SEACrowd: A Multilingual Multimodal Data Hub and Benchmark Suite for Southeast Asian Languages






Published 6/17/2024 by Holy Lovenia, Rahmad Mahendra, Salsabil Maulana Akbar, Lester James V. Miranda, Jennifer Santoso, Elyanah Aco, Akhdan Fadhilah, Jonibek Mansurov, Joseph Marvin Imperial, Onno P. Kampman and 51 others
SEACrowd: A Multilingual Multimodal Data Hub and Benchmark Suite for Southeast Asian Languages


Southeast Asia (SEA) is a region rich in linguistic diversity and cultural variety, with over 1,300 indigenous languages and a population of 671 million people. However, prevailing AI models suffer from a significant lack of representation of texts, images, and audio datasets from SEA, compromising the quality of AI models for SEA languages. Evaluating models for SEA languages is challenging due to the scarcity of high-quality datasets, compounded by the dominance of English training data, raising concerns about potential cultural misrepresentation. To address these challenges, we introduce SEACrowd, a collaborative initiative that consolidates a comprehensive resource hub that fills the resource gap by providing standardized corpora in nearly 1,000 SEA languages across three modalities. Through our SEACrowd benchmarks, we assess the quality of AI models on 36 indigenous languages across 13 tasks, offering valuable insights into the current AI landscape in SEA. Furthermore, we propose strategies to facilitate greater AI advancements, maximizing potential utility and resource equity for the future of AI in SEA.

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ā€¢ SEACrowd is a multilingual and multimodal data hub and benchmark suite for Southeast Asian languages. ā€¢ It provides a diverse dataset and standardized evaluation tasks to advance natural language processing (NLP) and multimodal research in this underrepresented region. ā€¢ The dataset covers a range of modalities, including text, images, and speech, across 11 Southeast Asian languages. ā€¢ The benchmark suite includes tasks like language identification, machine translation, and visual question answering, designed to assess model capabilities in real-world applications.

Plain English Explanation

SEACrowd is a new resource that aims to help researchers and developers create better artificial intelligence (AI) systems for Southeast Asian languages. This region is often overlooked in AI development, so SEACrowd provides a large, diverse dataset and a set of standardized tests to evaluate how well AI models can handle tasks in these languages.

The dataset includes text, images, and speech data across 11 different Southeast Asian languages, like Thai, Vietnamese, and Indonesian. Researchers can use this data to train AI models to do things like translate between languages, answer questions about images, or identify which language is being used.

The benchmark suite includes a variety of tasks that test different capabilities of AI models, like being able to accurately translate text or answer questions about visual information. These tests are designed to mimic real-world applications, so developers can see how their models would perform in practical situations.

By providing this comprehensive dataset and set of benchmarks, SEACrowd hopes to spur more research and development of AI systems that work well for Southeast Asian languages. This could lead to better digital tools and services for the hundreds of millions of people who speak these languages.

Technical Explanation

The SEACrowd dataset and benchmark suite is organized around 11 Southeast Asian languages: Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Malaysia, Burmese, Khmer, Lao, Maranao, Pangasinan, Tagalog, Thai, Tausug, and Vietnamese. It contains text data from web pages, social media, and other online sources, as well as images and speech recordings.

The benchmark suite includes the following tasks:

  • Language identification: Classify the language of a given text sample.
  • Machine translation: Translate text between pairs of Southeast Asian languages.
  • Visual question answering: Answer questions about the content of images.
  • Socioeconomic estimation: Predict socioeconomic indicators for a geographic region based on text and image data.

The dataset and benchmark suite were developed by researchers from institutions across Southeast Asia, in collaboration with partners from Europe and the United States. They used a range of techniques, including web crawling, crowdsourcing, and expert annotations, to collect and curate the data.

Critical Analysis

One potential limitation of the SEACrowd dataset is the representativeness of the text data, which is primarily drawn from online sources. This may not fully capture the linguistic diversity and real-world usage of these languages. The researchers acknowledge this and suggest incorporating more ethnographic data collection methods in the future.

Additionally, the benchmark tasks, while designed to be realistic, may not fully reflect the nuanced requirements of practical applications. For example, the visual question answering task focuses on factual questions, but real-world use cases may involve more open-ended or subjective queries.

Further research could also explore the robustness and generalizability of models trained on the SEACrowd data, particularly in the face of speech enhancement challenges or cross-lingual transfer tasks.


The SEACrowd dataset and benchmark suite represent an important step towards advancing natural language processing and multimodal AI research in Southeast Asia. By providing a comprehensive, standardized resource, the project aims to catalyze more work in this underserved region and contribute to the development of culturally-aware and linguistically-inclusive AI systems.

The dataset and benchmark tasks cover a wide range of modalities and applications, offering researchers and developers valuable tools to test the capabilities of their models. As the project continues to evolve, incorporating feedback and expanding its scope, it has the potential to drive significant progress in making AI more accessible and beneficial for Southeast Asian communities.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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