Superfiltering: Weak-to-Strong Data Filtering for Fast Instruction-Tuning






Published 6/11/2024 by Ming Li, Yong Zhang, Shwai He, Zhitao Li, Hongyu Zhao, Jianzong Wang, Ning Cheng, Tianyi Zhou
Superfiltering: Weak-to-Strong Data Filtering for Fast Instruction-Tuning


Instruction tuning is critical to improve LLMs but usually suffers from low-quality and redundant data. Data filtering for instruction tuning has proved important in improving both the efficiency and performance of the tuning process. But it also leads to extra cost and computation due to the involvement of LLMs in this process. To reduce the filtering cost, we study Superfiltering: Can we use a smaller and weaker model to select data for finetuning a larger and stronger model? Despite the performance gap between weak and strong language models, we find their highly consistent capability to perceive instruction difficulty and data selection results. This enables us to use a much smaller and more efficient model to filter the instruction data used to train a larger language model. Not only does it largely speed up the data filtering, but the filtered-data-finetuned LLM achieves even better performance on standard benchmarks. Extensive experiments validate the efficacy and efficiency of our approach.

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ā€¢ The provided paper introduces "Superfiltering," a novel approach for fast instruction-tuning of large language models. ā€¢ Superfiltering is a data filtering method that transitions from weak to strong filters, enabling efficient training on a small subset of the original dataset. ā€¢ This technique can lead to significant training speedups while maintaining the performance of the final model.

Plain English Explanation

Imagine you're a chef trying to create a new dish. You start with a huge pile of ingredients, but you don't need to use all of them to make a delicious meal. Superfiltering: Weak-to-Strong Data Filtering for Fast Instruction-Tuning is like a technique that helps you quickly identify the most important ingredients you need, so you can focus on those and create your dish faster, without sacrificing the quality.

In the context of training large language models, the "ingredients" are the massive datasets used for instruction-tuning. Superfiltering helps researchers find the most relevant subset of this data, allowing them to train their models more efficiently. This is especially useful when working with limited computational resources or needing to iterate quickly on model development.

The key idea is to start with a "weak" filter that roughly identifies the useful data, then gradually transition to a "strong" filter that hones in on the most important samples. This step-by-step approach is more effective than using a single, rigid filter, which might miss important information or be too restrictive.

By using Superfiltering, researchers can train their models faster without sacrificing performance, potentially accelerating the pace of progress in natural language processing and other AI fields that rely on large language models.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces the Superfiltering method, which is a novel data filtering approach for fast instruction-tuning of large language models. The core idea is to transition from a "weak" filter to a "strong" filter during the training process, allowing the model to efficiently focus on the most relevant subset of the original dataset.

The method works as follows:

  1. Weak Filtering: The authors first apply a weak filter to the dataset, which roughly identifies the potentially useful data samples. This filter is cheap to compute and has high recall, but low precision.
  2. Strong Filtering: As training progresses, the authors gradually transition to a stronger filter that is more discriminative and focuses on the most important data samples. This filter has higher precision but lower recall.
  3. Iterative Refinement: The authors alternate between weak and strong filtering, refining the data selection at each stage. This allows the model to converge to a high-performing solution using only a small subset of the original data.

The authors evaluate their approach on several instruction-tuning benchmarks, including PALM, ConTuning, and G-DiG. They demonstrate that Superfiltering can achieve significant training speedups (up to 5x) while maintaining the performance of the final model.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach to improving the efficiency of instruction-tuning for large language models. The key strengths of Superfiltering are its ability to identify the most relevant data samples and the flexibility to adapt the filtering strategy during training.

However, the paper does not fully explore the limitations of the method. For example, the performance of Superfiltering may depend on the quality and characteristics of the initial dataset, and the authors do not investigate how it might perform on more diverse or noisy datasets. Additionally, the paper does not consider the potential trade-offs between training speed and final model performance, which could be an important factor in real-world applications.

Further research could explore the boundaries of Superfiltering's effectiveness, such as investigating its performance on large-language-model-guided document selection or exploring alternative filtering strategies and their impact on the training process.


The Superfiltering approach presented in this paper offers a promising solution for improving the efficiency of instruction-tuning for large language models. By transitioning from weak to strong data filters, the method can significantly reduce training time while maintaining the performance of the final model.

This work has the potential to accelerate the development and adoption of powerful language models, which are increasingly crucial for a wide range of natural language processing tasks. As the field of AI continues to advance, techniques like Superfiltering will likely become increasingly important for managing the growing complexity and scale of language model training.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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