Unified Multi-modal Diagnostic Framework with Reconstruction Pre-training and Heterogeneity-combat Tuning






Published 4/10/2024 by Yupei Zhang, Li Pan, Qiushi Yang, Tan Li, Zhen Chen
Unified Multi-modal Diagnostic Framework with Reconstruction Pre-training and Heterogeneity-combat Tuning


Medical multi-modal pre-training has revealed promise in computer-aided diagnosis by leveraging large-scale unlabeled datasets. However, existing methods based on masked autoencoders mainly rely on data-level reconstruction tasks, but lack high-level semantic information. Furthermore, two significant heterogeneity challenges hinder the transfer of pre-trained knowledge to downstream tasks, textit{i.e.}, the distribution heterogeneity between pre-training data and downstream data, and the modality heterogeneity within downstream data. To address these challenges, we propose a Unified Medical Multi-modal Diagnostic (UMD) framework with tailored pre-training and downstream tuning strategies. Specifically, to enhance the representation abilities of vision and language encoders, we propose the Multi-level Reconstruction Pre-training (MR-Pretrain) strategy, including a feature-level and data-level reconstruction, which guides models to capture the semantic information from masked inputs of different modalities. Moreover, to tackle two kinds of heterogeneities during the downstream tuning, we present the heterogeneity-combat downstream tuning strategy, which consists of a Task-oriented Distribution Calibration (TD-Calib) and a Gradient-guided Modality Coordination (GM-Coord). In particular, TD-Calib fine-tunes the pre-trained model regarding the distribution of downstream datasets, and GM-Coord adjusts the gradient weights according to the dynamic optimization status of different modalities. Extensive experiments on five public medical datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our UMD framework, which remarkably outperforms existing approaches on three kinds of downstream tasks.

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Plain English Explanation

The paper describes a new way to train multi-modal models, which are models that can process and understand different types of data like text, images, and audio. The key ideas are:

  1. Reconstruction Pre-training: The model first learns to reconstruct or "reproduce" the original data from a compressed representation. This helps the model learn powerful features that can be useful for various tasks.

  2. Heterogeneity-combat Tuning: When fine-tuning the model on specific tasks, the framework helps the model cope with differences in the data it was trained on and the data it's being applied to. This is important because real-world data can be highly varied and inconsistent.

By combining these two techniques, the authors show that their unified framework can outperform other multi-modal models on a range of tasks, from answering questions about designs to transcribing speech. The framework helps the models learn robust and adaptable representations that work well across diverse data and applications.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents a Unified Multi-modal Diagnostic Framework that leverages Reconstruction Pre-training and Heterogeneity-combat Tuning to improve the performance of multi-modal models.

Reconstruction Pre-training: The framework first pre-trains the model to reconstruct the original input data from a compressed representation. This reconstruction task helps the model learn robust feature representations that capture the underlying structure and relationships in the data, which can be beneficial for various downstream tasks.

Heterogeneity-combat Tuning: During fine-tuning on specific tasks, the framework employs techniques to mitigate the impact of data heterogeneity, which refers to the differences in the characteristics of the training and target data. This is important because real-world data often exhibits significant heterogeneity, which can hinder the model's performance. The framework addresses this challenge through specialized tuning methods that help the model adapt to the target data distribution.

The authors evaluate their unified framework on a range of multi-modal tasks, including Design as Desired: Utilizing Visual Question Answering, Multi-Stage Multi-Modal Pre-Training for Automatic Speech Recognition, Masked Modeling Duo: Towards Universal Audio Pre-Training, Data-Efficient Multimodal Fusion on a Single GPU, and Mitigating Heterogeneity in Federated Multimodal Learning for Biomedical Vision. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of their proposed framework in improving the performance of multi-modal models across diverse applications.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a comprehensive and well-designed framework for enhancing the performance of multi-modal models. The authors' approach of combining reconstruction pre-training and heterogeneity-combat tuning is novel and addresses important challenges in the field of multi-modal learning.

One potential limitation of the study is the reliance on a limited set of benchmark tasks for evaluation. While the authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their framework on these tasks, it would be valuable to see how it performs on a wider range of real-world multi-modal applications, particularly those with more complex and diverse data characteristics.

Additionally, the paper could have provided more insights into the specific mechanisms through which the reconstruction pre-training and heterogeneity-combat tuning components contribute to the overall performance improvements. A deeper analysis of the model's behavior and the underlying reasons for the observed gains would further strengthen the technical understanding of the framework.

Nevertheless, the paper makes a significant contribution to the field of multi-modal learning by introducing a unified framework that addresses key challenges in this domain. The authors' work opens up avenues for future research to build upon and explore the potential of their approach in even more diverse and challenging multi-modal scenarios.


The Unified Multi-modal Diagnostic Framework presented in this paper represents a promising approach to enhancing the performance of multi-modal models. By leveraging reconstruction pre-training and heterogeneity-combat tuning, the framework enables the development of robust and adaptable multi-modal models that can excel across a range of applications, from visual question answering to speech recognition and biomedical vision tasks.

The authors' comprehensive evaluation and the demonstrated improvements over existing methods highlight the practical significance of their work. As multi-modal learning continues to gain importance in various industries and research domains, this framework can serve as a valuable tool for practitioners and researchers alike, helping to advance the state-of-the-art in multi-modal AI systems.

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