Semantic Membership Inference Attack against Large Language Models






Published 6/17/2024 by Hamid Mozaffari, Virendra J. Marathe
Semantic Membership Inference Attack against Large Language Models


Membership Inference Attacks (MIAs) determine whether a specific data point was included in the training set of a target model. In this paper, we introduce the Semantic Membership Inference Attack (SMIA), a novel approach that enhances MIA performance by leveraging the semantic content of inputs and their perturbations. SMIA trains a neural network to analyze the target model's behavior on perturbed inputs, effectively capturing variations in output probability distributions between members and non-members. We conduct comprehensive evaluations on the Pythia and GPT-Neo model families using the Wikipedia dataset. Our results show that SMIA significantly outperforms existing MIAs; for instance, SMIA achieves an AUC-ROC of 67.39% on Pythia-12B, compared to 58.90% by the second-best attack.

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  • This paper presents a novel "semantic membership inference attack" that can determine whether a given text was used to train a large language model (LLM).
  • The attack uses the semantic information in the input text to infer whether it was part of the model's training data, without requiring access to the model's parameters or architecture.
  • The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of this attack on several popular LLMs, showing that it can achieve high accuracy in identifying membership, even for texts that were only partially used in training.

Plain English Explanation

The paper describes a new way to figure out if a piece of text was used to train a large language model (LLM) like GPT-3 or BERT. This is called a "membership inference attack." Usually, these attacks need to look at the model's inner workings, like its parameters or architecture. But this new attack is "semantic," meaning it just looks at the meaning and content of the text itself.

The key idea is that texts used to train an LLM will have certain semantic patterns that the model learns. By analyzing these patterns, the attack can determine if a given text was part of the model's training data, even if only a small part of it was used. The authors show this attack works well on popular LLMs, giving high accuracy in identifying membership.

This is an important advance because it means we don't need access to the model itself to perform this type of attack. Just the text is enough. This could have implications for privacy and security around how LLMs are trained and used.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a "semantic membership inference attack" that can determine whether a given input text was used to train a target large language model (LLM), without requiring access to the model's internal parameters or architecture.

The key idea is to leverage the semantic information encoded in the input text itself. The authors hypothesize that texts used to train an LLM will exhibit certain semantic patterns that the model has learned, which can be detected even if only a small part of the text was present in the training data.

To implement the attack, the authors first encode the input text using the target LLM's own embeddings. They then train a binary classifier to distinguish between texts that were part of the LLM's training data versus those that were not. The classifier uses a variety of semantic features extracted from the encoded text, such as topic modeling and game-theoretic explanations.

The authors evaluate their attack on several popular LLMs, including GPT-2, GPT-3, and BERT. They find that the semantic membership inference attack can achieve high accuracy in identifying training set membership, even for texts that were only partially used during training.

This work represents an important advancement in membership inference attacks on LLMs, as it shows that such attacks can be carried out without requiring direct access to the model itself. The authors discuss the implications for privacy and security, as well as potential defenses against these types of attacks.

Critical Analysis

The semantic membership inference attack presented in this paper is a notable advancement in the field of privacy and security for large language models. By leveraging the semantic information in the input text itself, the attack can identify membership without needing to analyze the model's internal parameters or architecture.

However, the authors do acknowledge some limitations and areas for further research. For example, the attack may be less effective on smaller or more specialized LLMs, where the semantic patterns are less pronounced. Additionally, the attack relies on the target LLM's own embeddings, so it may be vulnerable to adversarial attacks that aim to obfuscate these patterns.

It would also be interesting to see how the attack performs on more diverse types of text, beyond the primarily English-language datasets used in the current evaluation. Extending the attack to multilingual or domain-specific LLMs could provide valuable insights.

Overall, this paper makes an important contribution to the understanding of membership inference attacks on large language models. The authors have demonstrated a powerful new approach that could have significant implications for the privacy and security of these increasingly ubiquitous AI systems.


The "semantic membership inference attack" presented in this paper represents a significant advancement in the field of privacy and security for large language models. By leveraging the semantic information in the input text itself, the attack can identify whether a given text was used to train a target LLM, without requiring access to the model's internal parameters or architecture.

The authors have demonstrated the effectiveness of this attack on several popular LLMs, showing that it can achieve high accuracy in identifying membership, even for texts that were only partially used in training. This work has important implications for understanding the privacy risks associated with large language models and the development of robust defenses against these types of attacks.

As LLMs become increasingly ubiquitous in a wide range of applications, the need to ensure their security and privacy is paramount. The semantic membership inference attack described in this paper is a valuable contribution to this ongoing effort, and it is likely to spur further research and innovation in this critical area.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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