Transfer Learning for Molecular Property Predictions from Small Data Sets






Published 4/23/2024 by Thorren Kirschbaum, Annika Bande
Transfer Learning for Molecular Property Predictions from Small Data Sets


Machine learning has emerged as a new tool in chemistry to bypass expensive experiments or quantum-chemical calculations, for example, in high-throughput screening applications. However, many machine learning studies rely on small data sets, making it difficult to efficiently implement powerful deep learning architectures such as message passing neural networks. In this study, we benchmark common machine learning models for the prediction of molecular properties on small data sets, for which the best results are obtained with the message passing neural network PaiNN, as well as SOAP molecular descriptors concatenated to a set of simple molecular descriptors tailored to gradient boosting with regression trees. To further improve the predictive capabilities of PaiNN, we present a transfer learning strategy that uses large data sets to pre-train the respective models and allows to obtain more accurate models after fine-tuning on the original data sets. The pre-training labels are obtained from computationally cheap ab initio or semi-empirical models and corrected by simple linear regression on the target data set to obtain labels that are close to those of the original data. This strategy is tested on the Harvard Oxford Photovoltaics data set (HOPV, HOMO-LUMO-gaps), for which excellent results are obtained, and on the Freesolv data set (solvation energies), where this method is unsuccessful due to a complex underlying learning task and the dissimilar methods used to obtain pre-training and fine-tuning labels. Finally, we find that the final training results do not improve monotonically with the size of the pre-training data set, but pre-training with fewer data points can lead to more biased pre-trained models and higher accuracy after fine-tuning.

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  • This paper investigates using transfer learning to improve the accuracy of machine learning models for predicting molecular properties from small datasets.
  • The researchers explore leveraging pre-trained models and fine-tuning them on target tasks to overcome the limited data challenge in molecular property prediction.
  • The paper compares the performance of transfer learning approaches to models trained from scratch on small datasets.

Plain English Explanation

Predicting the properties of molecules is an important task in fields like chemistry and drug discovery. However, building accurate machine learning models for this can be challenging because the available datasets are often small. Transfer Learning for Molecular Property Predictions from Small Data Sets explores a potential solution to this problem - using transfer learning.

Transfer learning involves taking a model that has been trained on a large, general dataset and fine-tuning it on the specific task you care about, which in this case is predicting molecular properties. The idea is that the model will have already learned useful features and patterns from the large dataset that can be leveraged for the target task, even if the data is limited.

The researchers in this paper compare the performance of models trained from scratch on small datasets to those that use transfer learning. They find that the transfer learning approach can significantly improve accuracy, especially when the target dataset is very small. This suggests that transfer learning could be a powerful technique for tackling the data scarcity challenge in molecular property prediction.

Technical Explanation

The paper investigates using transfer learning to improve the accuracy of machine learning models for predicting molecular properties from small datasets. The researchers explore leveraging pre-trained models, such as those trained on large general chemical datasets, and fine-tuning them on target property prediction tasks.

The experimental setup compares the performance of transfer learning approaches to models trained from scratch on small datasets. The transfer learning models start with weights from a pre-trained model and then fine-tune these weights on the target task. The baseline models are trained solely on the limited target dataset.

The results show that transfer learning can significantly boost the accuracy of molecular property prediction, especially when the target dataset is very small. The transfer learning models outperformed the baseline models trained from scratch by a large margin in these data-scarce regimes.

The paper provides insights into how the choice of pre-trained model, fine-tuning hyperparameters, and target task characteristics impact the effectiveness of transfer learning. It also discusses potential limitations, such as the transferability of learned representations across different molecular property prediction tasks.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a thorough investigation of using transfer learning to address the data scarcity challenge in molecular property prediction. The results demonstrate the power of this approach, especially for small target datasets. However, the authors acknowledge some caveats and limitations.

One limitation is that the transferability of learned representations may vary across different molecular property prediction tasks. The effectiveness of transfer learning could depend on the relatedness between the pre-training and target tasks. Further research is needed to understand the optimal selection of pre-trained models for specific target tasks.

Additionally, the paper does not explore the generalization of the transfer learning approach to truly novel molecules outside the training distribution. While the results are promising for interpolation within known chemical space, the ability to extrapolate to new molecular structures remains an open question.

Advancing Extrapolative Predictions of Material Properties Through Learning and Lightweight Geometric Deep Learning for Molecular Modelling and Catalyst Design highlight the challenges of extrapolation in molecular property prediction that could be further investigated in the context of transfer learning.

Overall, this paper makes a valuable contribution by demonstrating the effectiveness of transfer learning for improving molecular property prediction from small datasets. The insights and limitations provide a solid foundation for future research in this area.


This paper showcases the potential of transfer learning to address the data scarcity challenge in molecular property prediction. By leveraging pre-trained models and fine-tuning them on target tasks, the researchers were able to significantly improve the accuracy of property prediction, especially when working with small datasets.

The results suggest that transfer learning could be a powerful technique for advancing the field of computational chemistry and accelerating the discovery of new materials and drugs. By reducing the data requirements for accurate property prediction, transfer learning can enable more efficient and cost-effective research and development.

Learning Quantum Properties from Short-Range Correlations and Multimodal Learning for Predicting Molecular Properties: A Framework-Based Approach highlight complementary approaches that could be combined with transfer learning to further enhance molecular property prediction capabilities.

Overall, this paper provides valuable insights and a promising direction for future research in the application of machine learning to problems in chemistry and materials science.

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