Transferability Ranking of Adversarial Examples






Published 4/19/2024 by Mosh Levy, Guy Amit, Yuval Elovici, Yisroel Mirsky



Adversarial transferability in black-box scenarios presents a unique challenge: while attackers can employ surrogate models to craft adversarial examples, they lack assurance on whether these examples will successfully compromise the target model. Until now, the prevalent method to ascertain success has been trial and error-testing crafted samples directly on the victim model. This approach, however, risks detection with every attempt, forcing attackers to either perfect their first try or face exposure. Our paper introduces a ranking strategy that refines the transfer attack process, enabling the attacker to estimate the likelihood of success without repeated trials on the victim's system. By leveraging a set of diverse surrogate models, our method can predict transferability of adversarial examples. This strategy can be used to either select the best sample to use in an attack or the best perturbation to apply to a specific sample. Using our strategy, we were able to raise the transferability of adversarial examples from a mere 20% - akin to random selection-up to near upper-bound levels, with some scenarios even witnessing a 100% success rate. This substantial improvement not only sheds light on the shared susceptibilities across diverse architectures but also demonstrates that attackers can forego the detectable trial-and-error tactics raising increasing the threat of surrogate-based attacks.

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  • Attackers can use surrogate models to craft adversarial examples, but lack assurance that these examples will successfully compromise the target model.
  • The traditional approach of directly testing crafted samples on the victim model risks detection with each attempt.
  • This paper introduces a ranking strategy that enables attackers to estimate the likelihood of success without repeated trials on the victim's system.

Plain English Explanation

Adversarial attacks are a type of cyber attack where attackers try to fool machine learning models by making small, imperceptible changes to input data. In a black-box scenario, attackers don't have direct access to the target model, so they use surrogate models to craft adversarial examples. However, they can't be sure these examples will actually work against the real target model.

Traditionally, attackers would just try their crafted examples directly on the victim model and see if they worked. But this approach is risky, as each failed attempt could be detected by the target system. It's like trying to pick a lock - you don't want to get caught fiddling with the door too many times.

This paper introduces a new ranking strategy that helps attackers estimate the likelihood of success without repeatedly testing on the victim's system. By leveraging a diverse set of surrogate models, the method can predict how "transferable" the adversarial examples will be - that is, how likely they are to work on the real target model.

This allows attackers to either select the best sample to use in an attack, or the best perturbation (the small changes they make to the input) to apply to a specific sample. Using this strategy, the researchers were able to dramatically improve the transferability of adversarial examples, from around 20% success (basically random chance) up to near 100% success in some cases.

This is significant because it shows that attackers may be able to launch successful adversarial attacks without repeatedly trying their examples on the victim model, reducing the risk of detection. It also suggests that diverse machine learning models may share common vulnerabilities that attackers can exploit.

Technical Explanation

The key innovation in this paper is a ranking strategy that allows attackers to predict the transferability of adversarial examples across different target models, without needing to directly test them on the victim system.

The researchers start by generating a set of surrogate models with diverse architectures. They then craft adversarial examples using these surrogate models and measure how well the examples transfer to each other. This allows them to build a transferability matrix that captures the relationships between the surrogate models.

Using this transferability matrix, the researchers can then rank adversarial examples based on their predicted likelihood of success against the real target model. This allows the attacker to either:

  1. Select the best sample: Choose the adversarial example that is most likely to succeed against the target.
  2. Select the best perturbation: Identify the specific perturbation (input modification) that is most likely to result in a transferable adversarial example.

In their experiments, the researchers demonstrate that this ranking strategy can dramatically improve the transferability of adversarial examples, from around 20% success (random chance) up to near 100% success in some cases. This suggests that there may be shared vulnerabilities across diverse model architectures that attackers can exploit.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a valuable contribution by introducing a principled approach to assessing the transferability of adversarial examples in black-box scenarios. However, there are a few potential issues and limitations to consider:

  1. Reliance on Surrogate Models: The effectiveness of the ranking strategy depends on the surrogate models used. If the surrogate models do not adequately capture the vulnerabilities of the target model, the transferability predictions may be inaccurate. More research is needed to understand how to select or generate suitable surrogate models.

  2. Potential for Detection: While the ranking strategy reduces the need for repeated trials on the victim model, it does not eliminate the risk of detection entirely. Attackers may still need to perform some initial probing or reconnaissance on the target system to gather the necessary information for the ranking process.

  3. Real-World Applicability: The experiments in the paper were conducted in a controlled, academic setting. More research is needed to understand how well the ranking strategy would perform in real-world, dynamic environments where target models and their vulnerabilities may change over time.

  4. Broader Implications: The success of this attack strategy highlights the need for continued research into adversarial robustness and bias mitigation in machine learning models. As attackers become more sophisticated, the potential for concept drift and other evolving threats will likely increase.

Overall, this paper makes an important contribution to the field of adversarial machine learning, but there is still much work to be done to fully understand and address the challenges posed by black-box adversarial attacks.


This paper introduces a novel ranking strategy that enables attackers to estimate the likelihood of success for adversarial examples in black-box scenarios, without needing to repeatedly test their samples on the victim model. By leveraging a diverse set of surrogate models, the method can predict the transferability of adversarial examples, allowing attackers to select the best sample or perturbation to use in an attack.

The researchers were able to substantially improve the transferability of adversarial examples using this strategy, demonstrating that attackers may be able to launch successful black-box attacks without risking detection through repeated trials. This suggests that diverse machine learning models may share common vulnerabilities that can be exploited by sophisticated adversaries.

While the paper makes an important contribution, there are still some limitations and areas for further research, such as the reliance on suitable surrogate models and the potential for detection even with the ranking strategy. Nonetheless, this work highlights the need for continued advancements in adversarial robustness and bias mitigation to stay ahead of evolving cyber threats.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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