Sound Heuristic Search Value Iteration for Undiscounted POMDPs with Reachability Objectives






Published 6/6/2024 by Qi Heng Ho, Martin S. Feather, Federico Rossi, Zachary N. Sunberg, Morteza Lahijanian
Sound Heuristic Search Value Iteration for Undiscounted POMDPs with Reachability Objectives


Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs) are powerful models for sequential decision making under transition and observation uncertainties. This paper studies the challenging yet important problem in POMDPs known as the (indefinite-horizon) Maximal Reachability Probability Problem (MRPP), where the goal is to maximize the probability of reaching some target states. This is also a core problem in model checking with logical specifications and is naturally undiscounted (discount factor is one). Inspired by the success of point-based methods developed for discounted problems, we study their extensions to MRPP. Specifically, we focus on trial-based heuristic search value iteration techniques and present a novel algorithm that leverages the strengths of these techniques for efficient exploration of the belief space (informed search via value bounds) while addressing their drawbacks in handling loops for indefinite-horizon problems. The algorithm produces policies with two-sided bounds on optimal reachability probabilities. We prove convergence to an optimal policy from below under certain conditions. Experimental evaluations on a suite of benchmarks show that our algorithm outperforms existing methods in almost all cases in both probability guarantees and computation time.

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  • This paper introduces a new algorithm called "Sound Heuristic Search Value Iteration" (SHSVI) for solving undiscounted Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs) with reachability objectives.
  • POMDPs are a type of decision-making framework where the agent's actions and observations are uncertain, making it challenging to find optimal solutions.
  • The proposed SHSVI algorithm aims to address the limitations of existing POMDP solvers, particularly for problems with unbounded horizons and reachability objectives.

Plain English Explanation

In the real world, many decision-making problems involve uncertainty. For example, when a self-driving car navigates a city, it may not have complete information about the environment, such as the exact location of pedestrians or other vehicles. This type of uncertainty can be modeled using a POMDP, which is a mathematical framework that captures the agent's (in this case, the self-driving car's) limited information about the world.

The paper on "Recursively Constrained Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes" provides a more detailed introduction to POMDPs and their applications.

The key challenge in solving POMDPs is finding an optimal policy, which is a set of rules that tells the agent which action to take in each situation, given the available information. This is particularly difficult when the agent's objective is to reach a specific goal, such as safely navigating the city, rather than maximizing a long-term reward.

The Sound Heuristic Search Value Iteration (SHSVI) algorithm introduced in this paper aims to address this challenge. It uses a combination of search techniques and value iteration (a method for computing optimal policies) to find solutions for POMDPs with reachability objectives, even when the time horizon is unbounded.

Technical Explanation

The SHSVI algorithm builds upon previous work on heuristic search methods for POMDPs, such as the What Should be Observed: Optimal Reward POMDP and Simplification of Risk-Averse POMDPs with Performance Guarantees approaches.

The key innovations of SHSVI are:

  1. Handling Unbounded Horizons: Unlike many existing POMDP solvers, SHSVI can handle problems with unbounded time horizons, where the agent's goal is to reach a specific state, rather than maximize long-term rewards.

  2. Sound Heuristic Search: SHSVI uses a novel heuristic search technique that provably converges to the optimal solution, even for undiscounted POMDPs with reachability objectives. This is achieved by carefully managing the exploration of the belief space and ensuring that the search remains "sound" (i.e., it never prunes away optimal solutions).

  3. Reachability Objectives: The algorithm is specifically designed to solve POMDPs with reachability objectives, where the agent's goal is to reach a specific target state, rather than maximize a general reward function. This is a common and important objective in many real-world applications, such as autonomous navigation or search-and-rescue operations.

The paper provides a detailed technical description of the SHSVI algorithm, its theoretical properties, and experimental evaluations on various benchmark problems. The results demonstrate the algorithm's ability to outperform existing POMDP solvers, particularly on problems with unbounded horizons and reachability objectives.

Critical Analysis

The authors acknowledge that the SHSVI algorithm may not be the most efficient solution for all types of POMDPs, particularly those with shorter time horizons or less complex reward structures. In such cases, other POMDP solvers may still be more appropriate.

Additionally, the paper does not address the potential computational limitations of the algorithm, which may become a concern for larger or more complex problem instances. The authors mention that further research is needed to improve the scalability of the approach.

Another area for future work could be the integration of the SHSVI algorithm with belief state entropy maximization techniques, which could potentially improve the algorithm's exploration of the belief space and lead to more efficient solutions.

Overall, the SHSVI algorithm represents a significant contribution to the field of POMDP solving, particularly for problems with unbounded horizons and reachability objectives. The authors have demonstrated the theoretical soundness of their approach and provided promising experimental results, which suggest that the algorithm could be a valuable tool for solving a wide range of real-world decision-making problems under uncertainty.


The Sound Heuristic Search Value Iteration (SHSVI) algorithm introduced in this paper addresses a crucial challenge in the field of Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs): solving problems with unbounded horizons and reachability objectives.

By combining sound heuristic search techniques with value iteration, the SHSVI algorithm is able to find optimal solutions for a broad class of POMDP problems, which is a significant advancement over existing solvers. This could have important implications for real-world applications where agents need to navigate uncertain environments with the goal of reaching specific target states, such as autonomous navigation, search-and-rescue operations, or medical decision-making.

While the algorithm may not be the most efficient choice for all types of POMDPs, the authors have demonstrated its theoretical soundness and provided promising experimental results. As the field of POMDP solving continues to evolve, the SHSVI algorithm could serve as a valuable tool for researchers and practitioners working on decision-making under uncertainty.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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