Synergy-of-Thoughts: Eliciting Efficient Reasoning in Hybrid Language Models






Published 5/24/2024 by Yu Shang, Yu Li, Fengli Xu, Yong Li



Large language models (LLMs) have shown impressive emergent abilities in a wide range of tasks, but still face challenges in handling complex reasoning problems. Previous works like chain-of-thought (CoT) and tree-of-thoughts (ToT) have predominately focused on enhancing accuracy, but overlook the rapidly increasing token cost, which could be particularly problematic for open-ended real-world tasks with huge solution spaces. Motivated by the dual process theory of human cognition, we propose Synergy of Thoughts (SoT) to unleash the synergistic potential of hybrid LLMs for efficient reasoning. By default, SoT uses smaller-scale language models to generate multiple low-cost reasoning thoughts, which resembles the parallel intuitions produced by System 1. If these intuitions exhibit conflicts, SoT will invoke the reflective reasoning of scaled-up language models to emulate the intervention of System 2, which will override the intuitive thoughts and rectify the reasoning process. This framework is model-agnostic and training-free, which can be flexibly implemented with various off-the-shelf LLMs. Experiments on six representative reasoning tasks show that SoT substantially reduces the token cost by 38.3%-75.1%, and simultaneously achieves state-of-the-art reasoning accuracy and solution diversity. Notably, the average token cost reduction on open-ended tasks reaches up to 69.1%. Code repo with all prompts will be released upon publication.

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  • Large language models (LLMs) have impressive abilities, but struggle with complex reasoning tasks
  • Previous approaches like chain-of-thought and tree-of-thoughts focus on improving accuracy, but don't address the rapidly increasing token costs
  • The paper proposes a new approach called "Synergy of Thoughts" (SoT) to enable efficient reasoning with hybrid LLMs

Plain English Explanation

The paper explores a new way to enhance the reasoning capabilities of large language models (LLMs). LLMs are powerful AI systems that can perform a wide range of tasks, but they still struggle when it comes to complex problem-solving and reasoning. Previous methods, like chain-of-thought and tree-of-thoughts, have tried to improve the accuracy of LLMs in these areas, but they often come with a significant increase in the number of tokens (basically, the amount of text) required to reach a solution.

The researchers behind this paper were inspired by the "dual process theory" of human cognition, which suggests that we have two types of thinking: a fast, intuitive "System 1" and a slower, more reflective "System 2." The new approach, called "Synergy of Thoughts" (SoT), aims to combine these two types of thinking within an LLM system.

The basic idea is to use smaller, more efficient language models to generate multiple low-cost "intuitive" thoughts, similar to the parallel intuitions produced by System 1. If these initial thoughts conflict or seem problematic, the system will then invoke a larger, more powerful language model to step in and refine the reasoning, similar to how System 2 would override and correct System 1 in human cognition.

This SoT framework is designed to be flexible and can work with a variety of different LLM models. The researchers tested it on several challenging reasoning tasks and found that it could substantially reduce the token cost (by 38-75%) while still achieving state-of-the-art performance in terms of accuracy and solution diversity. This is especially important for open-ended, real-world tasks where the space of possible solutions is vast.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a new framework called "Synergy of Thoughts" (SoT) to enhance the reasoning capabilities of large language models (LLMs) in a more efficient manner. The key insight is to leverage the dual process theory of human cognition, which suggests that we have two types of thinking: a fast, intuitive "System 1" and a slower, more reflective "System 2."

In the SoT framework, smaller-scale language models are used to generate multiple low-cost "intuitive" thoughts, resembling the parallel intuitions produced by System 1. If these initial thoughts exhibit conflicts, the system will then invoke a scaled-up language model to emulate the intervention of System 2, which will override the intuitive thoughts and rectify the reasoning process.

This approach is motivated by the observation that previous methods, such as chain-of-thought and tree-of-thoughts, have focused primarily on improving accuracy, but have overlooked the rapidly increasing token cost, which can be particularly problematic for open-ended, real-world tasks with huge solution spaces.

The researchers evaluated the SoT framework on six representative reasoning tasks and found that it can substantially reduce the token cost by 38.3%-75.1% while simultaneously achieving state-of-the-art reasoning accuracy and solution diversity. Notably, the average token cost reduction on open-ended tasks reaches up to 69.1%.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a novel and promising approach to enhancing the reasoning capabilities of LLMs in a more efficient manner. The key strength of the SoT framework is its ability to leverage the complementary strengths of smaller and larger language models, drawing inspiration from the dual process theory of human cognition.

One potential limitation is that the paper does not provide a deep analysis of the types of reasoning tasks and problem domains where the SoT framework might be most effective. It would be valuable to understand the characteristics of tasks that are particularly well-suited for this approach, as well as any potential limitations or edge cases.

Additionally, the paper does not explore the sensitivity of the SoT framework to the specific choice and configuration of the smaller and larger language models used. It would be interesting to see how the performance and efficiency of the system might vary with different model architectures and sizes.

Another area for further research could be investigating ways to further improve the integration and synchronization between the "intuitive" and "reflective" components of the SoT framework. For example, exploring adaptive mechanisms to dynamically adjust the interplay between the two components based on task complexity or other contextual factors.

Overall, the SoT framework represents a promising step forward in the quest to develop more efficient and capable reasoning systems based on large language models. The insights and techniques presented in this paper could inspire further advancements in this important area of AI research.


The paper introduces a novel framework called "Synergy of Thoughts" (SoT) that aims to enhance the reasoning capabilities of large language models (LLMs) in a more efficient manner. Inspired by the dual process theory of human cognition, the SoT framework leverages the synergistic potential of hybrid LLMs, using smaller-scale models to generate low-cost intuitive thoughts and invoking larger models to refine the reasoning process when needed.

The key advantage of the SoT approach is its ability to substantially reduce the token cost (by 38-75%) while still maintaining state-of-the-art performance in terms of reasoning accuracy and solution diversity. This is particularly important for open-ended, real-world tasks where the solution space is vast and the token budget is a critical constraint.

The insights and techniques presented in this paper represent a significant contribution to the ongoing efforts to develop more efficient and capable reasoning systems based on large language models. As AI systems continue to play an increasingly important role in our lives, advancements like the SoT framework will be crucial in unlocking the full potential of these powerful technologies while addressing the practical challenges of their deployment.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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