Unexplored Faces of Robustness and Out-of-Distribution: Covariate Shifts in Environment and Sensor Domains






Published 4/26/2024 by Eunsu Baek, Keondo Park, Jiyoon Kim, Hyung-Sin Kim



Computer vision applications predict on digital images acquired by a camera from physical scenes through light. However, conventional robustness benchmarks rely on perturbations in digitized images, diverging from distribution shifts occurring in the image acquisition process. To bridge this gap, we introduce a new distribution shift dataset, ImageNet-ES, comprising variations in environmental and camera sensor factors by directly capturing 202k images with a real camera in a controllable testbed. With the new dataset, we evaluate out-of-distribution (OOD) detection and model robustness. We find that existing OOD detection methods do not cope with the covariate shifts in ImageNet-ES, implying that the definition and detection of OOD should be revisited to embrace real-world distribution shifts. We also observe that the model becomes more robust in both ImageNet-C and -ES by learning environment and sensor variations in addition to existing digital augmentations. Lastly, our results suggest that effective shift mitigation via camera sensor control can significantly improve performance without increasing model size. With these findings, our benchmark may aid future research on robustness, OOD, and camera sensor control for computer vision. Our code and dataset are available at https://github.com/Edw2n/ImageNet-ES.

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  • Computer vision applications rely on digital images captured by cameras to make predictions about physical scenes.
  • Conventional robustness benchmarks focus on perturbations in digitized images, rather than considering distribution shifts that occur during the image acquisition process.
  • To address this gap, researchers introduce a new dataset called ImageNet-ES, which captures variations in environmental and camera sensor factors by directly photographing a controlled testbed.
  • The dataset is used to evaluate out-of-distribution (OOD) detection and model robustness, revealing limitations in existing OOD detection methods and opportunities to improve model robustness.

Plain English Explanation

Computer vision is the field of artificial intelligence (AI) that allows computers to understand and interpret digital images, just like humans can. These computer vision applications often make predictions about the physical world by analyzing images captured by cameras.

However, the standard ways of testing the robustness of these computer vision models don't always reflect the real-world challenges they face. Typical robustness benchmarks focus on introducing small, artificial changes or "perturbations" to the digital images themselves. But in reality, the process of capturing those images with a camera can introduce much larger distribution shifts - changes in the environment, camera settings, and other factors that can dramatically alter the visual data.

To better understand these real-world challenges, researchers have created a new dataset called ImageNet-ES. Instead of just modifying digital images, the researchers directly captured 202,000 images using a real camera in a controlled test environment. This allowed them to systematically study the impact of changes in lighting, camera position, and other environmental and sensor factors.

Using this new dataset, the researchers evaluated how well existing "out-of-distribution" (OOD) detection methods - techniques that can identify when an input image is very different from the data the model was trained on - actually perform in the face of real-world distribution shifts. They found that these OOD detection methods struggled, suggesting that the definition and detection of OOD needs to be revisited to better account for the types of shifts that occur during image acquisition.

The researchers also found that training computer vision models to be more robust, by exposing them to a wider variety of environmental and sensor variations in addition to digital augmentations, can significantly improve their performance on both artificial and real-world distribution shifts. This suggests that effective control and modeling of the camera sensor and image acquisition process could be a powerful way to make these models more robust, without having to increase the model size or complexity.

Overall, this new ImageNet-ES dataset and the insights from the researchers' experiments highlight the importance of moving beyond simplified robustness benchmarks and towards more realistic evaluation of computer vision systems in the face of real-world distribution shifts.

Technical Explanation

The researchers introduce a new dataset called ImageNet-ES to study the impact of distribution shifts that occur during the image acquisition process. Unlike conventional robustness benchmarks that focus on artificial perturbations to digitized images, ImageNet-ES comprises 202,000 images directly captured using a real camera in a controlled testbed. This allows the researchers to systematically study the effects of variations in environmental factors (e.g., lighting, background) and camera sensor parameters (e.g., exposure, focal length).

Using this dataset, the researchers evaluate the performance of existing out-of-distribution (OOD) detection methods. OOD detection aims to identify when an input image is significantly different from the data the model was trained on, which is crucial for ensuring safety and reliability in real-world computer vision applications. However, the researchers find that these OOD detection methods struggle to cope with the covariate shifts present in ImageNet-ES, implying that the definition and detection of OOD needs to be revisited to better account for distribution shifts in the image acquisition process.

The researchers also investigate strategies to improve model robustness, finding that training models to learn about environment and sensor variations, in addition to existing digital augmentations, can significantly boost their performance on both ImageNet-C (a benchmark for artificial distribution shifts) and ImageNet-ES. This suggests that effective control and modeling of the camera sensor and image acquisition process could be a powerful approach for improving model robustness, without the need to increase model size or complexity.

Critical Analysis

The researchers have made a valuable contribution by highlighting the importance of considering distribution shifts that occur during the image acquisition process, rather than solely focusing on perturbations to digitized images. The ImageNet-ES dataset provides a more realistic testbed for evaluating computer vision models, and the researchers' findings suggest that existing OOD detection methods may not be sufficient for real-world applications.

One potential limitation of the study is the use of a controlled testbed, which may not fully capture the diversity of environmental and sensor factors encountered in the real world. Additionally, the researchers do not explore the impact of specific sensor or environmental factors on model performance, which could provide more granular insights.

Furthermore, the paper does not delve into the underlying reasons why existing OOD detection methods struggle with the distribution shifts in ImageNet-ES. A deeper analysis of the shortcomings of these methods and potential directions for improvement would be a valuable addition to the research.

Overall, this work highlights the need for more realistic benchmarks and robustness evaluation in computer vision, and the ImageNet-ES dataset provides a promising starting point for further research in this area.


The researchers have introduced a novel dataset, ImageNet-ES, that captures distribution shifts arising from the image acquisition process using a real camera in a controlled testbed. This dataset reveals limitations in existing out-of-distribution (OOD) detection methods and provides insights into improving model robustness.

The key takeaways from this research are:

  1. Conventional robustness benchmarks that focus on artificial perturbations to digitized images may not adequately reflect the real-world challenges faced by computer vision systems.
  2. Effective modeling and control of the camera sensor and image acquisition process can significantly improve model robustness, without the need to increase model complexity.
  3. The definition and detection of OOD needs to be revisited to better account for distribution shifts that occur during image capture.

By addressing these challenges, the ImageNet-ES dataset and the insights from this research can help advance the development of more reliable and robust computer vision systems that can better handle the complexities of the real world.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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