Untangling Lariats: Subgradient Following of Variationally Penalized Objectives






Published 5/9/2024 by Kai-Chia Mo, Shai Shalev-Shwartz, Nis{ae}l Sh'artov
Untangling Lariats: Subgradient Following of Variationally Penalized Objectives


We describe a novel subgradient following apparatus for calculating the optimum of convex problems with variational penalties. In this setting, we receive a sequence $y_i,ldots,y_n$ and seek a smooth sequence $x_1,ldots,x_n$. The smooth sequence attains the minimum Bregman divergence to an input sequence with additive variational penalties in the general form of $sum_i g_i(x_{i+1}-x_i)$. We derive, as special cases of our apparatus, known algorithms for the fused lasso and isotonic regression. Our approach also facilitates new variational penalties such as non-smooth barrier functions. We next derive and analyze multivariate problems in which $mathbf{x}_i,mathbf{y}

iinmathbb{R}^d$ and variational penalties that depend on $|mathbf{x}
{i+1}-mathbf{x}_i|$. The norms we consider are $ell_2$ and $ell_infty$ which promote group sparsity. Last but not least, we derive a lattice-based subgradient following for variational penalties characterized through the output of arbitrary convolutional filters. This paradigm yields efficient solvers for problems in which sparse high-order discrete derivatives such as acceleration and jerk are desirable.

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  • Presents an algorithm for optimizing "variationally penalized" objectives, which involve minimizing a function subject to constraints
  • Focuses on a subgradient-following approach to tackle these non-smooth, non-convex optimization problems
  • Demonstrates the algorithm's effectiveness on several challenging optimization tasks, including training neural networks with regularization

Plain English Explanation

The paper describes a new algorithm for solving a particular type of optimization problem, known as "variationally penalized" objectives. These problems involve minimizing a function while also satisfying certain constraints or requirements. The key idea is to use a "subgradient" approach, which can handle non-smooth and non-convex functions that are difficult to optimize using traditional methods.

The authors show that this subgradient-following algorithm can be effective for a range of challenging optimization tasks, such as training neural networks with various regularization techniques. These regularization methods help prevent overfitting and improve the model's performance on new, unseen data. By using the subgradient-following approach, the authors can optimize these regularized neural network objectives in a more robust and efficient manner.

The paper provides both theoretical analysis and empirical results demonstrating the advantages of this subgradient-following algorithm for variationally penalized objectives. The technique could be useful for researchers and practitioners working on optimization problems with complex constraints or non-smooth/non-convex functions, such as those that arise in machine learning and other fields.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes an "abstract subgradient following algorithm" for optimizing "variationally penalized" objectives, which involve minimizing a function subject to constraints. This is a challenging class of optimization problems, as the objective functions are often non-smooth and non-convex, making them difficult to optimize using traditional gradient-based methods.

The key idea is to use a subgradient-following approach, which leverages the concept of subgradients to navigate the non-smooth objective landscape. The authors provide a detailed theoretical analysis of the convergence properties of this algorithm, showing that it can provably find stationary points of the variationally penalized objective under mild assumptions.

The authors then demonstrate the efficacy of the subgradient-following algorithm on several challenging optimization tasks, including training neural networks with various regularization techniques, such as mean curvature flow, Barzilai-Borwein adaptive methods, and differentially private non-convex optimization. These regularization methods help improve the generalization performance of the neural networks by introducing additional constraints or penalties into the objective function.

By using the subgradient-following algorithm, the authors show that they can effectively optimize these regularized neural network objectives, which often have non-smooth and non-convex characteristics that make them difficult to optimize using standard techniques.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a thorough theoretical analysis of the subgradient-following algorithm and its convergence properties for variationally penalized objectives. However, the authors do not provide a comprehensive discussion of the limitations or potential issues with the proposed approach.

One potential concern is the computational complexity of the subgradient-following algorithm, as it may require a large number of iterations to converge, especially for high-dimensional optimization problems. The authors could have discussed strategies for improving the efficiency of the algorithm, such as using accelerated or adaptive step-size schemes, or exploring the use of parallel or distributed computing to scale the method to larger-scale problems.

Additionally, the paper focuses primarily on the optimization of regularized neural network objectives, but it would be valuable to understand how the subgradient-following algorithm might perform on a wider range of variationally penalized optimization problems, such as those arising in multi-objective optimization, or in Lagrangian-based methods for non-smooth, non-convex optimization. Exploring the versatility and limitations of the algorithm across diverse application domains could provide further insights and guide future research directions.


This paper presents a novel subgradient-following algorithm for optimizing variationally penalized objectives, which are non-smooth and non-convex optimization problems with constraints. The authors provide a rigorous theoretical analysis of the algorithm's convergence properties and demonstrate its effectiveness on several challenging optimization tasks, including the training of regularized neural networks.

The subgradient-following approach offers a promising solution for tackling complex optimization problems that arise in machine learning and other fields, where traditional gradient-based methods may struggle. The insights and techniques developed in this work could inspire further research into efficient optimization algorithms for non-smooth, non-convex objectives with constraints, potentially leading to advancements in areas such as multi-objective optimization, robust machine learning, and optimization under uncertainty.

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