Stochastic Bandits Robust to Adversarial Attacks

Read original: arXiv:2408.08859 - Published 8/19/2024 by Xuchuang Wang, Jinhang Zuo, Xutong Liu, John C. S. Lui, Mohammad Hajiesmaili
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Stochastic Bandits Robust to Adversarial Attacks

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  • This paper proposes a new approach for stochastic multi-armed bandits that is robust to adversarial attacks.
  • The authors introduce a novel algorithm called Adversarial-Robust Stochastic Bandits (ARSB) that can effectively handle adversarial corruptions of reward signals.
  • Experiments show that ARSB outperforms existing methods in terms of regret minimization under adversarial attacks.

Plain English Explanation

The paper focuses on a type of machine learning problem called the multi-armed bandit problem. In this problem, a learner must choose which "arm" (option) to pull from a set of options in order to maximize the total reward received over time.

However, the authors consider a scenario where the rewards for each arm can be corrupted by an adversary who is trying to mislead the learner. This is known as an "adversarial attack" on the bandit problem.

To address this challenge, the researchers propose a new algorithm called Adversarial-Robust Stochastic Bandits (ARSB). ARSB is designed to be resistant to these adversarial attacks, allowing it to still perform well and minimize regret (the difference between the optimal reward and the actual reward received) even when the rewards are being manipulated.

Through experiments, the authors demonstrate that ARSB outperforms existing bandit algorithms when the rewards are subject to adversarial corruption. This makes ARSB a promising approach for applications where the data may be untrustworthy or subject to malicious tampering.

Technical Explanation

The paper starts by formally defining the multi-armed bandit (MAB) problem with adversarial attacks. In this setting, the learner must choose which arm to pull at each round, and the rewards for each arm can be corrupted by an adversary.

The authors then introduce their Adversarial-Robust Stochastic Bandits (ARSB) algorithm. ARSB works by maintaining confidence intervals for the mean rewards of each arm, and then choosing the arm with the highest upper confidence bound. Crucially, ARSB also incorporates a "robustification" step that adjusts the confidence intervals to be more conservative in the face of potential adversarial attacks.

The paper provides a regret analysis of ARSB, showing that it achieves sublinear regret bounds even in the presence of adversarial corruptions. This is a significant improvement over existing bandit algorithms that can suffer linear regret when the rewards are manipulated.

The authors also conduct experiments comparing ARSB to other bandit algorithms on synthetic datasets with adversarial attacks. The results demonstrate that ARSB consistently outperforms the baselines in terms of cumulative regret, validating the effectiveness of their approach.

Critical Analysis

The paper makes a valuable contribution by addressing the important problem of adversarial attacks in multi-armed bandit settings. The proposed ARSB algorithm is a novel and principled approach that provides strong theoretical guarantees and empirical performance.

One potential limitation is that the analysis and experiments focus on the classic stochastic multi-armed bandit problem. It would be interesting to see how ARSB performs in more complex bandit settings, such as contextual bandits or combinatorial bandits, where the adversary may have additional opportunities to manipulate the environment.

Additionally, the paper does not consider the case of imprecise or uncertain rewards, which could be another important real-world challenge. Extending the ARSB approach to handle such uncertainty could further enhance its practical applicability.

Overall, this paper presents a compelling solution to a critical problem in the field of multi-armed bandits. The ARSB algorithm and its theoretical and empirical analysis make significant advances in the state of the art and open up promising directions for future research.


This paper introduces a novel algorithm called Adversarial-Robust Stochastic Bandits (ARSB) that is designed to be robust to adversarial attacks in multi-armed bandit problems. The authors provide a rigorous analysis of ARSB's regret bounds and demonstrate its superior performance compared to existing methods through experiments.

The work addresses an important practical challenge in machine learning, where the data used to train models may be subject to malicious manipulation. By developing algorithms like ARSB that can effectively handle adversarial corruptions, the research community can work towards building more trustworthy and reliable machine learning systems. This has wide-ranging implications for applications where the input data may be untrustworthy or adversarial in nature.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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