Semantic Flow: Learning Semantic Field of Dynamic Scenes from Monocular Videos






Published 4/9/2024 by Fengrui Tian, Yueqi Duan, Angtian Wang, Jianfei Guo, Shaoyi Du
Semantic Flow: Learning Semantic Field of Dynamic Scenes from Monocular Videos


In this work, we pioneer Semantic Flow, a neural semantic representation of dynamic scenes from monocular videos. In contrast to previous NeRF methods that reconstruct dynamic scenes from the colors and volume densities of individual points, Semantic Flow learns semantics from continuous flows that contain rich 3D motion information. As there is 2D-to-3D ambiguity problem in the viewing direction when extracting 3D flow features from 2D video frames, we consider the volume densities as opacity priors that describe the contributions of flow features to the semantics on the frames. More specifically, we first learn a flow network to predict flows in the dynamic scene, and propose a flow feature aggregation module to extract flow features from video frames. Then, we propose a flow attention module to extract motion information from flow features, which is followed by a semantic network to output semantic logits of flows. We integrate the logits with volume densities in the viewing direction to supervise the flow features with semantic labels on video frames. Experimental results show that our model is able to learn from multiple dynamic scenes and supports a series of new tasks such as instance-level scene editing, semantic completions, dynamic scene tracking and semantic adaption on novel scenes. Codes are available at

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  • This paper presents a novel approach called "Semantic Flow" for learning semantic fields of dynamic scenes from monocular videos.
  • The proposed method aims to capture the semantic understanding of a scene, including the relationships between objects and their motion, by leveraging video data.
  • The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach on various downstream tasks, such as scene flow estimation, novel view synthesis, and long-term scene understanding.

Plain English Explanation

The paper introduces a new technique called "Semantic Flow" that can analyze videos to understand the relationships between objects and how they move in a scene. Instead of just focusing on the raw visual information, the method tries to capture the semantic meaning behind what's happening.

For example, if you had a video of a person walking across a room, the Semantic Flow approach would not only track the person's movement, but also understand that the person is an agent that is moving independently, while the background environment is a static scene. This deeper understanding of the scene could then be used to help with tasks like predicting future movement, generating new views of the scene, or maintaining long-term knowledge of what's happening.

The key innovation is the way the method learns to extract this semantic information directly from the video data, without requiring additional annotations or external knowledge. By learning the relationships between objects and their motion, the Semantic Flow approach aims to provide a more holistic and meaningful representation of dynamic scenes compared to traditional computer vision techniques.

Technical Explanation

The core of the Semantic Flow approach is a neural network architecture that takes a monocular video as input and produces a set of learned 'semantic fields' as output. These semantic fields capture the relationships between different semantic entities (e.g. objects, agents, background) and their motion in the scene.

The network consists of several key components:

  1. A video encoder that extracts visual features from the input frames.
  2. A 'semantic segmentation' module that identifies the different semantic entities present in the scene.
  3. A 'semantic flow' module that predicts how these semantic entities move and interact over time.
  4. A 'scene graph' module that models the high-level relationships between the semantic entities.

By jointly training these components end-to-end on video data, the network learns to build a rich, structured representation of the dynamic scene that goes beyond just tracking low-level visual features. The authors demonstrate how this semantic understanding can be leveraged for tasks like scene flow estimation, novel view synthesis, and long-term scene understanding.

Critical Analysis

The Semantic Flow approach represents an interesting step forward in video understanding, as it moves beyond just tracking visual motion to also capturing the semantic relationships between objects and agents in a scene. This richer representation could lead to more robust and capable computer vision systems, with applications in areas like autonomous driving, robotics, and augmented reality.

However, the paper also raises some questions and limitations that warrant further investigation. For example, the performance of the method is demonstrated on relatively simple indoor scenes, and it's unclear how well it would scale to more complex, real-world environments. Additionally, the paper does not discuss how the semantic understanding could be made more interpretable or explainable to human users.

Another potential concern is the reliance on monocular video data, which can be challenging to acquire and may limit the accuracy of the learned representations compared to methods that leverage additional sensor modalities, such as depth or stereo information. Incorporating such complementary data sources could be an interesting direction for future research.

Overall, the Semantic Flow approach is a promising step forward in video understanding, but additional work is needed to fully realize its potential and address its current limitations.


The Semantic Flow paper presents a novel approach for learning semantic representations of dynamic scenes from monocular video data. By capturing the relationships between objects, agents, and their motion, the method aims to provide a more holistic and meaningful understanding of the scene compared to traditional computer vision techniques.

The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach on several downstream tasks, showcasing the potential of this semantic understanding for applications in areas like autonomous navigation, robotics, and augmented reality. While the current implementation has some limitations, the Semantic Flow concept represents an exciting direction for advancing video-based scene understanding and paves the way for future research in this area.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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