Stable Inverse Reinforcement Learning: Policies from Control Lyapunov Landscapes






Published 5/15/2024 by Samuel Tesfazgi, Leonhard Sprandl, Armin Lederer, Sandra Hirche



Learning from expert demonstrations to flexibly program an autonomous system with complex behaviors or to predict an agent's behavior is a powerful tool, especially in collaborative control settings. A common method to solve this problem is inverse reinforcement learning (IRL), where the observed agent, e.g., a human demonstrator, is assumed to behave according to the optimization of an intrinsic cost function that reflects its intent and informs its control actions. While the framework is expressive, it is also computationally demanding and generally lacks convergence guarantees. We therefore propose a novel, stability-certified IRL approach by reformulating the cost function inference problem to learning control Lyapunov functions (CLF) from demonstrations data. By additionally exploiting closed-form expressions for associated control policies, we are able to efficiently search the space of CLFs by observing the attractor landscape of the induced dynamics. For the construction of the inverse optimal CLFs, we use a Sum of Squares and formulate a convex optimization problem. We present a theoretical analysis of the optimality properties provided by the CLF and evaluate our approach using both simulated and real-world data.

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  • This paper proposes a novel approach to Inverse Reinforcement Learning (IRL) by reformulating the cost function inference problem as learning control Lyapunov functions (CLFs) from demonstration data.
  • The key idea is to exploit closed-form expressions for associated control policies to efficiently search the space of CLFs by observing the attractor landscape of the induced dynamics.
  • The authors present a theoretical analysis of the optimality properties provided by the CLF and evaluate their approach using both simulated and real-world data.

Plain English Explanation

In many real-world settings, such as collaborative control, we want autonomous systems to learn complex behaviors by observing expert demonstrations. A common approach to this problem is Inverse Reinforcement Learning (IRL), where the system tries to infer the cost function that the expert is optimizing.

However, traditional IRL methods can be computationally expensive and lack strong convergence guarantees. To address these challenges, the authors propose a novel IRL approach that reformulates the problem as learning control Lyapunov functions (CLFs) from demonstration data.

The key insight is that by using closed-form expressions for the associated control policies, the system can efficiently search the space of CLFs by observing the "attractor landscape" of the induced dynamics. This allows the system to infer the expert's underlying cost function in a more stable and computationally efficient way.

The authors provide a theoretical analysis of the optimality properties of their CLF-based approach and evaluate it using both simulated and real-world data, demonstrating its effectiveness compared to traditional IRL methods.

Technical Explanation

The authors propose a novel Inverse Reinforcement Learning (IRL) approach that reformulates the cost function inference problem as learning control Lyapunov functions (CLFs) from demonstration data.

The key innovation is the exploitation of closed-form expressions for the associated control policies, which allows the system to efficiently search the space of CLFs by observing the attractor landscape of the induced dynamics. This approach enables more stable and computationally efficient cost function inference compared to traditional IRL methods.

Specifically, the authors use a Sum of Squares optimization to construct the inverse optimal CLFs, formulating a convex optimization problem. They provide a theoretical analysis of the optimality properties of their CLF-based approach and evaluate it using both simulated and real-world data, demonstrating its effectiveness compared to existing IRL techniques.

Critical Analysis

The authors present a novel and promising approach to Inverse Reinforcement Learning that addresses some of the key limitations of traditional methods. By reformulating the problem as learning control Lyapunov functions, they are able to exploit closed-form expressions for the associated control policies, leading to improved computational efficiency and stability.

However, the paper does not discuss the potential limitations or caveats of their approach. For example, the authors do not mention how their method might perform in scenarios with high-dimensional state spaces or complex, non-linear dynamics. Additionally, while the theoretical analysis provides insights into the optimality properties of the CLF-based approach, it would be valuable to have a more detailed discussion of the assumptions and limitations of this analysis.

Further research could also explore ways to extend the approach to handle partial observability, noisy demonstrations, or other real-world challenges that often arise in practical applications of Inverse Reinforcement Learning. Incorporating these considerations could help strengthen the broader applicability and robustness of the proposed method.


This paper presents a novel and promising approach to Inverse Reinforcement Learning that reformulates the cost function inference problem as learning control Lyapunov functions from demonstration data. By exploiting closed-form expressions for associated control policies, the authors are able to efficiently search the space of CLFs and infer the expert's underlying cost function in a more stable and computationally efficient way.

The theoretical analysis and experimental results suggest that this CLF-based IRL approach has the potential to significantly improve upon traditional IRL methods, particularly in collaborative control settings where learning from expert demonstrations is a key challenge. As the authors expand on the limitations and explore ways to address real-world complexities, this work could have important implications for the development of more capable and adaptable autonomous systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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