Using Large Language Models to Enrich the Documentation of Datasets for Machine Learning






Published 5/27/2024 by Joan Giner-Miguelez, Abel G'omez, Jordi Cabot
Using Large Language Models to Enrich the Documentation of Datasets for Machine Learning


Recent regulatory initiatives like the European AI Act and relevant voices in the Machine Learning (ML) community stress the need to describe datasets along several key dimensions for trustworthy AI, such as the provenance processes and social concerns. However, this information is typically presented as unstructured text in accompanying documentation, hampering their automated analysis and processing. In this work, we explore using large language models (LLM) and a set of prompting strategies to automatically extract these dimensions from documents and enrich the dataset description with them. Our approach could aid data publishers and practitioners in creating machine-readable documentation to improve the discoverability of their datasets, assess their compliance with current AI regulations, and improve the overall quality of ML models trained on them. In this paper, we evaluate the approach on 12 scientific dataset papers published in two scientific journals (Nature's Scientific Data and Elsevier's Data in Brief) using two different LLMs (GPT3.5 and Flan-UL2). Results show good accuracy with our prompt extraction strategies. Concrete results vary depending on the dimensions, but overall, GPT3.5 shows slightly better accuracy (81,21%) than FLAN-UL2 (69,13%) although it is more prone to hallucinations. We have released an open-source tool implementing our approach and a replication package, including the experiments' code and results, in an open-source repository.

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  • The paper discusses how large language models (LLMs) can be used to enrich the documentation of datasets for machine learning (ML)
  • It explores ways to leverage the capabilities of LLMs to improve the quality and completeness of dataset documentation
  • The authors propose several techniques for using LLMs to generate relevant metadata, descriptions, and other information to enhance dataset documentation

Plain English Explanation

Datasets are a crucial component of machine learning (ML) systems, as they provide the data used to train and evaluate these models. However, dataset documentation is often incomplete or lacking in key details, which can make it difficult for researchers and developers to understand and effectively use the data.

This paper explores how large language models (LLMs) - powerful AI systems trained on vast amounts of text data - can be leveraged to enrich the documentation of datasets. LLMs have the ability to understand and generate human-like text, which the authors propose can be used to automatically generate relevant metadata, descriptions, and other information to enhance dataset documentation.

For example, an LLM could be used to generate sample text that illustrates the content and structure of a dataset, or to extract key facts and insights from the dataset and summarize them in the documentation. The authors also discuss how LLMs could be fine-tuned or prompted to tailor the generated content to the specific needs and requirements of dataset users.

By using LLMs to enhance dataset documentation, the authors believe that researchers and developers will be better equipped to understand and effectively utilize the data, leading to more robust and reliable ML systems.

Technical Explanation

The paper begins by outlining the importance of comprehensive dataset documentation in the field of machine learning. The authors note that while dataset quality and diversity are crucial for training effective ML models, the documentation accompanying these datasets is often incomplete or lacking in key details.

To address this issue, the authors propose leveraging the capabilities of large language models (LLMs) to enrich dataset documentation. LLMs are AI systems that have been trained on vast amounts of textual data, giving them the ability to understand and generate human-like language. The authors explore several ways in which LLMs can be utilized to enhance dataset documentation:

  1. Metadata Generation: LLMs can be used to automatically generate relevant metadata, such as dataset descriptions, keywords, and classifications, based on the content of the dataset.

  2. Sample Text Generation: LLMs can be used to generate sample text that illustrates the content and structure of a dataset, helping users understand the data more effectively.

  3. Insight Extraction: LLMs can be used to extract key facts and insights from the dataset and summarize them in the documentation, providing users with a concise overview of the data.

  4. Personalized Documentation: The authors discuss how LLMs could be fine-tuned or prompted to tailor the generated content to the specific needs and requirements of individual dataset users, enhancing the relevance and usefulness of the documentation.

The paper also outlines several potential challenges and limitations of using LLMs for dataset documentation enrichment, such as the risk of bias or inaccuracies in the generated content, and the need for careful prompt engineering and model fine-tuning to ensure the generated information is reliable and relevant.

Critical Analysis

The authors make a compelling case for using LLMs to enhance dataset documentation, as this could significantly improve the usability and transparency of ML datasets. By generating relevant metadata, sample text, and insights, LLMs could help researchers and developers better understand and effectively utilize the data, leading to more robust and reliable ML systems.

However, the authors also acknowledge several potential limitations and challenges that would need to be addressed. For example, there is a risk that the generated content could be biased or inaccurate, which could lead to misleading or incorrect information being included in the dataset documentation. To mitigate this, the authors suggest the need for careful prompt engineering and model fine-tuning to ensure the generated content is reliable and relevant.

Additionally, the authors do not provide a comprehensive evaluation of the proposed techniques, which makes it difficult to assess the actual effectiveness and potential impact of using LLMs for dataset documentation enrichment. Further research would be needed to validate the authors' claims and explore the real-world implications of this approach.

Overall, the paper presents an interesting and potentially valuable idea for leveraging the capabilities of LLMs to improve dataset documentation. However, more work is needed to address the identified limitations and further explore the practical applications and implications of this approach.


This paper explores the use of large language models (LLMs) to enrich the documentation of datasets for machine learning (ML). The authors propose several techniques for using LLMs to generate relevant metadata, sample text, and insights that can be incorporated into dataset documentation, with the goal of improving the usability and transparency of ML datasets.

While the authors make a compelling case for this approach, they also acknowledge several potential limitations and challenges that would need to be addressed, such as the risk of bias or inaccuracies in the generated content. Further research and real-world evaluation would be needed to fully assess the effectiveness and practical implications of using LLMs for dataset documentation enrichment.

Overall, the paper presents an interesting and potentially valuable idea for leveraging the capabilities of LLMs to enhance the quality and completeness of dataset documentation, which could have significant implications for the development of more robust and reliable ML systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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