SCT: A Simple Baseline for Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning via Salient Channels






Published 4/30/2024 by Henry Hengyuan Zhao, Pichao Wang, Yuyang Zhao, Hao Luo, Fan Wang, Mike Zheng Shou



Pre-trained vision transformers have strong representation benefits to various downstream tasks. Recently, many parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) methods have been proposed, and their experiments demonstrate that tuning only 1% extra parameters could surpass full fine-tuning in low-data resource scenarios. However, these methods overlook the task-specific information when fine-tuning diverse downstream tasks. In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective method called Salient Channel Tuning (SCT) to leverage the task-specific information by forwarding the model with the task images to select partial channels in a feature map that enables us to tune only 1/8 channels leading to significantly lower parameter costs. Experiments on 19 visual transfer learning downstream tasks demonstrate that our SCT outperforms full fine-tuning on 18 out of 19 tasks by adding only 0.11M parameters of the ViT-B, which is 780$times$ fewer than its full fine-tuning counterpart. Furthermore, experiments on domain generalization and few-shot classification further demonstrate the effectiveness and generic of our approach. The code is available at

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  • Pre-trained vision transformers have strong representation benefits for various downstream tasks
  • Recently, many parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) methods have been proposed, showing that tuning only 1% of extra parameters could surpass full fine-tuning in low-data resource scenarios
  • However, these methods overlook the task-specific information when fine-tuning diverse downstream tasks
  • The proposed method, Salient Channel Tuning (SCT), leverages task-specific information by forwarding the model with task images to select partial channels in a feature map, enabling tuning of only 1/8 channels with significantly lower parameter costs

Plain English Explanation

Vision transformers are a type of machine learning model that have been pre-trained on large datasets to learn general visual representations. These pre-trained models have shown strong performance when fine-tuned, or adapted, to different downstream tasks like image classification or object detection.

Recently, researchers have developed parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) methods that can achieve high performance by only tuning a small fraction of the model's parameters, like 1% of the total. This is beneficial when you have limited data for the downstream task, as it can prevent the model from overfitting.

However, these PEFT methods have a limitation - they don't take into account the specific requirements of each downstream task. The paper proposes a new method called Salient Channel Tuning (SCT) that aims to address this by selectively tuning the parts of the model that are most relevant to the task at hand.

SCT works by running the pre-trained model on the task's images and identifying the most important "channels" or feature maps in the model. It then only fine-tunes those important channels, rather than the full model. This allows it to achieve high performance while only updating a small fraction (1/8) of the model's parameters.

The experiments show that SCT outperforms full fine-tuning on 18 out of 19 tasks in a benchmark dataset, while using 780 times fewer parameters. It also performs well on tasks like domain generalization and few-shot learning, where having an efficient fine-tuning method is crucial.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a method called Salient Channel Tuning (SCT) to leverage task-specific information when fine-tuning pre-trained vision transformer models.

The key idea behind SCT is to selectively tune only a subset of the model's channels, or feature maps, that are most relevant to the target task. This is done by first running the pre-trained model on the task's images and measuring the importance of each channel. The model then only fine-tunes the top 1/8 most important channels, which significantly reduces the number of parameters that need to be updated.

The authors evaluate SCT on the VTAB-1K benchmark, which covers 19 diverse downstream tasks. They find that SCT outperforms full fine-tuning on 18 out of the 19 tasks, while only adding 0.11M parameters to the ViT-B model, which is 780x fewer than the full fine-tuning approach.

Additionally, the authors test SCT on domain generalization and few-shot learning tasks, where parameter efficiency is crucial. They show that SCT surpasses other PEFT methods like Certified PEFT and Heat-head in these low-data regimes, demonstrating the strong capability and effectiveness of their proposed tuning technique.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach to improving the parameter efficiency of fine-tuning pre-trained vision transformers. By selectively tuning only the most relevant channels in the model, SCT is able to achieve strong performance while using significantly fewer parameters than full fine-tuning.

One potential limitation of the method is that the channel selection process relies on running the pre-trained model on the task's images, which could add some computational overhead. The authors do not provide a detailed analysis of the runtime or memory requirements of this step.

Additionally, the paper does not explore the generalization of the selected channels across multiple tasks. It's possible that the most salient channels for one task may not transfer well to other tasks, which could limit the scalability of the approach.

Further research could investigate ways to make the channel selection process more efficient, as well as explore methods for identifying more generalizable salient channels that could benefit a broader range of downstream tasks.

Overall, the paper makes a valuable contribution to the field of parameter-efficient fine-tuning and demonstrates the potential for leveraging task-specific information to improve the performance and efficiency of pre-trained vision models.


The proposed Salient Channel Tuning (SCT) method offers a simple yet effective approach to fine-tuning pre-trained vision transformers in a parameter-efficient manner. By selectively tuning only the most relevant channels in the model, SCT is able to outperform full fine-tuning on a wide range of downstream tasks while using significantly fewer parameters.

The strong results on benchmarks like VTAB-1K, as well as in low-data regimes like domain generalization and few-shot learning, highlight the capability and effectiveness of SCT. This work contributes to the broader effort to develop more efficient fine-tuning techniques that can unlock the full potential of large-scale pre-trained vision models, particularly in resource-constrained settings.

As the field of computer vision continues to advance, methods like SCT will play an important role in enabling the widespread deployment and practical application of these powerful models across diverse real-world scenarios.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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