Shape Conditioned Human Motion Generation with Diffusion Model






Published 5/14/2024 by Kebing Xue, Hyewon Seo
Shape Conditioned Human Motion Generation with Diffusion Model


Human motion synthesis is an important task in computer graphics and computer vision. While focusing on various conditioning signals such as text, action class, or audio to guide the generation process, most existing methods utilize skeleton-based pose representation, requiring additional skinning to produce renderable meshes. Given that human motion is a complex interplay of bones, joints, and muscles, considering solely the skeleton for generation may neglect their inherent interdependency, which can limit the variability and precision of the generated results. To address this issue, we propose a Shape-conditioned Motion Diffusion model (SMD), which enables the generation of motion sequences directly in mesh format, conditioned on a specified target mesh. In SMD, the input meshes are transformed into spectral coefficients using graph Laplacian, to efficiently represent meshes. Subsequently, we propose a Spectral-Temporal Autoencoder (STAE) to leverage cross-temporal dependencies within the spectral domain. Extensive experimental evaluations show that SMD not only produces vivid and realistic motions but also achieves competitive performance in text-to-motion and action-to-motion tasks when compared to state-of-the-art methods.

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  • The paper proposes a method for generating human motion sequences conditioned on 3D shape information using a diffusion model.
  • The model is trained to generate realistic human motion sequences that match a given 3D shape or body pose.
  • The approach aims to address the challenge of generating diverse and natural-looking human motion while respecting the constraints imposed by the target shape or pose.

Plain English Explanation

The research focuses on creating computer-generated human movements that look natural and realistic. To do this, the researchers used a special type of machine learning model called a diffusion model. Diffusion models work by starting with random noise and gradually transforming it into a desired output, in this case, human motion sequences.

The key innovation is that the model is conditioned on 3D shape information, meaning the generated motion has to match a specific body shape or pose. This is important because it allows the model to create diverse and natural-looking movements that still respect the physical constraints of the human form.

For example, the model could generate a sequence of a person walking or dancing, but the movements would be tailored to match a particular body type, like a tall, lanky person or a short, muscular one. This level of control over the generated motion is useful for applications like computer animation, virtual reality, and human-robot interaction, where realistic and customizable human movement is important.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents a novel approach for generating human motion sequences conditioned on 3D shape information using a diffusion model. The key components of the method include:

  • Diffusion Model Architecture: The model uses a U-Net-based architecture with cross-attention layers to capture the relationships between the 3D shape and the motion sequence.
  • Conditional Input: The model takes a 3D shape or body pose as input and uses this information to guide the generation of the corresponding human motion sequence.
  • Training: The model is trained on a large dataset of motion capture data, where each motion sequence is paired with the corresponding 3D shape information.

The experiments demonstrate that the proposed model can generate diverse and natural-looking human motion sequences that closely match the given 3D shape constraints. The authors compare their approach to several baselines and show significant improvements in terms of motion quality and shape matching.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach for generating human motion conditioned on 3D shape information. However, the authors acknowledge some limitations and areas for future work:

  • Limited Dataset: The training dataset, while large, may not capture the full diversity of human motion and body shapes. Expanding the dataset could improve the model's generalization capabilities.
  • Real-time Inference: The current model operates in a non-real-time setting, which may limit its applicability in interactive scenarios. Developing a real-time version of the model would be an important next step.
  • Subjective Evaluation: The paper primarily relies on quantitative metrics to evaluate the generated motion. Incorporating more subjective human evaluations could provide additional insights into the perceived realism and quality of the generated movements.

Overall, the research presents a promising approach for shape-conditioned human motion generation and opens up new avenues for further exploration in this field.


The proposed method for generating human motion sequences conditioned on 3D shape information using a diffusion model represents a significant advancement in the field of computer animation and virtual reality. By leveraging the power of diffusion models to generate diverse and natural-looking movements while respecting the constraints of the target shape or pose, the researchers have developed a versatile and compelling approach.

The potential applications of this technology are wide-ranging, from creating more realistic and customizable virtual characters to enabling more natural interactions between humans and robots. As the field of machine learning continues to evolve, advancements like this will undoubtedly play a crucial role in shaping the future of human-computer interaction and digital entertainment.

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