Unraveling the Dilemma of AI Errors: Exploring the Effectiveness of Human and Machine Explanations for Large Language Models






Published 4/12/2024 by Marvin Pafla, Kate Larson, Mark Hancock
Unraveling the Dilemma of AI Errors: Exploring the Effectiveness of Human and Machine Explanations for Large Language Models


The field of eXplainable artificial intelligence (XAI) has produced a plethora of methods (e.g., saliency-maps) to gain insight into artificial intelligence (AI) models, and has exploded with the rise of deep learning (DL). However, human-participant studies question the efficacy of these methods, particularly when the AI output is wrong. In this study, we collected and analyzed 156 human-generated text and saliency-based explanations collected in a question-answering task (N=40) and compared them empirically to state-of-the-art XAI explanations (integrated gradients, conservative LRP, and ChatGPT) in a human-participant study (N=136). Our findings show that participants found human saliency maps to be more helpful in explaining AI answers than machine saliency maps, but performance negatively correlated with trust in the AI model and explanations. This finding hints at the dilemma of AI errors in explanation, where helpful explanations can lead to lower task performance when they support wrong AI predictions.

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  • This paper explores the dilemma of explaining errors made by AI systems, particularly large language models (LLMs), in the context of a question-answering task.
  • The researchers investigate the challenges in providing explanations that are both informative and align with human expectations.
  • They conduct a human-participant study to evaluate the effectiveness of different types of explanations, including saliency maps and text-based explanations, in confirming or correcting AI errors.

Plain English Explanation

When AI systems, such as large language models, make mistakes, it's important to understand why those errors occurred and how to address them. This paper explores the difficulties in providing explanations for AI errors that are both informative and align with how humans expect the system to explain its decisions.

The researchers set up an experiment where participants were asked to evaluate the answers provided by an AI system on a question-answering task, similar to the Stanford Question Answering Dataset (SQuAD 1.1v). The participants were shown the AI's answer, along with different types of explanations, such as saliency maps that highlight the important parts of the input, and text-based explanations that describe the AI's reasoning.

The study found that the type of explanation provided can significantly impact whether the participants confirm or correct the AI's errors. Some explanations may actually reinforce the user's belief in the AI's incorrect answer, a phenomenon known as "explanation confirmation bias." This suggests that the way explanations are presented can be just as important as the explanations themselves in helping humans understand and correct AI errors.

The findings highlight the need for more research into explainable AI (XAI) and the development of explanation techniques that better align with human expectations and facilitate the correction of AI errors.

Technical Explanation

The paper investigates the challenges in providing explanations for errors made by AI systems, particularly large language models (LLMs), in the context of a question-answering task.

The researchers conducted a human-participant study to evaluate the effectiveness of different types of explanations, including saliency maps and text-based explanations, in confirming or correcting AI errors. Participants were presented with an AI's answer to a question, along with one of three types of explanations: saliency map, text-based explanation, or no explanation.

The study found that the type of explanation provided can significantly impact whether participants confirm or correct the AI's errors. Saliency maps, which highlight the important parts of the input that influenced the AI's answer, were more effective in helping participants identify and correct errors compared to text-based explanations. However, in some cases, the explanations actually reinforced the participants' belief in the AI's incorrect answer, a phenomenon known as "explanation confirmation bias."

These findings suggest that the way explanations are presented can be just as important as the explanations themselves in helping humans understand and correct AI errors. The paper highlights the need for more research into explainable AI (XAI) and the development of explanation techniques that better align with human expectations and facilitate the correction of AI errors.

Critical Analysis

The paper raises important concerns about the challenges in providing effective explanations for AI errors, particularly in the context of question-answering tasks. The researchers acknowledge that their study has limitations, such as the use of a specific dataset (SQuAD 1.1v) and the potential for participant biases.

One key limitation is the finding that saliency maps, while more effective in identifying errors, can also lead to "explanation confirmation bias" in some cases. This suggests that the design and presentation of explanations is crucial and that more research is needed to understand the factors that influence how humans interpret and respond to different types of explanations.

Additionally, the paper does not address the potential trade-offs between model performance and explanation quality, which is an important consideration in the development of explainable AI (XAI) systems.

Further research could explore the generalizability of the findings to other types of AI tasks and systems, as well as investigate the long-term impacts of different explanation strategies on user trust, understanding, and decision-making.


This paper highlights the complexities involved in providing effective explanations for AI errors, particularly in the context of question-answering tasks. The findings suggest that the way explanations are presented can significantly impact whether users confirm or correct AI errors, and that "explanation confirmation bias" is a real challenge that needs to be addressed.

The research underscores the importance of continued work in the field of explainable AI (XAI), with a focus on developing explanation techniques that better align with human expectations and facilitate the correction of AI errors. As AI systems become more prevalent in decision-making processes, understanding and addressing the dilemma of AI errors will be crucial for building trust and ensuring the responsible deployment of these technologies.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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