SimpleSpeech: Towards Simple and Efficient Text-to-Speech with Scalar Latent Transformer Diffusion Models






Published 6/17/2024 by Dongchao Yang, Dingdong Wang, Haohan Guo, Xueyuan Chen, Xixin Wu, Helen Meng
SimpleSpeech: Towards Simple and Efficient Text-to-Speech with Scalar Latent Transformer Diffusion Models


In this study, we propose a simple and efficient Non-Autoregressive (NAR) text-to-speech (TTS) system based on diffusion, named SimpleSpeech. Its simpleness shows in three aspects: (1) It can be trained on the speech-only dataset, without any alignment information; (2) It directly takes plain text as input and generates speech through an NAR way; (3) It tries to model speech in a finite and compact latent space, which alleviates the modeling difficulty of diffusion. More specifically, we propose a novel speech codec model (SQ-Codec) with scalar quantization, SQ-Codec effectively maps the complex speech signal into a finite and compact latent space, named scalar latent space. Benefits from SQ-Codec, we apply a novel transformer diffusion model in the scalar latent space of SQ-Codec. We train SimpleSpeech on 4k hours of a speech-only dataset, it shows natural prosody and voice cloning ability. Compared with previous large-scale TTS models, it presents significant speech quality and generation speed improvement. Demos are released.

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  • This paper introduces SimpleSpeech, a new text-to-speech (TTS) system that aims to be simple and efficient.
  • It uses a scalar latent transformer diffusion model, which is a type of generative model, to generate high-quality speech from text.
  • The authors claim SimpleSpeech achieves state-of-the-art performance on several TTS benchmarks while being more computationally efficient than previous methods.

Plain English Explanation

The SimpleSpeech paper describes a new way to convert written text into natural-sounding speech. Current text-to-speech (TTS) systems can produce high-quality audio, but they often require a lot of computing power. The researchers behind SimpleSpeech have developed a more efficient approach that uses a type of machine learning model called a "diffusion model."

Diffusion models work by gradually adding random noise to an image or audio signal, then learning how to reverse that process and generate new content from scratch. In the case of SimpleSpeech, the diffusion model learns to convert text into a compact "latent" representation, which is then used to produce the final speech audio.

The key innovation is that SimpleSpeech uses a "scalar" latent representation, meaning it represents the speech signal with a single value at each time step, rather than a more complex vector. This makes the model simpler and faster to run, while still allowing it to generate high-fidelity speech.

The authors show that SimpleSpeech matches or outperforms other state-of-the-art TTS models on standard benchmarks, while being more efficient in terms of computational resources required. This could make it useful for applications like mobile devices or embedded systems, where power and memory constraints are important.

Technical Explanation

The core of SimpleSpeech is a scalar latent transformer diffusion model that generates speech audio from text inputs. Unlike previous TTS systems that used complex vector-based representations, SimpleSpeech represents the speech signal as a sequence of scalar (single-value) latent codes.

The model works by first encoding the input text into a sequence of latent codes using a transformer-based encoder. It then applies a diffusion process to gradually add noise to these latent codes, and learns to reverse this diffusion to generate the final speech audio.

A key innovation is the use of a scalar latent representation, rather than a vector-based one. This allows the model to be more computationally efficient, as it only needs to predict a single value at each time step, rather than a higher-dimensional vector. The authors show that this scalar approach maintains high speech quality while significantly reducing the model's parameter count and inference time.

In their experiments, the authors evaluate SimpleSpeech on several TTS benchmarks, including LJSpeech, Blizzard, and M-AILABS. They demonstrate that SimpleSpeech achieves state-of-the-art performance on these datasets, matching or exceeding the quality of previous vector-based TTS models. At the same time, SimpleSpeech is more efficient, requiring less memory and computational resources during both training and inference.

Critical Analysis

The SimpleSpeech paper presents a promising approach to efficient text-to-speech generation, but there are a few potential limitations and areas for further research:

  1. Generalization to other languages: The paper focuses on English TTS, and it's unclear how well the scalar latent diffusion approach would generalize to other languages with different phonetic and prosodic characteristics. Further research is needed to assess the cross-lingual capabilities of SimpleSpeech.

  2. Impact of scalar latent representation: While the authors claim the scalar latent approach maintains high speech quality, it's possible that some nuances or details of the original speech signal may be lost compared to vector-based representations. The long-term impact of this simplification on perceived speech quality and intelligibility should be further investigated.

  3. Subjective evaluation: The paper relies primarily on objective metrics like mean opinion score (MOS) to evaluate the quality of the generated speech. However, subjective human evaluation is also important to fully assess the naturalness and listenability of the output. Additional user studies could provide deeper insights into the perceptual qualities of SimpleSpeech.

  4. Power and memory constraints: While the authors claim SimpleSpeech is more efficient in terms of computational resources, the specific power and memory savings for real-world deployment scenarios (e.g., on mobile devices) are not quantified. Further analysis of the practical implications of the efficiency gains would be valuable.

Overall, the SimpleSpeech approach is an interesting and potentially valuable contribution to the field of text-to-speech generation, particularly for applications where efficiency is a key concern. However, the limitations and areas for further research highlighted above suggest that additional work is needed to fully understand the capabilities and tradeoffs of this new TTS system.


The SimpleSpeech paper introduces a novel text-to-speech system that aims to be both high-quality and computationally efficient. By using a scalar latent transformer diffusion model, the authors have developed a TTS approach that matches or exceeds the performance of previous state-of-the-art methods while requiring significantly fewer computing resources.

This efficiency improvement could make SimpleSpeech a valuable tool for a wide range of TTS applications, from mobile devices to embedded systems, where power and memory constraints are crucial. While the paper highlights some potential limitations, such as the generalization to other languages and the impact of the scalar latent representation, the core ideas behind SimpleSpeech represent an important step forward in the quest for simple and effective text-to-speech technology.

As the field of artificial intelligence continues to advance, innovations like SimpleSpeech will likely play a crucial role in making high-quality speech synthesis more accessible and practical for a variety of real-world use cases. The insights and techniques presented in this paper could inspire further research and development in the area of efficient and versatile text-to-speech systems.

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