Towards more realistic human motion prediction with attention to motion coordination






Published 4/5/2024 by Pengxiang Ding, Jianqin Yin
Towards more realistic human motion prediction with attention to motion coordination


Joint relation modeling is a curial component in human motion prediction. Most existing methods rely on skeletal-based graphs to build the joint relations, where local interactive relations between joint pairs are well learned. However, the motion coordination, a global joint relation reflecting the simultaneous cooperation of all joints, is usually weakened because it is learned from part to whole progressively and asynchronously. Thus, the final predicted motions usually appear unrealistic. To tackle this issue, we learn a medium, called coordination attractor (CA), from the spatiotemporal features of motion to characterize the global motion features, which is subsequently used to build new relative joint relations. Through the CA, all joints are related simultaneously, and thus the motion coordination of all joints can be better learned. Based on this, we further propose a novel joint relation modeling module, Comprehensive Joint Relation Extractor (CJRE), to combine this motion coordination with the local interactions between joint pairs in a unified manner. Additionally, we also present a Multi-timescale Dynamics Extractor (MTDE) to extract enriched dynamics from the raw position information for effective prediction. Extensive experiments show that the proposed framework outperforms state-of-the-art methods in both short- and long-term predictions on H3.6M, CMU-Mocap, and 3DPW.

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  • This paper proposes a new approach for more realistic human motion prediction, focusing on modeling the coordination between different body joints.
  • The key idea is to capture the complex dependencies and dynamics within the human body during motion by learning an "enriched" representation of the motion.
  • The proposed model outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods on standard human motion prediction benchmarks.

Plain English Explanation

Predicting how people will move and what they will do next is an important task in fields like robotics, animation, and human-computer interaction. Towards more realistic human motion prediction with attention to motion coordination tackles this challenge by focusing on the coordination between different parts of the body.

When we move, our various body parts don't act independently - they work together in complex ways. For example, the movement of our arms is closely tied to the movement of our torso and legs. Previous motion prediction models have often overlooked these intricate relationships.

The key insight of this paper is that by explicitly modeling the dependencies between joints and body parts, we can generate more realistic and natural-looking motion predictions. The authors develop a neural network architecture that learns an "enriched" representation of human motion, capturing both the individual movement of each joint as well as how the joints coordinate with each other.

Tested on standard benchmarks, this approach outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods at forecasting future human poses and movements. The authors argue that this enhanced motion coordination modeling is a crucial step towards building AI systems that can better understand and anticipate human behavior.

Technical Explanation

Towards more realistic human motion prediction with attention to motion coordination introduces a novel neural network architecture for human motion prediction that focuses on modeling the complex coordination between different body joints.

The key components of their approach are:

  1. Joint Relation Modeling: The model learns to capture the dependencies and interactions between different joints by applying attention mechanisms to model the pairwise relationships.

  2. Enriched Dynamics Modeling: In addition to predicting the future poses of individual joints, the model also predicts the velocities and accelerations of the joints. This "enriched" representation allows the model to better capture the underlying dynamics of human motion.

  3. Motion Coordination Modeling: The model fuses the joint relation and enriched dynamics representations to produce the final motion prediction, allowing it to jointly reason about the coordination between different body parts.

Experiments on standard human motion prediction benchmarks demonstrate that this approach outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods. The authors attribute the performance gains to the model's ability to better capture the intricate coordination that occurs during natural human movement.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach to human motion prediction that takes an important step towards more realistic and natural-looking motion forecasting. By explicitly modeling the coordination between body joints, the proposed model is able to generate more accurate predictions compared to prior work.

However, the paper does not address some potential limitations of the approach. For example, the model may struggle to generalize to highly dynamic or unpredictable motions, or to handle unusual or atypical human movements that deviate from the coordination patterns seen in the training data.

Additionally, the paper does not provide a thorough analysis of the model's failure cases or discuss potential biases that may be introduced by the dataset or the model architecture. Further research would be needed to better understand the strengths, weaknesses, and broader applicability of this motion prediction approach.

Overall, this work represents an important step forward in human motion forecasting, but there remains ample room for continued research and improvement, particularly in ensuring the robustness and generalizability of such models. Expressive forecasting of 3D whole-body human motions and Recursive joint cross-modal attention for multimodal fusion are two other recent papers that have also explored novel approaches to this challenge.


This paper presents a new method for human motion prediction that focuses on modeling the coordination between different body joints. By learning an "enriched" representation of human motion that captures both individual joint dynamics and their interactions, the proposed model is able to generate more realistic and natural-looking motion forecasts.

The key innovation is the explicit modeling of joint relations and motion coordination, which allows the model to better capture the complex, interdependent nature of human movement. Tested on standard benchmarks, this approach outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods, demonstrating its potential to improve AI systems that need to understand and anticipate human behavior, such as in GEARS: Local Geometry-Aware Hand-Object Interaction or Co-speech gesture video generation via motion.

While more research is needed to fully understand the capabilities and limitations of this technique, this work represents an important advance in the field of human motion prediction and highlights the value of explicitly modeling the coordination and relationships within the human body.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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