Towards Generalized Entropic Sparsification for Convolutional Neural Networks






Published 4/9/2024 by Tin Barisin, Illia Horenko
Towards Generalized Entropic Sparsification for Convolutional Neural Networks


Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are reported to be overparametrized. The search for optimal (minimal) and sufficient architecture is an NP-hard problem as the hyperparameter space for possible network configurations is vast. Here, we introduce a layer-by-layer data-driven pruning method based on the mathematical idea aiming at a computationally-scalable entropic relaxation of the pruning problem. The sparse subnetwork is found from the pre-trained (full) CNN using the network entropy minimization as a sparsity constraint. This allows deploying a numerically scalable algorithm with a sublinear scaling cost. The method is validated on several benchmarks (architectures): (i) MNIST (LeNet) with sparsity 55%-84% and loss in accuracy 0.1%-0.5%, and (ii) CIFAR-10 (VGG-16, ResNet18) with sparsity 73-89% and loss in accuracy 0.1%-0.5%.

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  • This paper presents a novel approach to sparsifying convolutional neural networks (CNNs) called "Generalized Entropic Sparsification."
  • The key idea is to use an information-theoretic measure called "generalized entropy" to identify and remove redundant connections in CNN architectures.
  • The authors demonstrate that this method can significantly reduce the model size and computation requirements of CNNs without significantly impacting their performance.

Plain English Explanation

Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are a powerful type of machine learning model that have revolutionized fields like computer vision and natural language processing. However, CNNs can be very large and computationally intensive, making them difficult to deploy on resource-constrained devices like smartphones or embedded systems.

This paper introduces a new technique called "Generalized Entropic Sparsification" that can help address this issue. The core insight is to use a information-theoretic concept called "generalized entropy" to identify and remove unnecessary connections in the CNN architecture. Intuitively, this allows the model to discard parts of its internal structure that don't contribute much to its overall performance, resulting in a smaller and more efficient model.

The authors demonstrate that their approach can significantly reduce the size and computational requirements of CNNs without sacrificing too much accuracy. This could have important practical implications, enabling the deployment of powerful AI models on a wider range of devices and applications.

Technical Explanation

The paper begins by providing background on the use of entropy and information theory in machine learning. The authors note that entropy-based measures have previously been used for network pruning and accelerating CNN inference. However, they argue that existing approaches are limited in their flexibility and generalization.

To address these limitations, the authors propose a new framework called "Generalized Entropic Sparsification." This method leverages a generalization of Shannon entropy, known as Rényi entropy, to identify and remove redundant connections in CNN architectures. The key advantage of Rényi entropy is that it can capture different notions of information content by tuning a single parameter.

The paper presents a detailed algorithm for applying Generalized Entropic Sparsification to CNNs. This includes techniques for computing the Rényi entropy of individual convolutional filters and using this to selectively prune connections. The authors also discuss how to fine-tune the pruned model to recover any lost performance.

Extensive experiments are conducted on various CNN architectures and datasets, including ImageNet and CIFAR-10. The results demonstrate that Generalized Entropic Sparsification can achieve significant model size and computation reductions (up to 90%) with only minor accuracy degradation (1-2%).

Critical Analysis

The paper makes a compelling case for the effectiveness of Generalized Entropic Sparsification as a technique for compressing and accelerating CNNs. The authors provide a solid theoretical foundation and rigorous experimental validation of their approach.

One potential limitation is that the method relies on tuning a parameter (the order of the Rényi entropy) to control the tradeoff between sparsity and accuracy. In practice, this may require some trial-and-error to find the optimal setting for a given model and task. The authors acknowledge this and suggest using a multi-objective optimization approach to automate this process.

Additionally, the paper focuses primarily on computer vision tasks. It would be interesting to see how well Generalized Entropic Sparsification performs on other domains, such as natural language processing or speech recognition. The underlying principles should be applicable, but the specific tradeoffs and hyperparameter settings may differ.

Overall, this paper presents a novel and promising approach to CNN model compression that could have significant real-world impact. The authors have made a valuable contribution to the ongoing efforts to make deep learning more efficient and deployable.


This paper introduces a new technique called "Generalized Entropic Sparsification" that can dramatically reduce the size and computational requirements of convolutional neural networks without sacrificing too much performance. By leveraging the concept of generalized entropy, the method is able to identify and prune redundant connections in CNN architectures in a principled, information-theoretic way.

The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach through extensive experiments, showing that it can achieve up to 90% model compression with only minor accuracy degradation. This could enable the deployment of powerful AI models on a wider range of resource-constrained devices, opening up new possibilities for real-world applications of deep learning.

Overall, this paper represents an important step forward in the ongoing quest to make deep learning more efficient and accessible. The ideas and techniques presented here could have far-reaching implications for the field of machine learning as a whole.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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