Stochastic Langevin Differential Inclusions with Applications to Machine Learning






Published 5/14/2024 by Fabio V. Difonzo, Vyacheslav Kungurtsev, Jakub Marecek



Stochastic differential equations of Langevin-diffusion form have received significant attention, thanks to their foundational role in both Bayesian sampling algorithms and optimization in machine learning. In the latter, they serve as a conceptual model of the stochastic gradient flow in training over-parameterized models. However, the literature typically assumes smoothness of the potential, whose gradient is the drift term. Nevertheless, there are many problems for which the potential function is not continuously differentiable, and hence the drift is not Lipschitz continuous everywhere. This is exemplified by robust losses and Rectified Linear Units in regression problems. In this paper, we show some foundational results regarding the flow and asymptotic properties of Langevin-type Stochastic Differential Inclusions under assumptions appropriate to the machine-learning settings. In particular, we show strong existence of the solution, as well as an asymptotic minimization of the canonical free-energy functional.

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  • This paper explores Langevin-type Stochastic Differential Inclusions (SDIs), which are a generalization of Langevin-diffusion Stochastic Differential Equations (SDEs) used in Bayesian sampling and machine learning optimization.
  • It focuses on situations where the potential function (whose gradient is the drift term) is not continuously differentiable, which occurs in problems with robust losses or Rectified Linear Units.
  • The paper establishes fundamental results regarding the flow and asymptotic properties of these SDIs, including strong existence of solutions and asymptotic minimization of a canonical free-energy functional.

Plain English Explanation

Stochastic differential equations (SDEs) of the Langevin-diffusion form are widely used in Bayesian sampling algorithms and machine learning optimization. These equations model a stochastic process that can be thought of as the flow of noisy gradients during the training of overparameterized models.

Typically, these SDEs assume the potential function (which determines the drift or direction of the flow) is smooth, meaning its gradient is continuous everywhere. However, in many real-world problems, the potential function may not be continuously differentiable, such as when using robust loss functions or Rectified Linear Units in regression tasks.

This paper investigates a more general class of Langevin-type Stochastic Differential Inclusions (SDIs) that can handle non-smooth potential functions. The authors establish some fundamental mathematical results about the behavior of these SDIs, showing that strong solutions exist and that the process will asymptotically minimize a canonical free-energy functional.

These findings lay important groundwork for understanding the dynamics of non-smooth optimization problems in machine learning, which can lead to more robust and reliable training of models.

Technical Explanation

The paper studies Langevin-type Stochastic Differential Inclusions (SDIs) in the context of machine learning optimization. Langevin-diffusion Stochastic Differential Equations (SDEs) are commonly used as a conceptual model for the stochastic gradient flow in training overparameterized models, as described in papers such as Subsampling Error in Stochastic Gradient Langevin Diffusions and Learning Mixtures of Gaussians using Diffusion Models.

However, the literature typically assumes the potential function (whose gradient is the drift term) is smooth, with a Lipschitz continuous gradient. The authors relax this assumption, considering cases where the potential is not continuously differentiable, as seen in problems with robust losses or Rectified Linear Units.

Under appropriate assumptions for machine learning settings, the paper establishes:

  1. Strong Existence: There exists a strong solution to the Langevin-type SDI, meaning a unique process that satisfies the inclusion.
  2. Asymptotic Minimization: The process asymptotically minimizes a canonical free-energy functional, connecting the SDI to optimization.

These results provide fundamental insights into the dynamics of non-smooth optimization in machine learning, laying groundwork for leveraging Hamilton-Jacobi PDEs for time-dependent Hamiltonians and other advanced techniques.

Critical Analysis

The paper makes valuable contributions by studying Langevin-type SDIs with non-smooth potential functions, a scenario relevant to many real-world machine learning problems. The authors provide solid mathematical analysis, establishing important theoretical results around the existence and asymptotic properties of these SDI solutions.

One potential limitation is the reliance on specific assumptions, such as the convexity of the potential function. While this covers many interesting cases, there may be further generalizations possible to even broader classes of non-smooth optimization problems.

Additionally, the paper focuses on the theoretical analysis and does not provide extensive numerical experiments or practical implementation details. It would be helpful to see how these SDI models perform in realistic machine learning tasks compared to traditional smooth optimization approaches.

Overall, this research lays important groundwork for understanding the dynamics of non-smooth optimization in machine learning. Encouraging readers to think critically, it inspires further exploration of advanced techniques and their real-world applications.


This paper presents a rigorous mathematical analysis of Langevin-type Stochastic Differential Inclusions, which generalize the commonly used Langevin-diffusion Stochastic Differential Equations in Bayesian sampling and machine learning optimization.

The key contributions are establishing the strong existence of solutions to these SDIs and demonstrating their asymptotic minimization of a canonical free-energy functional. These results provide fundamental insights into the behavior of non-smooth optimization problems, which are prevalent in many real-world machine learning applications.

By relaxing the typical assumption of smooth potentials, this research opens up new avenues for exploring advanced optimization techniques that can handle the challenges of non-differentiable objective functions. The findings lay groundwork for further developments in this area, with the potential to enable more robust and reliable training of machine learning models.

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