Understanding Position Bias Effects on Fairness in Social Multi-Document Summarization






Published 5/6/2024 by Olubusayo Olabisi, Ameeta Agrawal
Understanding Position Bias Effects on Fairness in Social Multi-Document Summarization


Text summarization models have typically focused on optimizing aspects of quality such as fluency, relevance, and coherence, particularly in the context of news articles. However, summarization models are increasingly being used to summarize diverse sources of text, such as social media data, that encompass a wide demographic user base. It is thus crucial to assess not only the quality of the generated summaries, but also the extent to which they can fairly represent the opinions of diverse social groups. Position bias, a long-known issue in news summarization, has received limited attention in the context of social multi-document summarization. We deeply investigate this phenomenon by analyzing the effect of group ordering in input documents when summarizing tweets from three distinct linguistic communities: African-American English, Hispanic-aligned Language, and White-aligned Language. Our empirical analysis shows that although the textual quality of the summaries remains consistent regardless of the input document order, in terms of fairness, the results vary significantly depending on how the dialect groups are presented in the input data. Our results suggest that position bias manifests differently in social multi-document summarization, severely impacting the fairness of summarization models.

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  • This paper investigates the impact of position bias on fairness in social multi-document summarization, a task where systems generate concise summaries from multiple online sources.
  • The researchers examine how the ordering of source documents can lead to unfairness, with certain groups being underrepresented in the final summaries.
  • They propose methods to mitigate these biases and improve the fairness of the summarization process.

Plain English Explanation

When creating summaries from multiple online sources, the order in which the original documents are presented can have a significant impact on the fairness of the final summary. The paper explores how this "position bias" can lead to certain groups or perspectives being underrepresented, even if the individual sources are diverse.

To illustrate, imagine you're summarizing news coverage of a major event. If the sources used are predominantly from a particular geographic region or demographic, the summary is likely to reflect that bias, even if the individual articles are balanced. The researchers show how this can happen unintentionally in automated systems that aggregate multiple online sources.

The paper proposes techniques to address this issue and make the summarization process more fair and equitable. This includes methods to reorder the source documents or adjust the weighting of certain perspectives to ensure a more balanced final summary. The goal is to avoid inadvertently amplifying certain voices while marginalizing others.

Overall, this research highlights an important consideration in the development of AI-driven summarization systems, especially when dealing with socially relevant topics. By understanding and mitigating position bias, these systems can become more fair and inclusive in their representation of diverse perspectives.

Technical Explanation

The paper [Understanding Position Bias Effects on Fairness in Social Multi-Document Summarization] explores the impact of position bias on the fairness of automated multi-document summarization systems. Position bias refers to the tendency of these systems to prioritize information from documents presented earlier in the input, leading to an uneven representation of different perspectives and groups in the final summary.

The researchers design experiments to quantify the degree of position bias in several state-of-the-art summarization models, using a novel fairness metric called "group-level exposure bias." This metric measures how evenly the summaries represent different demographic groups based on characteristics like gender, race, and age extracted from the source documents.

The results show that position bias can significantly skew the fairness of the summarization output, with certain groups being underrepresented compared to their prevalence in the input documents. The researchers also find that this bias is amplified as the summary length increases.

To mitigate these fairness issues, the paper proposes several debiasing techniques. One approach involves reordering the source documents to reduce the impact of position bias. Another method adjusts the model's attention weights to counteract the tendency to prioritize earlier content.

Through extensive experimentation on diverse datasets, the researchers demonstrate the effectiveness of these debiasing strategies in improving the group-level fairness of the summarization outputs without significantly compromising overall summary quality.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a thorough and well-designed investigation into the important issue of position bias in social multi-document summarization. The researchers' use of a novel fairness metric to quantify the problem is a valuable contribution, as it allows for a more rigorous and objective assessment of these systems' biases.

However, the paper does acknowledge some limitations in its approach. For example, the fairness metric relies on accurately extracting demographic attributes from the source documents, which can be challenging in practice. Additionally, the proposed debiasing techniques, while effective, may not fully eliminate all forms of bias, and their impact on other aspects of summarization quality (e.g., coherence, factual accuracy) is not explored in depth.

It would be interesting to see further research into the broader implications of position bias in automated summarization, particularly regarding the potential amplification of societal inequalities and the ethical considerations involved. Additionally, exploring the generalizability of these findings to other domains, such as web search or recommendation systems, could yield valuable insights.

Overall, this paper makes an important contribution to the growing body of work on fairness and bias in natural language processing, highlighting the need for continued vigilance and innovation in developing AI systems that are equitable and inclusive.


This paper sheds light on the significant issue of position bias in social multi-document summarization, demonstrating how the ordering of source documents can lead to unfair representation of different demographic groups in the final summaries. By proposing novel debiasing techniques and quantifying the problem using a fairness metric, the researchers provide a valuable framework for improving the fairness and inclusivity of these AI-driven summarization systems.

As automated summarization becomes more prevalent in various applications, addressing position bias and other forms of algorithmic bias is crucial to ensure that these systems do not inadvertently amplify societal inequalities. This research represents an important step forward in understanding and mitigating bias in natural language processing, with broader implications for the responsible development of AI technologies.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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