches for situated natural language explanations, which involve providing explanations of AI systems' behaviors in the context of specific situations or environments.

The authors first review related work in areas like explainable AI, where researchers have looked at ways to make AI systems more interpretable to users. They also discuss work on situated dialogue, which involves AI systems having more contextual conversations, and language model-based explanations, where large language models are used to generate natural language explanations.

Building on this prior research, the authors propose several scenarios for situated natural language explanations. For example, they describe a cooking assistant that could explain its recommendations for ingredients and techniques based on the user's kitchen setup and past cooking habits. They also suggest scenarios involving robots providing explanations of their actions in a home environment, or intelligent tutoring systems generating explanations tailored to a student's knowledge and learning context.

For each scenario, the authors discuss the potential benefits of situated explanations, such as improved user understanding and trust, as well as the technical challenges involved. These challenges include accurately modeling the current situation, generating coherent and relevant explanations, and adapting the explanations to the user's level of understanding.

The paper also outlines various approaches the authors believe could be used to address these challenges, such as leveraging large language models, integrating multimodal sensors, and incorporating user modeling and adaptation techniques.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a thoughtful exploration of the potential benefits and technical challenges of situated natural language explanations for AI systems. The authors make a compelling case for the value of these kinds of explanations in improving user understanding and trust, which are crucial for the widespread adoption and effective use of AI technologies.

That said, the paper also acknowledges several important limitations and areas for further research. For example, the authors note that accurately modeling the relevant contextual factors in a given situation, and then generating coherent and relevant explanations based on that model, poses significant technical hurdles. Additionally, they highlight the need for more research on how to effectively adapt the explanations to the user's level of knowledge and understanding.

One potential issue the paper does not address in depth is the risk of situated explanations being used to obfuscate or mislead users about an AI system's true capabilities and limitations. There is a delicate balance to strike between providing useful, contextual explanations and avoiding over-simplification or outright deception.

Another area that could warrant further exploration is the potential societal impacts of widespread adoption of situated natural language explanations. For example, how might these explanations affect human-AI interaction and collaboration, and what implications might that have for the future of work and education?

Overall, the paper makes a valuable contribution to the growing body of research on explainable AI and human-AI interaction. By outlining a range of scenarios and approaches for situated natural language explanations, it provides a useful framework for continued exploration and development in this important area.


This paper presents a comprehensive exploration of the potential benefits and technical challenges associated with situated natural language explanations for AI systems. The authors make a compelling case for the value of these kinds of explanations in improving user understanding and trust, which are crucial for the widespread adoption and effective use of AI technologies.

The paper reviews relevant prior work in areas like explainable AI, situated dialogue, and language model-based explanations, and then proposes several specific scenarios and approaches for providing situated natural language explanations.

While the technical challenges involved are significant, the potential benefits of situated explanations, such as increased transparency and better human-AI collaboration, make this a promising area for continued research and development. The critical analysis highlights the need to consider potential risks and societal implications as this technology evolves.

Overall, this paper makes an important contribution to the field of explainable AI and sets the stage for further exploration of how AI systems can provide more contextual and understandable explanations of their behaviors.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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