Discrete Nonparametric Causal Discovery Under Latent Class Confounding






Published 5/24/2024 by Bijan Mazaheri, Spencer Gordon, Yuval Rabani, Leonard Schulman



An acyclic causal structure can be described using a directed acyclic graph (DAG) with arrows indicating causation. The task of learning this structure from data is known as causal discovery. Diverse populations or changing environments can sometimes give rise to heterogeneous data. This heterogeneity can be thought of as a mixture model with multiple sources, each exerting their own distinct signature on the observed variables. From this perspective, the source is a latent common cause for every observed variable. While some methods for causal discovery are able to work around unobserved confounding in special cases, the only known ways to deal with a global confounder (such as a latent class) involve parametric assumptions. Focusing on discrete observables, we demonstrate that globally confounded causal structures can still be identifiable without parametric assumptions, so long as the number of latent classes remains small relative to the size and sparsity of the underlying DAG.

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  • Causal structures can be represented using directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) with arrows indicating causation.
  • Learning these causal structures from data is called "causal discovery."
  • Heterogeneous data, such as from diverse populations or changing environments, can be modeled as a mixture with multiple "sources" - latent common causes for the observed variables.
  • Existing causal discovery methods have limitations in dealing with global confounders (like latent classes) without restrictive parametric assumptions.

Plain English Explanation

Imagine you're trying to understand how different factors influence each other in a complex system. You can think of this as a set of "causes" and "effects," where one thing leads to another in a specific direction. These causal relationships can be visualized using a diagram with arrows pointing from the causes to the effects, called a directed acyclic graph (DAG).

The process of figuring out these causal structures from the available data is called "causal discovery." This can be challenging, especially when the data comes from diverse sources or changes over time. In these cases, the data may have what's called "heterogeneity," where there are multiple underlying "sources" or factors influencing the observations.

Imagine you're studying the factors that affect a person's health, and the data comes from people in different countries or at different time periods. The populations may have their own unique characteristics that impact the data in distinct ways. These hidden factors can be thought of as "latent classes" - like invisible groups within the data - each exerting its own influence on the observed variables.

While some existing methods can handle certain types of hidden confounders, dealing with a single, global confounder (like a latent class) usually requires making restrictive assumptions about the data. These assumptions can be quite limiting, especially when working with discrete (non-continuous) variables.

The key insight from this research is that even with these global confounders, it's still possible to identify the causal structure, as long as the number of latent classes is relatively small compared to the size and sparsity of the underlying causal graph. This means that under certain conditions, we can uncover the causal relationships without needing to make those restrictive parametric assumptions.

Technical Explanation

The paper explores the problem of learning causal structures from heterogeneous data, where the observed variables are influenced by multiple, distinct "sources" or latent common causes. This is related to the concept of causal representation learning from multiple distributions, as discussed in this paper.

The authors show that even in the presence of a single, global confounder (such as a latent class), the causal structure can still be identifiable, as long as the number of latent classes is small compared to the size and sparsity of the underlying directed acyclic graph (DAG). This contrasts with the limitations of some existing causal discovery methods, which struggle to handle unobserved confounding, as explored in this work on local causal discovery.

The key insight is that by focusing on discrete (non-continuous) observables, the authors are able to circumvent the need for restrictive parametric assumptions that are often required when dealing with global confounders. This is an interesting alternative to approaches that rely on parametric models with unobserved confounders, as discussed in this paper on simultaneous inference.

The authors demonstrate their approach using both synthetic and real-world datasets, showing that it can recover the correct causal structure in the presence of a global confounder. This relates to the general problem of causal generative modeling, which has been explored in approaches like the FIP (fixed-point) method.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a promising approach for causal discovery in the presence of global confounders, such as latent classes. By focusing on discrete observables, the authors are able to avoid the restrictive parametric assumptions required by some existing methods.

However, the authors acknowledge that their approach relies on the assumption that the number of latent classes is small relative to the size and sparsity of the underlying causal graph. In practice, this may not always be the case, and it would be valuable to explore the performance of the method when this assumption is violated.

Additionally, the paper does not provide a comprehensive discussion of the potential limitations or caveats of the proposed approach. For example, it would be helpful to understand how the method might perform in the presence of measurement error, missing data, or other common challenges in real-world causal discovery scenarios.

Furthermore, the ability to handle global counterfactual directions, as explored in this work, could be an important consideration for the broader applicability of the method.

Overall, the paper presents an interesting and potentially valuable contribution to the field of causal discovery, but further research and analysis would be needed to fully assess the method's strengths, weaknesses, and practical applications.


This research addresses the challenge of learning causal structures from heterogeneous data, where the observed variables are influenced by multiple, distinct latent common causes or "sources." The key insight is that even in the presence of a single, global confounder (such as a latent class), the causal structure can still be identifiable, as long as the number of latent classes is relatively small compared to the size and sparsity of the underlying causal graph.

By focusing on discrete observables, the authors are able to circumvent the need for restrictive parametric assumptions that are often required when dealing with global confounders. This represents a promising approach for causal discovery in complex, real-world scenarios where hidden factors may be influencing the observed data.

While the method has some limitations and caveats that require further exploration, this research contributes to our understanding of causal inference in the presence of unobserved confounding and opens up new avenues for developing more robust and flexible causal discovery techniques.

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